Against the Clock: The Team Leader’s Pursuit of Glory

Chapter 31 - The Right Time Will Come

The night before the field survey in Pocheon.

A sharp voice of a middle-aged woman penetrated the basement of an old detached house.

"Hey, Gong Du-ri! Stop messing around with the computer and eat your meal!"

"I'm fine. I ordered a hamburger."

"Fast food again? What's the point of me cooking if you're not going to eat it?"

"Your food doesn't taste good, mom."

"I'll just, snap your mouth shut!"

"Why are you always so violent? This is why I don't want to get married. I'm afraid I might end up like dad."

"You're talking about marriage, but you can't even get a girlfriend."

"Who says I don't have a girlfriend?"

"As far as I know, the only girlfriend you have is a roll of toilet paper, you rascal."


"You're my son, but I doubt any girl would want to date you. Who would like a guy who's cooped up in the house all day? If you want to have even a female friend, you need to stop playing games and get a job already!"

"This is not a game. Not everything I do on the computer is a game. And I'm earning my keep even if I'm not employed."

"Oh, please, my dear."

The bickering with his mother had ended and peace had returned to the basement when the doorbell rang.

Gong Du-ri pressed the remote control he had nearby. The front door opened and footsteps could be heard.

"Delivery is here."

"Oh, Team Leader Kang. On the table over there... Please wait for a moment. I'm almost done."

Kang Mu-hyuk placed the bag on the table and glanced at the task Gong Du-ri was focused on.

"Are you hacking the guild system again? I told you it wouldn't work."

"Damn, foiled again. Who the hell is this guy? No matter how hard I try, I can't break through- Ugh!"

Only when Kang Mu-hyuk's fist hit his head did Gong Du-ri remove his hands from the keyboard.

"Ah... Damn..."

"If you get caught, I hope my name doesn't come up. I don't want a stain on my record."

"I won't get caught. I won't. Look all over the world. You wouldn't be able to count the people who could catch me on one hand."

"You should've kept a closer watch on the guild, Gong Du-ri. They say a leopard can't change its spots, and you got caught opening confidential documents from Titan and got kicked out. And you're still doing this kind of stuff here?"

"I wasn't caught online. I was caught offline."

"That's nothing to be proud of. You should be thankful that we didn't turn you into the police."

"Thanks to that, you're making use of me like this. Hehe."

Gong Du-ri slid his wheeled chair over to the table like a sled. As he ripped open the hamburger that Kang Mu-hyuk had brought, he stretched out his hand.

"You come to me when you're in a hurry. Hurry up and give me my fee. I went through the correctional department's database for Ujungdo's criminal record."

"Where's the other data?"


As Gong Du-ri handed over the USB, Kang Mu-hyuk took out a thick envelope from his pocket and threw it to him.

Gong Du-ri wiped his sauce-stained hand on his pants before opening the envelope to check its contents.

"Ah, the smell of money is the best. I wondered what was going on when you called me after so long, doing all these odd jobs. You said you were out of Titan, did you find another job?"

"It's the Taesung Guild. Haven't you seen the news?"

"Oh, Taesung? The big corporation, right?"

"Yes. I've taken a position as a Guild Leader there."

"Wow, Guild Leader! Look at you, climbing the ranks. Mr. Team Leader Kang. But Guild Leader, is that like a Guild Master? The salary must be good, right?"

"Yes. It's pretty substantial. I need to use your computer for a bit."

Kang Mu-hyuk opened the laptop next to him and checked the data stored on the USB.

During the brief moment Gong Du-ri took to devour his hamburger set, Kang Mu-hyuk managed to cram an overview of the data into his mind. He mulled over the information, considering how to utilize it.

"But what's in there? I heard that there's someone from the correctional department working as a subcontractor at the Slayer Guild's item manufacturing plant. It's not even a guild. You asked about Noh Song-rin and his prison mate. Why did you want to know?"

"I'm not entirely sure yet, just speculating a few things."

"What kind of speculation?"

Kang Mu-hyuk sifted through the information he'd pieced together so far in his mind.

'Ju Se-ah, the Guild Master, is the youngest daughter of Taesung Group's Chairman Tae Jin-sung. She joined Slayer 10 years ago, when she was in her teens. She was well-known as a promising newcomer, being the youngest Hunter to ever join a Tier-ed guild. The following year, Taesung Group established their own guild. Slayer Guild did the initial consulting. Could they be connected somehow? Noh Song-rin joined Taesung 4 years ago, on the recommendation of the then Guild Master, Choo In-ho. Choo In-ho had previously served as the Expedition Team Leader for the mid-level guild 'Great Honor,' and after retiring from Taesung, he moved to Slayer Guild. And then there's this guy.'

