Age of Evolution

Chapter 340: 340: The Church’s Eastern Expedition

Chapter 340: 340: The Church’s Eastern Expedition

Translator: 549690339

Above the sea, Yan Huang, wearing the Star Sky Crown and clad in holy armor, sped between the waves.

Behind him, a huge swarm of sea monsters followed. Suddenly, Yan Huang swirled around, ferociously swinging his long sword!

A storm of light blades roared out, cutting the sea monsters into pieces. Their blood dyed the sea a disharmonious shade of red.

Only a few SS and quasi-SSS class sea monsters, bruised and wounded, managed to keep up. On the shore, Baggio and his group, who were lying in wait, raised their hands in unison and a beam of white light descended from the clouds, completely vaporizing the survivors.

Baggio smiled and nodded at Yan Huang, who was now standing in front of him: “Yan Huang, your strength has made a great leap forward, not only in term of battle capability but also in your level. It seems that you are about to enter the Comet Stage.”

“Yes, I’m at the peak of Meteor Level Nine.”

“Progression requires luck. It’s not easy to advance from the Meteor to the Comet Stage. Many people get stuck at this point for their entire lives, unable to advance further. These things can’t be rushed. You won’t be able to increase your strength in a short period of time, unless you obtain the Holy Light Stone.”

“Holy Light Stone? What is that?”

“Take a look at the gem in the center of the Star Sky Crown. The stone that is embedded there now was added later. Originally, it was a Holy Light Stone, formed from the light of the sun, moon, and stars. It’s only when the Holy Light Stone is embedded there that the Star Sky Crown is deemed complete, providing its user with a tremendous amount of Star Power. Both the first Holy Son, Kate, and I managed to break into the Comet Realm because of the complete Star Sky Crown.”

“So where is the Holy Light Stone?”

Baggio paused for a moment: “After my breakthrough, the Radiant Power within the Holy Light Stone had been exhausted. It detached itself from the Star Sky Crown, shot straight up into the sky, and disappeared. At that time, I remember it was heading towards the moon. The stone needs four hundred years to absorb energy. In recent years, I have also gone to the moon to look for it, but without success. It’s possible that someone else found it.”

“Others? You mean there are people who have gone to the moon to cultivate their abilities?”

“Yes, Martial Artists who’ve reached the War God Period can actually practice on the moon. That being said, setting foot on the moon is somewhat difficult. At least someone at the meteor phase can make the journey.”

“Couldn’t the Holy Light Stone still be on the moon?” asked Yan Huang.

“No, the Holy Light Stone would absorb enough energy on the moon within four hundred years. By then, it would naturally emit radiance and be particularly conspicuous on the moon. Before that, it just looks like an ordinary stone. I didn’t find it when I searched the moon, so the only possibility is that someone else took it. However, I have no idea who that might be.”

Baggio regretted: “It’s a pity. If you could have obtained the Holy Light Stone, the Star Sky Crown would have been complete. A complete Star Sky Crown is a top-quality auxiliary holy device that can continuously absorb Star Power for its user. By then, you would basically have an undying body, and your power would increase rapidly. Perhaps, you could even advance to the Comet Stage right away. At that rate, even I wouldn’t be your match.”

Yan Huang was silent. It seemed that the Holy Light Stone was indeed very important, but unfortunately, its whereabouts were unknown.

Baggio sought to comfort him: “Forget about it. As long as you have luck, you might still be able to find it. Moreover, given our current power level, even without the Holy Light Stone, I think we won’t have any problem with the eastern expedition.”

Yan Huang nodded: “I also think the timing is right. The disorderly group from Hua Xia has already gathered at Northwest Base City. Let’s eliminate them with the force of a thunderstorm!”

Baggio gathered all ascetic monks, speaking loudly to them.

“Gentlemen, our Pope has been here for a week, and the progress in training is evident to everyone. To secure an advantageous position for our Gods Clan before the arrival of the Real God Troops, our eastern expedition is inevitable. We have been here for several hundred years, and almost forgotten by the outside world. Therefore, we must not act until it’s necessary. Once we do act, we will shake the world!”

The ascetic monks solemnly stared at Yan Huang. Their bright eyes reflected the galaxy in the night sky.

Yan Huang was overwhelmed with surging emotions upon the sight of these one hundred and twenty formidable ascetic monks.

With his power having progressed and the assistance of these ascetics, there was no one in the world who could stop them.

“Venerable gentlemen, I, Yan Huang, will keep it short. The Gods Clan will unite the world. After the arrival of the Real God Troops, we will spread our teaching in the starry sky!”

The ascetic monks did not respond with grandiloquent speeches; they simply placed their hands over their hearts, expressing their unyielding determination.


At Yan Huang’s command, he was the first to ascend.

Behind him, all the ascetic monks ascended. Over one hundred Star Realm Experts marched out, stirring up a storm that swept towards the mainland!

The next day, Yan Huang announced in Constantinople that he was appointing Baggio as the Chief Judge of the Church, and the eastern expedition would commence the following day.

He declared on an online video that anyone who was willing to follow the Gods Clan’s movement would be under the protection of the Gods Clan in the future. He talked heavily about the conflicts between the Eastern and Western continents, intentionally inciting ethnic tensions.

Yan Huang’s words were endorsed by the heads of states from the European Union, Sand Russia, and the United States, all of whom declared that they will be sending their best men to join Yan Huang’s believers in the eastern expedition.

The leaders of these countries were already believers in the Gods Clan, which coupled with their conflicts with Hua Xia, made them join the eastern expedition with no reluctance.

