Am I A God?

Chapter 301: Points! Points! More Points!

Chapter 301: Points! Points! More Points!

Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations

Zhao Yao’s pupils constricted slightly after reminding Roly Poly on his behavior. His eyes continued to dart across the horizon as his ears took in the myriad of sound within a 100 meters radius.

“Based on the intel collected, this should be the place?” Zhao Yao had already given up all hopes of completing the third chain mission. Hence, he decided to focus all his attention on the missions available outside.

Since the mission must be somehow connected to supercats or superpower, Zhao Yao naturally chose a spot with superpower anomalies.

Roly Poly’s fat and round head peeked out from the tiny gap in Zhao Yao’s collar as he carefully examined the serious expression on Zhao Yao’s face before thinking, “When did this guy suddenly turn so hardworking? At this timing, he would usually be on his bed playing his stupid phone games.”

Naturally, Roly Poly had no idea what caused this sudden change in behavior. At this moment, Zhao Yao was truly extremely serious. He had sworn to win the competition and bag home the lucrative prize – Fortune Cat. He had to earn as many points as possible before the commencement of the competition in order to further strengthen his powers.

At this moment, Zhao Yao’s ear gave a slight shudder. Muffled screams could be heard amidst the roar of the blistering wind.

“They are here!” Somehow, Zhao Yao’s pupils had constricted into vertical slits and could make out the yellow glint flashing across him. His eyes were as sharp as a feline’s.

Immediately, he stood from his position and leaped from the top of a 50 storied building, before disappearing into the vast night sky.

Meanwhile, a masked man was making his escape down the walls of a building. He looked as if he were walking on regular ground. However, he was actually stepping on the glass wall as his body stood parallel to the ground, defying the law of physics, as he made a dash for the ground level.

“Haha!” The masked man was bursting down at top speed as he bellowed in laughter. He cocked his head around and saw the hordes of security guards huddled at the broken window which he escaped from and muttered, “What a bunch of fools! None of them stand a chance against me!”

Amongst the horde of security guard stood a middle-aged balding man, he slammed his arm against the wall and roared, “What the hell happened? How could you have let him escaped?”

Another security guard interjected him, “Captain, that guy simply jumped out of the window, but instead of falling to the ground, he started walking down the walls like Spiderman!”

The bald man slammed his hand into the other guy’s face and retorted, “Do you take me for an idiot? Try telling that to your manager. You can practically kiss goodbye to your job!”

However, when the bald man craned his neck out of the broken window, the scene that he saw left him staring wide-eyed with cold sweat beading his forehead. Just like how the other guy had described, the guy was literally walking down the walls as if it were nothing.

Suddenly, his momentary shock was disturbed by a raspy voice which erupted behind them, “Do you need help?”

The bald man turned around and saw a headless man standing directly behind him. He threw in hands in the air and screamed, “Ghost!” Immediately, he collapsed to the ground, unconscious.

Zhao Yao heaved a sigh of despair before turning to face the other two security guards. Both had armed themselves with the baton as they shook from head to toe. Fear overtook their features as they struggled to open their mouths, “Who are you?”

“I can help you catch the thief.” Zhao Yao saw his favorite exclamation mark floating above their heads and immediately swung his arm in the air. Instantly, deflective field was activated as their batons flew from their hands before they were twisted into a nunchuck mid-air.


This simply scared the living daylights out of the security guards. They immediately turned around and made a run for it. Zhao Yao stopped them in their escape and asked again, “I’m asking one last time. Do you need my help to catch that thief?”

The security guards remained overcome with fear. Zhao Yao just grabbed one of them to him before whispering in his ears, “Say, do you need my help?”

Mission: Catch the peeping tom.

Objective: Help the security guards capture the peeping tom from the hotel.

