Am I A God?

Chapter 154: The Husky

Chapter 154: The Husky

Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations

The chubby cat never expected the husky to retaliate. The cat’s eyes seethed with anger as if someone had offended him. He got to his feet and shouted at the husky.

“How dare you hit me with your dirty paw? Even Xiao Yu doesn’t hit me!” The chubby cat, Fish Ball, stared at the husky with his fur all puffed up.

“Have you forgotten who the alpha in the house is?” The chubby cat stood on his hind legs as if he were a human. He shouted, “I’m going to use my ultimate ability!”

The husky’s lips drew back in a snarl as he stared at Fish Ball. Suddenly, a blinding beam of light emerged from its paws. The husky got ready for the impending battle between them.

“It is a supercat. From the looks of it, it has quite a powerful ability.”

“Are you scared? It’s too late for that.” Fish Ball burst into laughter when he noticed the husky standing on guard. He reduced the giant beam of light into a tiny dot and pointed towards the husky.

“Is it coming for me?” The husky was taken aback by the cat’s sudden attack as he saw a white dot darting around on the floor.

The corner of Fish Ball’s mouth curled up as he moved his finger around which caused the beam of light to dart around on the floor.

“Meohahaha, chase it Noodle! This is your favorite toy! See how I am going to play with you, you silly dog!” Fish Ball declared.

Based on his experience, the husky standing in front of it loved to chase after the dot projected by Fish Ball. Fish Ball always resorted to this when he was unhappy or irritated. The husky would chase after the dot incessantly till it was worn out.

Fish Ball had even used this to trick the husky into breaking the vases and tearing the curtains. The husky received a beating from Xiao Yu’s parents because of it.

“Meowhahaha, you silly dog! Do you still dare to hit me in the future? I’ll make you smash the television this time! I can’t wait to see Xiao Yu’s parents’ reaction when they see it!”

However, the truth was far from what Fish Ball imagined. The husky just stared at the dot on the floor nonchalantly before fixing his eyes on Fish Ball.

“Trash cat with trash ability,” The husky rolled his eyes and sat down on the floor. It was indifferent to the dot zigzagging around in front of it.

“Why is this happening? This silly dog is no longer interested in chasing after the dot?” Fish Ball was bewildered by the scene.

Fish Ball decided to change his game plan. He started annoying the husky by shining it onto his body, face, and even his nose.

However, the husky was apathetic towards it and continued lying on the floor. He stared at Fish Ball as if he was an idiot.

“How is this possible? Has my dot tactic failed? Has this silly dog grown smarter overnight?” Fish Ball stared with amazement at the dog lying in front of him.

When Fish Ball was still in awe of the husky’s transformation, a dull rumbling noise erupted from the husky’s stomach.

“I’m hungry,” The husky was famished, and he walked over to the dog food given by Xiao Yu and took a few sniffs.

“No, how can I eat dog food?”

“I am still a human, and I must maintain my dignity.”

“I would rather die than to eat dog food.”

“I need to find some way to get hold of some human food.”

Just when the husky was devising an idea to achieve his objective, the fragrant smells of the food entered his nostrils and whetted his appetite. Every cell in his body was pushing him to devour the plate of dog food left in front of him.

After his first bite, he realized that his entire worldview had a 180° change.

He began devouring the food in front of him, and tears welled up in his eyes.

“I didn’t know that dog food can be made so delicious!”

The food given to it was not particularly delectable, it was chosen because it suited the husky’s taste buds. A small amount of phagostimulant was also added to entice the dog.

The husky let out a satisfying burp after polishing off all the food. He thought, “It must be the food coma from the good food! I need to find someplace to rest first. I’ll think about reverting to a human after I catch up on some sleep.”

He carefully surveyed his surroundings before settling on the largest pet bed. When he rested his body on it, he felt the soft and comfortable cushion enveloped his entire body. It was as if he were sleeping on the fluffiest cloud in the sky.

Fish Ball was infuriated when he saw the silly dog resting on his bed and shouted, “Dumb Dog! Get Out!”

“This is my bed!”

“If you continue sleeping on it, I am going to fight it out with you!”

The husky’s ears twitched when he heard the blabbering from Fish Ball. He immediately slapped Fish Ball before turning his body around and adopted a more comfortable position.

Every action that the husky made was carefully scrutinized by the spirit cat hidden in the air.

“Why do I feel as if Hao Cang has changed?” Spirit cat’s brows snapped together as he tried to recall every scene after Hao Cang had turned into a dog.

It started off with his intense desire to turn back into a human. Then, he started fighting with Fish Ball before he succumbed to the dog food’s temptation. Now, he was happily sleeping in a cat’s bed. Something had changed dramatically.

“Is it behaving just like a dog already? The transformation is so fast!” The pupil in spirit cat’s eyes constricted as he thought, “His spirit had been slowly corroded by the dog’s body since he first entered it. His behavior had been slowly molded by the dog’s inherent instincts. Maybe his soul had already combined with the husky’s soul.”

“It also seems as if his intelligence had plummeted. Is it because the dog was quite dumb to start with?”

Spirit cat looked at Hao Cang helplessly who was sleeping soundly in the cat bed.

“This will be troublesome.”

All of a sudden, spirit cat saw Fish Ball jumping in front of Hao Cang’s face, and a glimmer of light started blinking in his palms.

“Meowhaha, I’m going to turn you blind with this blinding light!”

Husky opened his eyes and stared at the faint blinking light in front of him with annoyance. He could not sleep with this irritating cat continually disturbing him.

Hence, the husky opened his mouth and grabbed onto Fish Ball by his neck using his mouth. He then placed him on the comfortable bed.

Fish Ball grinned from ear to ear as he thought that the husky had finally given up the bed to him. Fish Ball thought, “Meowhaha, I guess he finally understood my true strength!”

Suddenly, Fish Ball’s vision turned dark as the husky planted his enormous butt on his face and sat on Fish Ball as if it were a cushion. It then returned to its sleep.

Fish Ball immediately retaliated by commencing its relentless attack on the husky’s butt. However, it was futile. Fish Ball gave up after a minute.

The husky comfortably nudged his butt as he went into deep sleep.

Spirit cat saw this scene and shook his head, “It seems like the situation is worsening by the second.”

Xiao Yu had just left the toilet after showering. She looked around the room and shouted, “Fish Ball! Where are you?”

Fish Ball frantically waved his paws under the husky’s butt to capture Xiao Yu’s attention.

“Fish Ball, come out now! Why were you making so much noise just now?” Xiao Yu grabbed her phone and suddenly her brows knitted together, and her eyes blazed with anger. A terrifying aura emanated from her body.

“Where did my RMB 250 go?”

Husky somehow knew that Fish Ball was in trouble and immediately woke up.

Fish Ball which was frantically waving his paws around stopped all of a sudden and shrunk behind the husky’s butt, out of Xiao Yu’s sight.

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