Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 115: Get Back!

Chapter 115: Get Back!

What Chu Han was facing was a zombie, not an ordinary one; that was taller and stronger. Its flesh was not rotten, its teeth and claws were sharp as knifes. The roars it gave off its huge mouth were much louder and it looked more like a hungry beast.

Chu Han and the zombie were fighting fiercely; the whole scene was violent and bloody. Each exchange was so devastating that countless trunks were shattered and scattered all over the place. The zombie's dark blood was everywhere, but oddly enough, there was no human blood on the ground.

"What is this monster?!" Lu Hongsheng's surprised voice reached He Peiyuan's ears; from its tone he was very nervous.

"I had some speculations before, but I wished it was my imagination" He Peiyuan's voice was trembling but he tried to suppress it, "Since the very beginning of our journey, the zombies seem to be much different. The rotten smell is not that strong and the skin is not that loose. They can open their mouths wider, their teeth and claws are sharper and more durable."

"What, what do you mean?" Lu Hongsheng said seriously.

"These, these zombies are under evolution!" He Peiyuan's expression was really serious and worried.

Lu Hongsheng swallowed his saliva," How about us? Can humans evolve too?"

"Our human being is also under evolution. At least Chu Han and Chen Shaoye are not common people anymore." He Peiyuan looked at Lu Hongsheng seriously before finishing his words, "I have to help him, but you can stay in the car if you want. I will not push you."

Lu Hongsheng was dazed and then took up his weapon, "I will go with you!"

They got off the car, about a hundred meter away from Chu Han. They could not rush there directly since the battle was so violent. Killing the zombie, or not, was not the point; what was most important was not hindering Chu Han!

Unfortunately, Chu Han didn't need their help.

Even though, Chu Han had lost the axe, accompanying him for more than a month, he still had the dagger tied on his arm. However, he didn't use it; he wanted to tear off the zombie with his bare hands. His anger had reached critical levels, so what's better than pulverizing the phase 2 zombie!?

The axe should have cut clean Kuang Zhiran's head, but the zombie had to appear and because of it, his hand was severed instead! How could he let it die so easily?

'Bang! Bang! Bang!'

Each exchange would make a loud noise; that noise didn't resemble the fighting between a human and a zombie. It was like two monsters were clashing.

"Be careful." He Peiyuan dragged his gun and looked ahead without blinking.

"Yes." Lu Hongsheng tightly gripped his weapon rushed forward.

The two coordinated well, one would be in the front and the other would back him up from behind. It was the most familiar combat strategy. With their cooperation, they had killed countless zombies and helped many people.

They believed that, that way, they could help lessen the pressure on Chu Han. What the shame, they were just over thinking 


The phase 2 zombie left a deafening roar, bared its fangs and its expression became ferocious.

Chu Han's muscles bulged. Although he was slim, the power his muscles carried was unfathomable. The air flowed by a single fist could scratch one's face.


Chu Han did a roundhouse kick and it landed heavily on the zombie's head.


Two of the zombie's teeth were broken and smelly dark red blood started flowing.


The phase 2 zombie suddenly moved forward, with its arms stretching in front of it. It wanted to catch Chu Han's neck and crush it.

Chu Han turned his head quickly and dodged the zombie's desperate attack. After that, Chu Han kept kicking the zombie's chest. Then, he jumped in the air and grabbed the zombie's head. A devastating right knee came crushing to its face!


The knee cleanly landed on the zombie's face!

"F*ck you!"


The phase 2 zombie's face was distorted. Its nose and eyes were askew. Chu Han had not only evolved his strength to phase 1, he had also evolved his accuracy and power; in other words, he was much more powerful than common phase 1 entities.

At that moment, the infuriated phase 2 zombie tried to attack Chu Han. Lu Hongsheng could not clearly see what was happening, as he saw the zombie about to attack, he hurried up and shouted, "Aaaaaaaaaah!"

He wanted to help Chu Han, but suddenly-

Chu Han turned his head, while his hands were still holding the zombie's head. His knee was still against the zombie's face, which was full of dark blood.

Lu Hongsheng instantly stopped and looked at Chu Han with quivering knees.

Coldness and killing intent flashed in Chu Han's eyes. There was a slight bloodthirsty smile on his face and his voice sounded like it came from the deeper parts of hell, "Get back! If you want to live!"

Then, Chu Han's arms bulged once again!


The zombie's head was torn off!


Dark blood and yellowish brain matter surged out landing on Chu Han's face and then to his body. Two round eyeballs rolled on the ground, making several circles.

Chu Han turned back and carried the zombie's severed head in his hands. The black blood and brain matter kept flowing along, so there was a trail of the two fluids on the ground.

Chu Han looked at Lu Hongsheng silently.

Lu Hongsheng was scared and could not help but take several steps back. Chu Han almost wanted to kill others at this moment. The way he tore the head seemed like tearing his head off.

Besides, Chu Han had said those words, "Get back! If you want to live!"

Why did it sound so familiar?

Suddenly, Lu Hongsheng understood. He had said something similar when he knew nothing about Chu Han's battle prowess. He was speechless! Chu Han was extremely powerful!

He Peiyuan, further behind, did not know when he had dropped his gun! Chu Han had truly broadened his horizons. That anger and fierce battle had petrified him.

He tore off the zombie's head? Only a beast could own that aura and terrifying power!

Chu Han took a deep breath. He ignored Lu Hongsheng and He Peiyuan's astonished expressions and dragged out the black crystal form zombie's head. He threw it in the pocket and then-

He kicked the head away! The severed head landed on the ground and splattered everywhere; just like a watermelon.

The entire forest was in a mess after the battle; the dark blood could be seen everywhere.

Chu Han turned and walked toward the two men.

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