AK - The Alchemy Kingdom

Chapter 124: Their own path I

Chapter 124: Their own path I

Year 3, Fall, First Month, Third Week.

Can we help you with something?

If these repetitive interruptions were done by anyone other than Diana, Karl would probably lose his patience, but for the Councilwoman he would answer without a hint of impatience.

Not really, you should be well rest, though. Samia might need your help to bring my disciples safely

Seeing that the answer hadnt satisfied her and finding a trace of curiosity towards his drawings, Karl decided to explain the situation while taking a welcomed break.

The main problem is that too much energy is flooding this area and we dont have enough tools and designs to use it, yet. Of course, the whole point of establishing our home here is having all this available energy. However, until we actually needed it, the massive flow of free energy is a problem. Fortunately, the energy is pouring upwards from the rift or it would be impossible to even be standing here, but either way, the energy that spills sideways is enough to poison us to death in less than a day.

Karl breathed deeply and prepared to say some sacrilegious words, which could make anyone who said it a mortal enemy of the Alchemy Department.

First, I need to block the energy, then tap into the remaining energy that passed through the blockage, and finally waste as much energy as possible from what still remains

The bitter expression Karl made when talking about wasting energy almost earned a laugh from Diana, couldnt he be a little less childish? After all, the energy would continue pouring either way.

I finally finished the basic setting which should keep us healthy inside, but it's wasting resources that we dont have in excess, like the bubble crystal. The blockage layer is formed by a reinforced earth wall. The wall doesnt block the energy efficiently, which still passes through the earth, but it diverges a good amount of energy to the sides because it offers an easier path for energy. The second layer is a line of ten major powering Arrays used to absorb the energy that passes through the earth wall before transferring it to power our barriers. For now, the last layer only has this Array that creates a bubble protection pulse, which constantly tries to form a protective barrier to push the excess energy away. Its a pulse because the protection barrier crumbles once it encounters too much energy close to the earth wall.

I see and whatre you doing now?

I plan to erect another earth wall behind the major powering Arrays, to reduce once again the flow of energy and diverge it sideways where more major powering Arrays can absorb the energy. The idea is to create a gap of concentrated energy between the walls where the Arrays can freely absorb energy for our use. This second wall needs to be wider and stronger to keep more energy inside the gap. Hopefully, once the second wall is ready the protection barrier would be able to stay active and block the excess energy completely without wasting the bubble crystal.

Karl was relieved that Diana seemed much calmer now, but there was still a trace of anxiety on her expression, so he decided to give her something to long for.

Samia should back by tomorrow with my disciples, right? This is supposed to be a secret since we dont know if its gonna work, but I guess telling you should be fine, youll see it anyway We plan to build our own Path!

Diana took a moment to realize what he meant, then she instinctively flooded him with questions.

How? Do you know how the Path works? Its supposed to be a hidden secret of the Kingdom Can we really build our own Path? Why didnt we use it to get here safely?

Hey, calm down The idea is similar, but we plan to build something that really works Although the cost of maintaining the Kingdoms Path is close to zero, the thing is very crude and deceitful What they call the Path, is only a road surrounded by a rare energy-absorbing material. The Kingdom must have found a resource site of the material hundreds of years ago and decided to build the Path with it when someone noticed it could scare away LT beasts. The beasts probably see it as a stronger beast using its presence to mark territory. If the Kingdom could really block beasts dont you think they would have advanced into the Forest already?

So, we were living in constant danger of an attack? Nothing was actually blocking the beasts? Thats

Cruel They let us believe the village barrier and the Path couldnt be breached, but it was just luck. Probably, dozens of villages and commoners walking through the Path werent that lucky and Anyway, they should at least tell the truth about the Path so everyone could be on the watch for dangerous situations

And what about our Path?

Nothing is perfect, but I want to build a Path with an actual barrier and protection. However, its costly and takes time, so well do it slowly and as best as we can. Every step towards our group is a step closer to bring them home. We do have other plans, but they have more risks, so the Path is our main plan


Now, what?

Wein was a little hesitant to talk with the shadow but Anya didnt have such reserves. Although Samia wasnt keen on talking and made no efforts to hide it, the Alchemist still insisted on asking everything she wanted.

The shadow answered without much enthusiasm.

From now on, concealment wont be enough to keep us safe. So we wait for your Masters signal and make a run for it

Samia turned to the shadows on her side and gave a visual order, who immediately dashed to opposite sides and stopped ten meters approximately from the main group. Once in position, the shadows brought out a small wooden Array and tied it up to a tree before placing their lightning and energy crystals on it.

After the shadows returned, Samia sent another message using her communicator and urged the rest to prepare for the run. After a few minutes, the lightning crystals on the Arrays started to shine and release sparks of purple energy, then, furious energy traveled from the veins location to the Arrays tied in the trees forming a three kilometers corridor of raging arcs of lightning.

Amidst the shocked gasps, Samia gave the order to run. The magnificent and dangerous sight of a lightning corridor made their minds shout warnings, but the shadows order demanded more fear and thus took precedence. The lightning spectacle ended up drawing more beasts but none dare to move in while the energy still raged.

Ignoring everything around them, the group continued to run forward as the lightning walls started to weaken and dim. The Alchemists awkwardly tried to balance their lightened bodies pushed by the wind effect, fortunately, the three shadows offered enough support to keep the group going at a steady pace.

The groups tension was relieved when they started to see the energy vein, however, a beast also appeared into view, blocking their path and roaring towards them. The disciples instinctively slowed but the shadows pressed them forward. Before they could struggle and protest against going into the beasts maw, another group appeared attacking and blocking the beast.

Johann didnt save on elemental energy to push the beast with his Breeze. The beast was attuned to wind, so the attacks effect was weakened, but not enough to prevent it from being pushed back. The beast roared again and swung its tail to form a wind blade against the attacking group. Lew jumped sideways but Diana dashed forward holding the tattered shield with an active blue barrier. The blades crashed against the barrier, adding a few cracks to the shield, but she wasnt pushed back.

The beast, on the other hand, was being pushed by the wind Mage and was finally pressed against the lightning wall. It growled in pain while the lightning arcs danced around its body. Unfortunately, shocking the beast put some strain into the artificial corridor, which quickly dimmed before disappearing.

The rescue team joined the fray and also ran back to the vein, while the beasts lurking around started to lose their inhibition. It was a close call but they crossed the protection threshold on time to escape the elemental attacks. The untrained disciples fell to the ground panting heavily. Wein even threw up from the build-up tension, while Anya laughed between her heavy pantings, she actually thought the situation was thrilling.

Welcome to our home! Rest fast because we have a lot of things to do

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