Archwizard K’s Journey In The Cultivation World

Case 31: Resemblance.

Case 31: Resemblance.

Mie Xieren's life was filled with black and white.

She was an orphan; she didn't have any relatives, and she didn't have any property. She grew up relying on a poor fisherman, and even he died, too.

In her life, the fisherman and her talents in martial arts were probably the only light illuminating her dark life.

Nevertheless, she grew up to become the feared abbess of Emei, standing equal to many of the leaders of other big sects. That came with a cost, however.

The process of taking over Emei took Mie Xieren two hundred years. Over time, she faced many challenges, learned about people's dark sides, and had to keep her guard up at all times.

It transformed the once cheerful little girl into a robotic, cold, and calculating woman.

Endless work consumed her. Shallow ambitions haunted her.

With no one around her to correct her behavior—a result of her not building close relationships—an internal demon was born. It was the manifestation of her ugly and twisted desires for power, constantly pushing her to focus on it.

Mie Xieren herself had also realized something, but she didn't know what it was exactly. When Kierra gave her advice to Mie Xieren the other day, that was when everything crumbled down.

As the abbess of Emei questioned her actions thus far, the internal demon decided to strike. It created an artificial world inside Mie Xieren's mind to make her relive the whole experience of taking over Emei again; this time, it would intervene right from the start. This would make the abbess more vulnerable, thus helping it take over her body.

Needless to say, its plan was ruined by the archwizard.

When Kierra hugged Mie Xieren, she also used a potent purification spell, one that was able to decimate the thing altogether. After just a brief moment, the world, sustained by the dead internal demon, fell into chaos.

The surroundings all got distorted, and tiny black holes were consuming everything.

Only Kierra and Mie Xieren were constant; hugging each other.

Eventually, the place that the two stood on was no longer Emei but an empty land. Here, the ground was white, and the sky was also white. 




Mie Xieren stared blankly into the distance, her heart complicated. Realizing what she had been doing for so long, regret welled up inside her.

She finally remembered it.

When the man who raised her, the unnamed fisherman, was about to leave this world, he told the little Mie Xieren to live a happy life. Being a kid, she didn't know what happiness was. When she asked other people what brought them joy, they all said these three things—power, money, and wealth.

She believed it. From that moment, those three things were equal to happiness in her mind.

The little Mie Xieren was an ambitious girl. She wanted the people of her home, Emei, to lead a happy life together with her, hence the decision to take over the sect and improve people's living conditions.

Mie Xieren regretted it.

Not about her changing Emei, but about the promise with the fisherman. She couldn't make his wish a reality for so long.



''Am I... pathetic...?''

As she asked Kierra with a trembling voice, tears welled up in her eyes. Seeing this, Kierra pulled away and patted the abbess's shoulder.

''You are,'' Kierra replied. ''An unfortunate kind of pathetic.''

''What... hic... what does that even mean...''

''See? You're crying. It's ugly.''

''Hic... ugh...''

''Hah... fine, fine.'' Kierra made two wooden chairs with magic and sighed. ''Sit.''


''Now, tell me what is on your mind. I shall be a therapist for the moment.''


''Or do you want me to bring back the demon?''


Looking at Kierra's calm red eyes, ones far more tranquil than her own, Mie Xieren realized that this woman was serious.

Just like that, she began to tell Kierra her story, all the while sobbing and sniffing—it was as if the abbess had regressed to just being a little girl Kierra had seen the other day.

''...What... what do you think I should do from now on?''

Facing this sobby child of a woman, Kierra—face deadpan—opened her mouth.

''Isn't it obvious?''


( ;´ - `;)

''Do it. The promise.'' Kierra simply said. ''You are not dead yet.''


''Did the internal demon steal your brain cells as well?''


Now that Mie Xieren thought about it, why did she have to feel bad anyway? She was now free, which meant she could do whatever she wanted—including the fisherman's wish.

However, a problem remained.

''But... how can I be happy?''

Hearing this almost too innocent question, Kierra quickly activated her con artist mode. On her beautiful face, a sweet, irresistibly sweet smile bloomed; her eyes curved, and her head slightly tilted.

This instantly made the abbess of Emei froze. 

'Easy enough.'

Kierra thought in her head. If this woman hadn't been mesmerized by her beauty, then she would have been surprised by her sudden change. A beautiful stun tactic, if she had to say so herself.

Nevertheless, Kierra opened her mouth, seizing the chance.

''For you to be happy, you need to know what you enjoy doing,'' Kierra said. ''Do you enjoy working?''

''N... not really?''

''Then, take a break from it. Come to my tower, and I shall help you with it.''

''But Emei...''

''Do you think the proud Emei that you built would collapse the moment you are away?''


''I have experience in being bored, so you can rely on me.''

''You... have a point, yes.''

Got them. Kierra smiled victoriously in her heart. 

When this woman went to her tower, Kierra used her other techniques to rope her into joining the Crimson Tower V2.0!

With that, the abbess shyly agreed to have a trip to White Lotus.


Kierra snapped her finger and called her subordinate gently. Immediately, the space around them contorted, and they were promptly sent back to the normal world.

As soon as the archwizard opened her eyes, she saw Ovi kneeling in front of her.

''Good job.''

[It is my honor]

Judging by the sky, it seemed little time had passed. Kierra then reverse-summoned Ovi and turned to the other people. At this point, the abbot of Shaolin and the sect leader of Mount Hua were busy gasping at the sight of the abbess seemingly healthy again.


'I'll be waiting for you, Mie Xieren.'

Kierra looked at the unconscious abbess for a moment; a hint of melancholy could be seen in her calm eyes. If she were to be honest, this woman resembled someone she knew back in her old world, except things didn't end well for that person.

Kierra guessed it was good that she was able to save the abbess in time, at least.

Then, she silently turned away and left Emei. At this moment, the archwizard suddenly felt a wave of nostalgia in her heart. She wanted to go somewhere alone and perhaps... reminisce.

'Hah... I, too, am turning old.'

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