Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor

Chapter 5988: exit! Blood-red figure!

Chapter 5988: exit! Blood-red figure!


The moment this figure rushed out.

Inside the blood lake, there was an astonishing buzzing sound.

This humming works in everyone's ears...


It acts on the soul of every disciple of God's Domain!

Including Su Han.

But all the disciples who heard this buzzing sound felt dizzy and had a strong, extremely nauseating feeling of wanting to vomit.

They subconsciously run the power of cultivation, trying to resist this humming.

But the more so, the more intense the buzzing sound.

at some point.

The humming seemed to have reached its peak, and everyone's eyes were blood red!

When they looked into the distance, they seemed to see waves of blood rolling towards the sky, with an indescribably monstrous blood energy inside!

What made Su Han heave a sigh of relief.

The withered wood emperor technique is not working!

This also means that the current situation, unlike the penetration of the blood-red silk thread and golden light, may just shake their souls.

The **** waves subsided in an instant, and all the disciples of God's Domain regained their sobriety.

Looking at the golden figure standing above the blood lake.

Ju Ning subconsciously said: "It's him! The Great Sage Jinhong...he is the Great Sage Jinhong!"

Su Han's eyes began to shrink.

In fact, without Ju Ning's reminder, he roughly guessed the other party's identity in his heart.

Although he didn't know the other disciples of God's Domain here, he had met them and had some impressions in his heart.

Only this golden figure, he had never seen before.

The opponent's body was shining with golden light, and his appearance was extremely handsome.

Looking at it as a whole, while being as rich as jade and elegant as dust, it also gives people a sense of incomparably bewitching surprise.

Follow Su Han to look.

Dasheng Jinhong's body covered with golden light suddenly showed a touch of blood red.

Immediately after

A large number of blood-red silk threads spread out from his body, frantically trying to drill into the body of Jin Hong Dasheng.

The incomparably dazzling golden light was also somewhat dimmed by the blood-red silk thread at this moment, and when the two blended together, there was a dark red smell.

The Great Sage Jin Hong stood there quietly.

His eyes were slightly closed, his expression remained unchanged, and a golden liquid was squeezed out of his body drop by drop.

Every drop of liquid is fused with a blood-red thread.

The two seem to have gone through an extremely fierce battle, and finally under the watchful eyes of everyone

The golden liquid disappeared!

The blood-red thread also turned into finger-sized red beads.

"It's all right if you covet these ants, even dare to fight my idea?"

This moment.

The eyes of the Great Sage Jin Hong suddenly opened!

Even though his cultivation base is indeed just a complete decontamination.

But the moment he opened his eyes, there was an astonishing coercion that burst out from him suddenly!

This coercion was not harmful, but the moment it passed over everyone, it made them tremble slightly!

It was as if there was a biting chill and an indescribable murderous intent that just passed over his body.


The Great Sage Jin Hong obviously didn't intend to pay any attention to these disciples of God's Domain.

His palm stretched out, and the blood-red beads immediately condensed.

These red beads are crystal clear and do not contain any impurities. When floating in the air, they collide with each other and then merge perfectly.

"Using your blood as a sharp blade to break open your body, can you still have an opinion?"

"It's just a rotting corpse that has been dead for hundreds of millions of years, with half a trace of remnant soul left, how dare you compare with me!"


! "

Following these words, the Great Sage Jin Hong stretched out his hand violently, and grabbed the completely fused red bead.

"Open it for this seat!"

"Bang bang bang bang..."

A thick fog of blood suddenly spread at this moment.

The huge roar resounded all around, as if the world was destroyed.

But all the disciples of God's Domain who are below the level of defilement are bleeding from all seven orifices, as if they were impacted by some force in their bodies, and many tendons and veins are all bursting open!

As for the decontamination environment, his expression was pale, all the layers of defense outside his body collapsed, and the figure retreated involuntarily.

Only the Yuansha Realm was a little better, and he didn't suffer any major injuries, but he was still dizzy, as if his soul was about to be pulled out.

They clearly saw that when the blood mist spread towards the surroundings.

The Great Sage Jin Hong grabbed him again, and a monstrous golden light burst out from his body, covering all the blood mist, forming a two-meter-long sharp knife that seemed to be flowing with blood.


The sound of being torn apart sounded.

It is not known whether the void was torn apart, or the flesh was torn apart.

In short.

After the sound sounded, Su Han and the others could clearly feel that the surrounding void began to vibrate violently!

This kind of vibration has also appeared before, but it only lasted for less than a breath.

But now, the vibration became more and more violent, and there was no sign of stopping at all.

The surrounding cave walls began to shake, and countless gravels rolled down.

These gravels would not pose a threat to everyone, but this sudden change caused all the disciples of God's Domain to change their expressions.

Some people were staring at the blood lake, and some people were staring at the top of Jinhong Dasheng.

The void was not torn apart, but there was a huge crack spreading from the cave wall.

There is sunlight shining in.

Su Han and the others saw the sky outside, and also saw...

Surrounding the valley, and without knowing when, forty-six palaces have been raised for a certain distance!

In front of each palace, there are royal disciples and guardians, and a large number of soldiers dressed in armor standing!

They also shrank their eyes and looked down, as if they saw something that they couldn't believe.

Su Han and the others are inside the valley and don't know what's going on outside.

But vaguely, he felt that something was wrong.

The blood lake ahead changed again, and amazing waves swept away from it.

A figure thicker than blood water, almost occupying the entire blood lake, gradually floated up from the bottom of the blood lake.

The moment they saw this figure, the hearts of many disciples of God's Domain almost stopped beating, and they also fell into suffocation!

"The exit has been opened, let's go!" Yun Juezi ordered suddenly.

While he rushed into the void.

Great Sage Jin Hong turned his head, glanced at the figure in the blood lake, and sneered at the corner of his mouth.

He stepped forward and was about to leave when he suddenly remembered something.

His eyes turned, and finally his eyes fell on Su Han.

"Your name is 'Su Han'?"

Su Han's heart tightened ~ Countless thoughts flashed through his mind.

at last.

He cupped his fists and bowed slightly.

Said in a very polite tone: "Junior Su Han, I have met senior."

"Don't get close to this seat, this seat is not your senior."

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the Great Sage Jin Hong: "It's a very interesting thing that my holy blood failed to penetrate into your body."

"After I recover a bit, I will look for you. Everything you got from me must be returned to me!"

The voice fell.

Before Su Han could speak, the Great Sage Jin Hong flashed his figure and left the place.

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