Numerous people from the Gods Clan also joined Yan Huang in his expedition. Together with the martial artists from all around the world, they quickly assembled a legion of thirty thousand people for the eastern expedition.

Troops from various countries and regions gathered in Constantinople. The scale was so massive that it was attention-grabbing.

It was not the mere quantity of people that amazed people, but the sheer strength of the participating soldiers.

Among the thirty thousand members, there were twenty thousand Advanced War Gods, ten thousand quasi-Star Realm Experts, along with Yan Huang and one hundred twenty Ascetic monks, making their combined strength unparalleled.

Under the immense pressure of the Gods Clan, the Hua Xia Martial Artists also united like never before.

Martial Artists of Advanced War God level and above left their homes, heading towards the Northwest Base City to prepare to face the enemy.

The Hua Xia Government also made many preparations, and all sorts of new weapons were transported to the Northwest to fortify the Northwest Base City’s defense.

The defensive intensity of the present Northwest Base City even shared resemblance to the Capital.

Of course, people also understood, in the decisive assaults of the Martial Artists, modernized weapons weren’t particularly useful. First off, those who wielded such weapons were too weak, and Martial Artists could simply avoid a frontal assault, penetrating the weakest point to easily break the Northwest’s defence.

However, the atmosphere of large-scale warfare had stirred up the people’s fighting spirit nationwide.

Martial Artists went to war and ordinary people were not idle, donating funds and materials, voluntarily taking to the streets, opposing the Church’s invasive actions.

They even threatened the Church and the European Union, Sand Russia, United States with the fury of Hua Xia, if their eastern crusade failed.

But the opponents remained unmoved. From their point of view, victory in this crusade was already assured.

With the experts in the Heavenly Star List balancing each other out, who could withstand these one hundred twenty Ascetic monks?

If Hua Xia’s Heavenly Star List dared to take action without adhering to the limits, the Heavenly Star Lists of the European Union, United States, and Sand Russia will definitely not stand idly by.

New Year was approaching, with just a week left to the Hua Xia’s New Year.

The first order of business was Yan Huang’s televised speech on that day.

“Our Gods Clan has nearly a thousand years of history, and over half the world’s population are our followers, yet Hua Xia’s Lin Zhen, under the influence of Hua Xia’s top brass, has repeatedly provoked our Gods Clan, carrying out numerous schemes. He has not only killed or wounded a large number of our faithful followers but also incited Hua Xia people to leave the Gods Clan.”

“In this matter, Hua Xia’s top brass and Lin Zhen are conspiring together. The so-called contribution of sixty million for the construction of the dikes is nothing more than a conspiracy. It’s fake and deceptive. Though the people of Hua Xia have been deceived, it doesn’t mean that the people of the world have been fooled!”

“Our Gods Clan’s doctrine is to save people of the world. As the Pope of the Gods Clan, Yan Huang, also known as Lucifer, I certainly cannot tolerate such confusion happening under my watch.”

“To save the deceived people of Hua Xia and to overthrow the decayed authority of Hua Xia, the Church has decided to launch an eastern expedition against Hua Xia starting today.”

“I warn the Hua Xia leaders who are still in denial here, if you dare to act in collusion with the war monger, Lin Zhen, you should be prepared to face the fury of my Gods Clan. I am giving you a three-hour window to flee overseas. Once the Gods Clan army arrives, there will be no mercy for the resistors!”

Yan Huang’s words stirred the blood of many stubborn Gods Clan followers and even incited some to cause turmoil within Hua Xia.

Hua Xia had prepared for such unrest. The City Defense Army and the police force cooperated to annihilate a large number of these stubborn Gods Clan followers.

In the face of a national crisis, no one had the compassion to spare these Believers of the Gods Clan.

There had been some Gods Clan followers in Hua Xia originally, but after this crackdown, they were effectively exterminated.

As for Yan Huang’s warning, Hua Xia’s top brass scoffed at it and made a determined response.

Firstly, the ruined Sophia Cathedral in Ice City had been transformed into a plaza and named after Lin Zhen. They even erected a bronze statue of him.

Lin Zhen’s significant contributions were recognized, and he was hailed as a national hero.

The higher-ups of Hua Xia also issued an impassioned televised speech, urging the entire nation to resist the aggression of the Gods Clan. Hua Xia would never bow down to any person or power.

As for Yan Huang’s attempt at tainting Lin Zhen by twisting black and white, it was promptly debunked. Lin Zhen’s donation was an established fact. They couldn’t smear him just by splashing a bit of dirty water.

But everyone knew that this was just an excuse concocted by Yan Huang. Even without this one, he would find other excuses. As long as he wanted to crusade, he would always be able to find a reason.

Time flew and the three hours came to an end. At last, the Gods Clan’s army commenced its advance, taking their aircraft towards the Northwest Base City.

The distance from Constantinople to Northwest Base City wasn’t too long. By aircraft, it would take an hour.

The Martial Artists from all over the country, relying on the Northern Wall of the Northwest, watched the sky, waiting for the arrival of the Church’s troops.

The oppressive atmosphere prior to the major battle made everyone’s breathing heavier than usual. This wasn’t going to be an easy fight, even those who usually loved to joke didn’t feel like laughing at this moment.

“Beep beep beep!”

The piercing air-raid alarm rang out. On the military’s radar screen, the forces of the Gods Clan had appeared.

The gloomy atmosphere that was driving people almost insane finally broke.

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