Am I A God?

Chapter 262: Scumbag!

Chapter 262: Scumbag!

Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations

“Stupid elementary school student, you have grown way too cocky.” Fish Ball growled as he death glared Xiao Yu who dragged him along the streets. He then swept his eyes towards Noodle and shouted, “Boss, we need to teach her a lesson. We need to show her who is the true boss here!”

Noodle simply gave a dismissive wave of his paw and pacified him, “Do not get too agitated. We are still not ready for a full-on fight against humans. We shall just let her continue behaving haughtily for now.”

Meanwhile, Wei Zai tapped on Xiao Yu’s shoulder and asked, “Xiao Yu, are you sure you wanna bring your pets along? I don’t think the cinemas allow any animals inside.”

“How is that possible?” In the end, Xiao Yu just left the pair of cat and dog in the garden opposite the cinemas. She simply stuffed the entire length of leash into Fish Ball’s mouth and instructed, “The two of you will just stay here obediently. Do not wander off too far. Also, if you cannot control your bowel movement, just settle it in the bushes and remember to bury them.”

After relaying her instructions, Xiao Yu proceeded towards the cinemas with a spring in her steps.

Wei Zai was somewhat confused by her behavior and asked, “Xiao Yu, won’t they get stolen? Are you sure that this is a good arrangement?”

“Don’t worry.” Xiao Yu simply waved the tickets in her hands and asked, “By the way, why did you wash your hair with pomade?”

“Hey, that’s an exaggeration!” Wei Zai’s face immediately turned scarlet with embarrassment, “I only applied a handful of pomade to style my hair.”

“How about your Supreme T-shirt and your stupid blazer? For a moment, I thought you were participating in a reality TV show.”

Wei Zai quivered with anger as rage seared through him, “Who is participating in that stupid reality TV show. I’m not even a kindergarten student anymore!”

Meanwhile, Woof! Woof! Woof!

“What is the meaning of this?” Fish Ball’s every muscle tensed as his body locked up with rage. He retorted at the top of his lungs, “Why does she get to watch a movie while we have to endure the cold wind outside?”

“Hmph, Fish Ball, this is nothing.” Noodle assured him with a snigger, “I could easily break free from this leash with my superpower. We will just escape while she’s inside the theater. This is a good time for us to return to Hanada district and discuss our plans to take down Hanada 2. As for that silly elementary school student, we’ll just let her wallow in self-pity for losing her pets.”

Noodle observed as Xiao Yu and the chubby boy disappeared into the main door. He then let out two loud cries, “Fish Ball, watches me break free from this leash!”

10 seconds later ...

20 seconds later ...

30 seconds later ...

Cold sweat beaded Noodle’s forehead as he noticed that the leash remained in place. He began screaming in his head, “F*cking Nekomata. He must have gone in with Xiao Yu for that stupid movie! I can never trust that silly cat!”

The husky let out a few coughs as he turned his head towards Fish Ball, who simply stared at him with eyes brimming with anticipation. He explained, “Actually, it’s quite nice to walk around with this leash. At least, people will know that we have an owner and will reduce mankind’s hostility towards us.”

“Oh, that’s why. What are we gonna do next? Fish Ball asked wide-eyed, “Are we meeting Scar Eye and Chrysanthemum?”

“No!” Noodle instantly shot down Fish Ball’s suggestion. He cocked his head towards the starry sky and proclaimed, “I have given serious thought about it. We have all the cats, territory and catmint that we could possibly need. All we are lacking now is money.”


“That’s right. Every single war fought on the surface of this Earth had been won with money.” The husky propped his chin on his paw and continued, “We will need money to conquer more districts and recruit more supercats. With money, we can buy all sorts of cat food, canned food, and even seafood. With our monopoly over catmint, our empire will be invincible!”