Reward: 50 experience points

Punishment: Nil

“Oh, so he is a peeping tom?” Zhao Yao’s brows knitted together when he read through the mission. 50 experience points was a measly sum but it was still better than nothing. He slid the security guard, who had pissed his pants, a stare before taking a step out from the broken window.

“Another one jumped down?”

“What do we do?”

“What else can we do?” The unconscious bald man had finally regained consciousness and ordered, “Quickly call the police!”

The other two security guards can’t imagine how the bald leader could possibly recover so quickly and asked, “Captain! Weren’t you unconscious just seconds ago?”

“I, Mao Shikeng, have been living out in the streets since I was 12. How can I possibly faint from that?” He balled his fists before continuing, “I did it on purpose. I’m just trying to lure that guy into thinking that I’m weak.”

“Oh, so what are we supposed to do now?”

“You guys are still so young with so much raging hormones! You should never be afraid of supernatural things like this! What are you waiting for? Call the police!”

On the other hand, the masked man had finally reached the ground level, as he planted his foot firmly on the ground. He noticed another wave of security guards swarming towards him from the entrance and started cackling non-stop. He simply planted his foot against the wall, before scaling it at top-speed. He looked just like the martial artists from the kungfu films!

He couldn’t stop laughing as he continued making his gravity-defying stunts, “These fools! When will they ever learn to give up?”

Suddenly, he felt an enormous and potent force storming from behind, dragging him all the way up the wall, towards the rooftop.


The balding security leader was still busy ordering his subordinates when ear-piercing shrieks punctured their conversation. Immediately, they saw the masked man being dragged by an unknown object as he whizzed past them, towards the top.

The bald man pinched the bridge of his nose and had difficulty comprehending what his eyes had seen, “Is that really a ghost?”

The masked man was dragged by his feet all the way to the rooftop. His eyes were glued to the ground which gradually diminished in size as screams and shrieks erupted from him.

“Let go of me! Who are you? Quicky! Let go of me!”

“You can call me ... the headless horseman!” With his fingers wrapped around the masked man’s ankle, Zhao Yao’s raspy and soft voice rang in his head, “You are under arrest.”

The masked man struggled with all his might but it was to no avail. He immediately burst out screaming, “What rights do you have to catch me?” As he turned his head around to take a look at Zhao Yao, what he saw sent a chill running down his spine. It was a headless man. He could even see the flesh, meat, and blood oozing at the neck. His chest tightened with fear at this sight.

At the same time, Zhao Yao had already torn open his bag, revealing the bunch of cameras, lenses, and handphone stashed within.

Zhao Yao started swinging his body like a pendulum and demanded, “Speak! Who is instigating all of these? Why are you snooping around, take others’ photos?” In his head, Zhao Yao was thinking, “I spent so much effort to find this brat! I must squeeze out more missions from him!”

Zhao Yao was praying that a secret organization such as Muscle Society or Ho Hao Cang’s clan was behind it. Hopefully, it would blow up into a wide-scale mission.

“No ... no one told me to do this!” Tears welled up in his eyes as he screamed for dear life.

“Then why did you do it?”

The peeping tom’s face turned crimson as he muttered, “It’s just a hobby. I just like to take photos, that’s all.”

Zhao Yao’s eyes squinted into a line as he continued his interrogation, “Where is your partner hiding at?”

The peeping tom screamed at the top of his voice, “I have no partners! I always act alone!”

“Hmph,” Zhao Yao instantly released his grip, sending him crashing towards the ground before catching him midway in his fall.

The peeping tom instantly burst out in tears. He could only stick his feet against the wall but could not fly at all. This fall would spell instant death.

He struggled to speak as he continued bawling, “I really have no partners!”

“You are still not speaking the truth?” Zhao Yao pretended that he was about to release his grip and asked, “Who is instigating your actions? Speak!”

The peeping tom could no longer take this emotional roller coaster and blurted out, “I’m saying! I’m saying! This is a conspiracy by pornhub. I’m just a tiny pawn in pornhub’s grand scheme!”

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