AK - The Alchemy Kingdom

Chapter 131: Adventurers’ point

Chapter 131: Adventurers’ point

Year 3, Winter, First Month, Fourth Week.

Are you OK Boss?

Keller didnt look too good. After traveling into the forest for more than two weeks, his body was finally acting on the poisoning effects. Actually, for a Merchant like him, two or three days of exposure would be enough to cause symptoms. However, he had been swallowing down two expensive bottles of detoxifying elixir per day. Unfortunately, there was only so much a three gold potion could do.

Instead of answering his subordinate, the Merchant looked at Heidi to get another useless report about their position. The Fighter told him they should be close to the meeting point, though she couldnt say the exact location. Keller was about to start complaining when something moved from behind a tree in front of them. Everyone reacted quickly by either going for their weapons or start casting an elemental spell. However, before all Originless grounds broke loose, the figure spoke.

Welcome You took some time to get here

The scared Adventurers and Merchant finally realized the hidden figure was a girl, more specifically, someone they knew. Samia didnt dwell on greetings and urged them to follow her. Once he saw the girl, Keller finally breathed a sigh of relief, he had risked himself and his non-Fighter subordinates coming here without being sure the villagers had a way to deal with magic poisoning. Fortunately, the girls health proved he was right, he just hoped their solution would work on others, after all, he might be holding on but the others werent.

Thinking about his sick subordinates, Keller couldnt help but look back to one of the six carts, where the poisoned were resting. If they couldnt help them, they would probably die in two or three days.

The walk back to the camp was extremely awkward as Samia didnt look excited to talk nor they made the effort to. Thankfully, one hour later they finally arrived at a strangely organized and well-built camp. Actually, the group failed to notice the camp before they were already in front of it. The Mages in the group even hesitated to approach it. However, the true shock came after they got close to the wooden huts and felt the high-density energy disappear from the environment.

Keller was used to be surprised by the villagers, but this was just too much. He looked around but failed to see any differences. Even confused, he mentally thanked the villagers, this would be enough to save his subordinates and even if their recovery took time, they would survive. The group of 42 Adventurers, who were painly convinced to come here by Heidis group and Keller, finally started to believe the too good to be true promises. However, they would now move more carefully, after all, this could only be the job of a powerful Mage.

In the center of 20 wooden huts, stood a big wooden building roughly ten times bigger than the huts. Kellers trained eyes quickly evaluated the buildings. The huts would probably house five to six people comfortably while the central building should hold at least 40 people. Others might be oblivious to the small details, but he didnt miss the oddity of the buildings, the cuts were perfectly evened and he couldnt see any bindings connecting the planks.

Of course, everybody noticed the strange tidiness and perfect alignment of the huts, but didnt they considered it too luxurious since they were used to see painting and stone in the citys rich buildings. The appearance of some people coming out of the central building captured everybodys attention. Samia urged them to go forward and quietly disappeared into the snow towards the direction they had come from. Keller recognized Lew, Diana and Karl, who came out to receive them. Omeros granddaughter was the one speaking.

Welcome to Adventurers point If you care to follow us inside, we have a hot meal and a place to rest...

The Adventurers thought these actions didnt match the girl at all while Keller was amused by the whole situation. Heidi wanted to exchange a few words with Lew but decided to wait for an appropriate time. Once they entered the building, they were again surprised by the tidiness and the quality of the furniture.

The entrance room was spacious, furnished only with a wooden counter on the left side. A doorway took them to a big hall designed like a common tavern, with simple tables and another counter in front of a small room, probably the kitchen. Keller quickly counted 20 tables, hosting up to 80 people. Double of what he had estimated, though he had calculated thinking of sleeping quarters. A young woman behind the counter smiled and invited them to sit.

Most Adventurers sat together, but a few Mages stayed separated from the main group. A few minutes later, the woman brought water, soup and bread with the help of a man. The main group wasnt overpolite and started to eat as soon as the food was served, but the Mages looked a little hesitant until they saw the excitement of who was eating. Heidi calmly tasted the soup but couldnt control her surprised expression. Keller observed their reactions while unfazedly sipping through the soup. His subordinates also didnt look surprised, only excited to be tasting the delicious food again.

The soup wasnt their best receipt but was good enough for a free first meal. The wind-infused ingredients, the fragrant herbs and the broth prepared from wind beasts bones was a good combination to replenish energy without putting too much weight on the unprepared stomachs. After they finished eating, Diana stood up and started speaking.

My name is Diana, Im currently responsible for this camp and I welcome you to stay as long as you want to. We can offer you lodging and meals, but we only deal in energy or elemental crystals. To encourage you to stay and return we can help you locate beasts around here, free of charge. For lodging, were renting the huts outside, the price is five LQ crystals per day, but each hut has five beds and you can choose to share it. The meals are served two times a day, breakfast and an evening meal. We have a simple meal, similar to what we served, for one crystal and a complete meal with meat for three crystals. If you decide to stay, feel free to register with Rachel or Ben, they are also responsible for the meals.

Diana walked to the small room behind the counter leaving the Adventurers confused about what to do, Lew signaled for Keller to follow him and also left for the room. They went through the kitchen into another small room and then down on a crude staircase. Keller was again surprised to see a big illuminated hall, bigger than the one with the tables. The hall was only furnished with tables, but he could also see some magic tools laying around and some drawing equipment.

Before he could say anything, Lew explained:

This is our Alchemy shop and headquarters, we would appreciate it if you could keep this a secret Dont get me wrong, were happy to see you, but we didnt expect you would come in person Eh I dont how to say this, so Im just gonna say it Somehow the new Wind Lord discovered our connection He sent a message, proposing cooperation and making a veiled threat We told him we couldnt do business because we would be too far from the Kingdom, but that he could contact us through you We dont know if that was the right call, he was clearly threatening you, so we choose to put you as a liaison

Kellers expression told them, he already knew about the Wind Lords interest.

Its OK He tried to send his sound Mages to track me, but I left the Wind region as soon as learned he was looking for me We should stay away from him So, its already us I guessed you have a new home by now. I imagine I also lost Arnold

Lew looked at him with a sympathetic expression.

Im sorry Did you lose everything when you escaped?

Dont be stupid. Im Merchant, I have my ways Anyway, I decided to come here to see if you have anything to trade, or if I could help you with anything Although I still have many contacts in the Kingdom, I might not be able to operate there as Merchant anymore If you dont have anything for me, I would be forced to retire

Surprisingly, Karl was the one to answer him.

So, you would go back to the Democracy?

The question took Keller by surprise and he lost his Merchant posture for a few seconds.

You know it?

We do The elders told us everything, about the Democracy and their mission

Keller stared blankly at the Alchemist, waiting for him to continue.

We dont care about their past All that matters is that now they part of AK, our nation But what about you? Do you want to go back to the Democracy or do you want to stay?

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