Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6012: barracks, tent

Chapter 6012: barracks, tent

Chapter 5989

Any military department has its own barracks.

The town guard is no exception.

In the barracks, apart from the fact that there are no items for sale, formations such as the Spirit Gathering Formation that absorb the spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth also exist.


Soldiers of different ranks are located in different barracks, and the strength of the spirit gathering array is naturally different.

The barracks of the town gate guards is a bit remote, and it takes a day to arrive from the gate of the imperial city.

Because Huangfu Yaoyue didn't arrange accommodation for Su Han and others, even if they went to the military camp, they could only find a place to stay at random, and were not allowed to enter the military tent.


The four of Su Han didn't plan to stay in the barracks too much.

After accepting the task, they will set off immediately.

On the way to the barracks.

Qi Lieying hesitated for a long time, and finally asked: "What mission are you planning to take?"

"We don't even know what the mission of the military department is, how can we explain it clearly now?" Su Han shook his head and smiled.

"Let me introduce you briefly."

Qi Lieying said: "Military missions are divided into one to seven levels, with level one being the lowest and level seven the highest."

"Every level of task has a different degree of danger, and the degree of reward is naturally hierarchical."


Qi Lieying added: "If you want to apply for transfer from the military headquarters, you need at least 100 military points, and these 100 points can only be transferred from the regiment headquarters."

"For example, if you don't want to stay in my 23rd Regiment Headquarters, you can spend 100 military points to apply for transfer to other regiment headquarters, but you will still be in the town guard."

"If you want to transfer from the town guard to other military departments, such as the Twelve War Guards, the Divine Training Department, and the Five Ace Legions, you need higher military department points."

"The five ace legions are the highest, and they need more than 100,000 military points before they can be transferred from the past."

The four of Su Han looked at Qi Lieying and found that this guy was not as annoying as they imagined.

He's just a little lazy.

"The third prince is so kind to you, and you also know why he sent us to you."

Su Han said with a half-smile: "Since that's the case, why did you tell us these things? Are you not afraid of offending the Third Prince?"

"You think too much."

Qi Lieying said expressionlessly: "The reason why the third prince assigned you to the 23rd Regiment Headquarters was not because he liked me, but because the 23rd Regiment Headquarters was the most lazy couple among the guards in the entire town. One of the regiment headquarters, the third prince just wants to let the lazy atmosphere of the twenty-third regiment influence you all."

"I can tell you this, because of the laziness and incompetence of the 23rd Regiment Headquarters, it is the most despised in the entire army."

"Even if we want to borrow some space devices from the equipment department when we are doing missions, the people in the equipment department will stop us time and time again and give us small shoes to wear."

"With the support of the Seventh Prince, the Third Prince really doesn't dare to touch you in the open. What he wants is to make it difficult for you to move an inch in the military!"

Lan Ran pondered for a while, and asked: "Since you know all this, why are you so lazy? Is it really that good to be ridiculed by others?"

Qi Lieying was silent for a long time, and finally spit out three words slowly.

"got used to."


Lan Ran's expression sank: "Dead wood cannot be carved!"

As soon as the words came out.

All the soldiers of the 23rd Regiment around them suddenly showed anger.

"What, did I say something wrong?"

Lan Ran said: "The word 'junzhong' is the biggest card of a universe country, but look at yourselves, what do you look like? Just rely on the resources that Tianchen universe country gave you, When will you be able to make a breakthrough? If you continue to be so lazy, it will be a vicious circle, until you die, no one will look down on you!"

The voice fell.

Aizen also ignored them, turned around and walked forward.

"We don't have such high aptitude as yours, we just want to live safely, what's wrong with that?" Someone shouted unconvinced from behind.

Su Han said with a smile: "I used to know many people, including myself, whose aptitude is very ordinary."

"Maybe we have experienced countless lives and deaths on the way of seeking the Tao, but looking back now, it is all worth it."

"A monk is already going against the sky. It takes nine points of hard work, and the last point is the so-called innate talent."

"When you encounter a little setback and start to shrink back, you might as well be a mortal in peace."

The soldiers who were not convinced before were suddenly silenced.

"Being able to become a member of the Tianchen Universe National Army is indeed something worth showing off."

Duan Yihan also sighed softly: "But vanity, after all, can't be changed into strength!"

Looking at their backs marching ahead, Qi Lieying couldn't help clenching his fists.

a day later.

Su Han and others arrived at the barracks.

Compared with other land areas, this place is actually a huge wasteland.

Although there is a spirit-gathering array, the aura absorbed by the spirit-gathering array can be said to be so thin that it cannot be thinner.

Don't talk about others, let's take Su Han and the others as examples.

They simply can't imagine how much improvement they can get by practicing in this environment.

If the universe country can distribute enough resources, then it is still a little bit easier to say.

After all, for the creatures in the universe, the aura of heaven and earth is just assistance, and the help it can provide is a drop in the bucket.

But for the town gate guards, the resources given to them by the universe country are very few.

If they want to achieve a breakthrough in cultivation, they have only one way, and that is to accept the mission of the military department!

To know.

Military missions only reward military points, and the use of military points can only be applied for transfer.

These have nothing to do with resources, only the resources obtained during the task are your own!

in this case.

The soldiers of the 23rd Regiment were greedy for life and afraid of death, lazy and depraved.

It is not too much to say that they are mud that cannot support the wall.

"Let's go!"

Looking at the huge military tent with a diameter of more than ten miles in the distance, Su Han said.

There is the 'Hidden Book' that releases military missions.

Not long.

The four of them came to the front of the hidden ~There are countless figures shuttling back and forth here, but the armors on their bodies are different.

Even though they were in the barracks of the town guards, it was rare to see any town guards around.

What made Su Han and the others feel funny was that.

Qi Lieying has been following them all along.

"Do you want to see what missions we have accepted, and then report to the third prince?" Su Han said lightly.

"Nonsense! What kind of person am I, Qi Lieying?"

Qi Lieying stared.

Then he puffed up and said, "I... I just want to see if there is any mission suitable for us!"

Su Han and Lan Ran looked at each other with a smile on their lips.

In the end, it was me and the others who were infected by the laziness of the 23rd Regiment Headquarters.

It was still the headquarters of the 23rd regiment, infected by the diligence of the four of them.

Time will tell everything!

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