Am I A God?

Chapter 256: Solution

Chapter 256: Solution

Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations

Ares raised his paw in the air to signal Gaia to stop his incessant squabbling with the furless cat, “Alright, Gaia, stop arguing! He is really a cat. I have heard from Ho Hao Cang that there was a species in this world called the furless cat. These cats do not have fur.”

The Sphynx Cat was pleasantly surprised by Ares and nodded in his direction, “You are rather knowledgeable.”

However, Ares continued with his lips drawn into a snarl, “But these cats are as good as a human without clothes. They roam along the streets naked, like some sort of pervert.”

The Sphynx Cat simmered with anger before retorting, “What are you trying to say?”

Ares did not bother explaining but replied by stretching out his paw and started strangling him with the use of deflective field. With his eyes staring straight at Sphynx Cat, Ares uttered, “I don’t care who you are, but as long as you are here, I will be your boss. Even if you are a tiger, I also expect your total submission. Do you understand?”

The Sphynx Cat detected the change in the atmospheric pressure as an invisible force started pressing against his neck. His heart skipped a beat and thought, “This sensation ... this is exactly the same as that man’s power ... did he borrow the power from this cat? However, I’m 100% sure that I did not see this cat on the battlefield. Then how did he manage to switch his powers at will?”

Regarding his defeat to Zhao Yao, there were still many things which he had problems understanding. Chief amongst them was how Zhao Yao could simply switch his powers at will.

The Sphynx Cat did not bother refuting Ares when he heard his insolent comments. He simply chose to remain silent.

The Sphynx Cat was no ordinary supercat. He had spent more than half a year lurking in the shadows of Jiangmen City, with only himself to depend on. He had been searching for apostles, training and gathering new strength all in the dark. He would even resort to cut off his own tail if it meant survival. His endurance had far surpassed any ordinary cats.

Furthermore, he would never refute Ares given his current conditions. His heavy injuries had almost rendered him incapable of escaping. Coupled with the unknown force restricting him and Ares’s power, Sphynx Cat chose to accept the insults in silence.

Hence, he shut his eyes as a tirade of abuse rained down on him.

“Mother, this cat doesn’t even have fur on it.” Diana asked her mother with her face flushed in embarrassment, “It’s so erotic.”

Catherine simply shielded her eyes from this sight using her paws and replied, “Stop looking at this cat, Diana. It is illegal to walk around naked. Never learn from this cat.”

Airplane pranced towards the mother and daughter with a licentious smile, “Diana, take a look at me. Do you like how beautiful my fur is?”

Lion Head had enough of Airplane’s nonsense and instantly bit on his tail and swung him into a corner and bellowed, “Airplane, take a good look at the pervert inside the cage. If you continue behaving in this manner, you will be the next one inside that cage.”

“So it’s actually not a pig?” Sadness clouded Gaia’s features as he shook his head dejectedly, “This means it’s simply a pervert that doesn’t wear clothes. Lame. I might as well play my games instead.” With a spring in his steps, Gaia had already returned to his laptop and resumed Diablo 2.

“You are so disappointed just because I’m not a pig? I’m so sorry for disappointing you.” This thought flashed across Sphynx Cat’s head which caused his eyelids to quiver with anger. Even a vein popped out on his forehead. However, he knew that his anger at this supercats was futile and pretended to sleep by shutting its eyes.

After the initial ruckus, the crowds of supercats had vanished along with their initial excitement.

Since returning to the extradimensional belly, they had started playing the games Zhao Yao had pre-installed on their laptops. As compared to the epic games on their laptops, this furless cat was far less interesting. They had grown bored of him the moment his novelty wore off.

“D*mn it, I died again! Dark Souls is too difficult!” Lucifer muttered before he plunged himself into the game once again. This kind of game had a perfect balance between being difficult and yet interesting. It enticed Lucifer to just try again after his countless deaths. This was the first time Lucifer had ever grown so addicted to a single game.

Gaia was still fully absorbed in the game of Diablo 2. As compared to the other games, this was significantly less complicated and only required the player to grind and grind. This was right up Gaia’s alley.

Catherina, Diana, and Lion Head were all huddled over a tiny phone screen as they continued watching Scarlet Heart.

“Fourth prince is so cool.” Diana exclaimed with a twinkle in her eyes, “How I wish I had such a person to clean up after my shit.”

Lion Head began licking her paws licentiously and remarked, “Isn’t’ the eighth prince far cuter? I would die to rub my body against his.”

However, Ares did not return to his game. Even though Gwent: The Witcher Card Game was absolutely captivating, his gut instincts told him that there was something unique about this furless cat.

This was the first time a supercat had entered the extradimensional belly in a cage.

Hence, Ares’s eyes remain glued to the furless cat before he opened his mouth and asked, “Do you have any idea how you got in here?”

The Sphynx Cat opened one of his eyes and glanced at Ares. However, he chose to remain silent.

Zhao Yao could finally heave a sigh of relief when he saw the situation within the extradimensional belly, “Finally, I have found a method to temporarily restrain him.”

From this encounter with Muscle Society, Zhao Yao understood that he needed their power.

However, it was already late at night and they had just spent their day escaping from the gates of hell. Zhao Yao and Matcha simply went back to bed after a simple dinner.


Zhao Yao was awoken by an intense stench the second morning.

He opened his eyes to the sight of Mango running around on his bed. He struggled to keep his eyes open as he observed Mango trying to get rid of the urine stain on his blanket.

“Mango!” Zhao Yao bellowed at the top of his voice.

Mango instantly puffed up his fur and jumped from Zhao Yao’s bed before escaping into the living room.

“D*mn it!” Zhao Yao took a glance at the pool of urine before sweeping his eyes towards Matcha, “Matcha, don’t you know how to take care of that stupid cat? You didn’t bother stopping him even when he peed on my bed?”

Matcha remained fast asleep on the bed. His ears twitched a little but he showed no signs of waking up at all.

“Matcha! Get the hell up right now!”

Matcha’s ears quivered again and swung his tail from left to right. It seemed like he was trying to tell Zhao Yao that he had heard him.

Zhao Yao gave Matcha a gentle push but Matcha simply rolled to a corner of the bed.

“This stupid cat.” Zhao Yao grew tired of reasoning with him and simply kicked him off the bed as he prepared to clean up the mess which Mango made.

Finally, Matcha lifted his head as he let out a loud yawn, “Why are you making such a fuss over some urine? Can’t you just bury it?” Matcha let out another yawn before his body collapsed on the bed again.

Hence, Zhao Yao’s morning was destroyed by Mango’s wake-up call. Zhao Yao could hardly keep his eyes open when he finally reached the café with Baiquan and Hanako.

He brewed a cup of coffee to focus his attention as he started brainstorming his next course of actions.

“On one hand, I must continue creating new missions and completing them. On the other, I have to reach some sort of agreements with the cats inside the belly.”

With the thought at the back of his head, Zhao Yao channeled Dust Ball’s power to take a look at the situation inside the belly.

“Hmph, these guys seem pretty contented with all their computer games and dramas. By using King George’s identity coupled with all the illusions, Matcha had managed to earn a rather credible image in their eyes. Maybe I can use Matcha to talk to them and get them on my side.

The only problem is with Ares and gang.”

Zhao Yao was involved in a catastrophic battle against Ares and he could not know for sure if he still harbored any hostility towards him.

However, an idea had already sprung into Zhao Yao’s head.

“I guess it’s better for the person who created all these troubles to put an end to it.”

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