Kang Mu-hyuk stared intently at the man in the photo on the monitor.

Kim Myung-jun.

A Hunter imprisoned in Ujungdo on suspicion of murder.

He was in Ujungdo at the same time as Noh Song-rin, and somehow managed to secure release after 7 years. He was now an Executive at a small-to-medium enterprise specializing in post-item processing.

'An A-rank Hunter living a quiet life in a suit? That's blatantly suspicious.'

Based on this information, Kang Mu-hyuk came up with two strong conclusions.

Firstly, a manufacturing company affiliated with the Slayer Guild.

This kind of disguise was similar to the way sub-guilds were operated.

Though ostensibly a small-to-medium enterprise, there was a high chance that it operated internally like a guild.

'The most suspicious thing is the janitor. A former murderer from Ujungdo is now an Executive, with no sign of managing the business. Even Titan tried to set up a similar organization. All Tier-ed guilds have at least one.'

Titan Guild would never have allowed such an organization while Kang Mu-hyuk was the Strategy and Tactics Team Leader. He wasn't sure what happened after he left.

'And the other possibility is a ploy against the Taesung Guild.'

Chairman of the Taesung Group seemed to display no interest in the guild, apart from his daughter Ju Se-ah, judging by his actions. This differed from other major corporations that seemed to use personal military forces or problem-solvers.

Could a Tier-ed guild have implanted a spy within the seemingly indifferent corporate guild?

"A subsidiary guild, perhaps?"

"Why all of a sudden are we talking about a subsidiary guild? Isn't that illegal like the lower-rank guilds?"

"Well, a subsidiary guild is slightly different from a lower-tier one. It's not so much illegal as it is a kind of tacitly allowed workaround."

In the guild industry, the terms 'lower-rank guild' and 'subsidiary guild' held distinct nuances.

A lower-rank guild was an illegal organization to the core, its very existence shrouded in secrecy. Most of what they did was criminal in nature.

In contrast, a subsidiary guild was, in all official respects, totally unconnected, not bound by any contractual relationship - utterly unrelated.

However, anyone in the industry recognized that such a guild was under the influence of a higher-rank guild.

They were often used as scapegoats to take the fall in difficult situations or used to skip out on obligations.

Simply put, they played the role of a punching bag.

"Why is this? I also want to know. Suddenly, it seems interesting."

"Your ignorance is your bliss, Mr. Gong Du-ri. If you dig too deep and get tracked, I can't guarantee your safety."

"Ah, that's not the case. In the offline world, Hunters might be dominant, but online, I'm the king."

"Please give up your unnecessary curiosity, and dig a bit deeper here."

"Where? Hanseong Corporation? Why this company?"

"There will be more than one Executive from Ujungdo among the employees. Please find out their employee profiles and what kind of company this is."

"This place doesn't have much security, and the corporate system is so poorly constructed that there won't be much information to extract through hacking. It's a company that solely deals with metalwork."

"We will have to separately investigate the offline aspect."

"Are you planning to use that detective guy?"

"Who else would I secretly ask for help besides my old comrades?"

"Ah, this is something. I really don't feel like gathering former workplace colleagues. I don't have any good memories from there. If you're going to do that, you might as well get me a job at Taesung. I also want to wear a badge from a large corporation. I'm going crazy from my mother's nagging."

"A suitable opportunity will come soon."

Present. Field survey site in Pocheon.

Noh Song-rin grumbled a few times, kicking the ground before finally climbing into the car.

Ju Se-ah approached Kang Mu-hyuk and asked quietly.

"What were you talking so long with Noh Song-rin about?"

"Just a few constructive discussions."

"With him? You'd have a more constructive conversation with an orc."

"Whether he's an orc or not, I don't know. He's more understanding than you'd expect. Let's return to the guild now."

'It would be better if the Guild Master didn't know yet. It'd be a problem if she stirred things up at the Slayer Guild again.'

Upon returning to the guild the next day, Ju Se-ah heard a shocking declaration from Noh Song-rin in the morning.

"I wholeheartedly support the Taesung Guild's relocation to North Pocheon and registration of connections. I will assist Guild Master Ju Se-ah to ensure a smooth transition."

"Um... So, uh... Some kind of plot? Or maybe a hidden camera?"

"A plot? That's disappointing. It's not a hidden camera either. I simply resonated with Guild Leader Kang Mu-hyuk's vision. I felt that this is the direction I need to be heading in."

'Kang Mu-hyuk, what kind of scam has this guy pulled again?'

While Ju Se-ah was meeting Noh Song-rin with an ambiguously distorted expression, Kang Mu-hyuk went to find Choi Mi-ran.