“But where do we get this money?” Fish Ball asked with his mouth set into a hard line, “Are we gonna steal the money from Xiao Yu’s purse?” Just the thought of it sent his body shaking like a leaf. Fish Ball bit back a scream and whispered, “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

“Hmph, that little girl only has so little money. Her money is peanuts in my eyes. I am Noodle, King of Hanada, first of his name. I have already prepared a plan.” Noodle announced smugly.

“Wow!” Fish Ball looked at Noodle with amazement. He went to his knees and exclaimed, “No wonder you are King Hanada! You have come up with a money-making plan in a matter of seconds! Tell me your plan!”

Noodle revealed a lopsided smile and whispered, “There is nothing illegal in the eyes of cats and dogs.”


Suddenly, the husky’s attention was attracted to an elderly man walking down the streets with a walking stick in hand. An evil glint flashed across his eyes as he muttered, “That is our target. I’m sure an old man with a walking stick cannot put up much of a fight.”

A minute later, the pair of cat and dog scurried down the streets and screamed for their lives. Behind them was the old man stabbing them with his walking stick.

“Stupid cat! Stupid dog! How dare you try to steal my money?”

“You think you can bully me just because I’m old?”

“You think I’ve been practicing kung fu my entire life for nothing?”

A few minutes later, the pair of cat and dog was seen limping down the same street.

Fish Ball struggled to catch his breath, probably because of his swollen face impeding his breathing. He bawled and lamented, “Humans are so strong!”

The husky also seemed somewhat disillusioned as he reasoned, “That’s why I have to hide my power. I cannot just flash them in front of everyone. However, I’m sure not all of them are so strong. There will definitely be a weak one hiding amongst them.”

Suddenly, the same glint returned to his eyes. This time, he had noticed a person lying face down on the floor. There was nothing beneath his knees. From time to time, pedestrians would toss their spare change into the bowl in front of him.

“It’s him! This guy will not be able to catch up to us!”

Moments later, the husky was running away with the bowl of money in his mouth. Behind him was Fish Ball who was struggling to keep up.

Noodle retorted, “Isn’t that guy handicapped? Why did he suddenly have his limbs back?”

“No, no, I cannot take this anymore.” Fish Ball collapsed to the floor as his body began shuddering violently, “I will die if I have to take another step forward.”

“Useless fella.” The husky turned around and swung the fat cat over his shoulders. “Hold on tight,” He instructed as he began running away.

He finally managed to lose his pursuer and had somehow returned to the entrance of the cinema. Both the cat and dog were gasping for breath but joy welled up inside their hearts as he exclaimed, “We have finally succeeded.”

However, he instantly plunged into despair when he took a look at the contents of the bowl.

“D*mn it, we have lost all our money from the running!”

Just when they were busy wallowing in self-pity, they suddenly noticed a human throwing a coin into their bowl.

“Huh?” The husky beamed from ear to ear and exclaimed, “That’s a plan!”

Moments later, the hordes of crowd that went passed the cinema noticed this incredible scene.

A dog was crawling forward with both his hind legs dragging behind him. A bowl was hanging loosely from his mouth with a few coins inside.

A few girls walked in front of the dog and burst into screams.

“Hey, take a look! This dog is so pitiful!”

“I think his legs are broken!”

“He still has to carry that cat with his broken legs? This is so cute!”

A couple walked towards the dog as the woman stopped in front of him. She could not help but feel sorry for him, “What happened to this husky? Is he asking for money? Let’s give him some money.”

“A dog wouldn’t even understand the concept of money. The fact that he has a leash on him simply means that his owner is using him to ask for money. If you give him money, it’s as good as giving his manipulative owner.”

“Come on, just give him a little. He seems so pitiful! And he has that cute kitty on his back!”

The husky started smiling secretly as the sound of the coins clanking against his bowl. They were music to his ears.

At this moment, a man walked past him and threw a half-eaten bun into the bowl.

The husky glanced at the half-eaten bun and realized that all that was left was the skin of it. He slid the man a condescending glare and screamed, “Scumbag!”

However, the man’s ears quivered as he looked directly back at him.

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