"Hunter Choi Mi-ran. It's been a while since we first met in the parking lot on the day of the inauguration."

"Yes? Yes... Haha... I was impolite to you back then...."

"No, it happens. You must have thought I was an outsider."

"Well, yes. I'm a little gruff if it's not someone from the guild. I'm quite shy."

"Anyway, since we'll be relocating the guild soon, I'll leave the parking issue as it is. You can use the parking spaces as you originally did."

"Guild Leader. About the guild relocation... Are we really moving to North Pocheon?"

"Yes. We're going. Next month."

"Eh! So soon?"

Kim Seong-hyun, who had been lingering nearby, suddenly interjected.

"Is there any problem?"

"No, it's not a problem... It's just so sudden."

As Kim Seong-hyun's face contorted, Kang Mu-hyuk crossed his arms and nodded as if understanding.

"Hunter Kim Seong-hyun is right, it does seem a bit rushed. I assume many others will be quite startled."

"Exactly. We're just grunts, but it would have been nice if you had explained why we should accept this guild relocation...."

Choi Mi-ran, thinking it was an opportunity to voice the dissatisfaction she had been unable to express until then, chimed in.

Kang Mu-hyuk made a show of contemplating seriously, then spoke.

"Well, how about this?"

"What do you suggest?"

"Gather the Hunters who are discontented or anxious about this move. We may not have a full meeting, but I can personally listen to your concerns and see what can be resolved. How about that?"

"Oh? Would you do that? Everyone's been worried about what to do. That's good news."

Kang Mu-hyuk rolled up his sleeves, tapped his watch, and said, "Let's discuss this over lunch. I'll book a restaurant. How many people can come?"

"About 54 in our group chat? Maybe about thirty can come?"

"I'll book a generous space and let you know the restaurant reservation. Everyone can come from your side, and we can discuss the future of the guild over a meal."

"Guild Master. Is it true that Team Leader Kang Mu-hyuk from Taesung has proposed taking over Warehouse C?"

"I doubt the official news is out yet. You found out fast. We've already exchanged contracts."

At Lee Cheoljung's response, Ma Taesu narrowed his eyes.

It was a blatant hostility, but Lee Cheoljung disregarded it lightly.

"You must be pleased, Vice Guild Master. You can get rid of the guild's white elephant."

"Ha? Truly delightful. I can share good news with the board and shareholders."

"It's not bad news for you either. The fact that Guild Leader Kang Mu-hyuk is taking over Warehouse C means he has no lingering attachments to our guild."

Feeling as if his true feelings were exposed, Ma Taesu flinched.

Kang Mu-hyuk had a definite fondness for Warehouse C. He had signed a pledge never to return to Titan, but Lee Cheoljung could have brought him back at any time if he chose to.

However, by taking over Warehouse C, Kang Mu-hyuk allayed any lingering worries about his return.

In a way, Kang Mu-hyuk had made it clear to Ma Taesu that he would never return to the Titan Guild.

'Handing over Warehouse C wasn't all good, though. It eliminated one of the Guild Master's weaknesses. Was this a final gift from Team Leader Kang?'

Warehouse C and Kang Mu-hyuk.

The Guild Master had eliminated one weakness and discarded a potent weapon.

Which one was a gain?

It was still unclear.

"Do you think Team Leader Kang really believes Warehouse C will succeed? It doesn't look promising to me."

"I feel the same. That's why it's been collecting dust in the warehouse for years. But then, I have a feeling it won't fail either. You know Team Leader Kang's character, right? If it doesn't look good, he cuts his losses quickly. He is decisive in his commitments. If he's dragging this on like this, there must be something. Though he has moved to another guild now, it will be interesting to watch."

Lee Cheoljung was smiling as he spoke, but Ma Taesu wasn't feeling as easy.

Amidst the upheaval in the industry due to the revival of the Guild Leader system, news broke that the Taesung Guild was relocating and had chosen the North Pocheon Special Activities Zone as its home.

The Guild Cooperation Division welcomed this decision, announcing that it would spare no support at the government level.

Each guild missed the timing to protest against the Guild Leader position and public opinion formed in the direction of waiting and watching.

Even some of the guilds under large corporations watched with interest.

An unprecedented game of wait-and-see began in the guild industry.

'If Team Leader Kang leaves Seoul, it's not bad for me.'

But why was he so anxious?

It felt like he had temporarily thrown a disaster magnet far away.

Who knew when it might snap back?

'Let's not worry about that side for now. The most important thing right now is to take over Titan. I need to focus here.'

As long as things went according to plan, it wouldn't matter whether Kang Mu-hyuk returned or not.

Ma Taesu wanted to peacefully hand over Warehouse C and sever ties with Kang Mu-hyuk as soon as possible.

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