After the Disabled God of War Became My Concubine

Chapter 118

Chapter 118

Huo Wujiu paused, and then as if he just realized this matter, expressionlessly spoke: “… I forgot.”

His expression was especially serious and didn’t seem to be faking at all.

Jiang Suizhou was just trying to find a topic, so he was brought up short by his response.

…It can’t be!

He looked at Huo Wujiu steadily. Huo Wujiu looked at him calmly, blinked, but his face betrayed some innocence.

He really brought no money!

Jiang Suizhou had never come across such a dilemma in life, and so he immediately panicked. He promptly fumbled for something on him, but when he changed his clothes into the robe, he had taken off all the jade accessories on him. Right at this moment, there was only a clean set of clothes covering him, something made out of the most coarse material.

Jiang Suizhou’s brain couldn’t function for a moment.

They’ve already ordered just now. If they couldn’t take out something to pay, did that mean they had to return to the manor to fetch some? They had snuck out, so of course they couldn’t charge it to his account…

While he was freaking out, a chuckle across from him reached his ears.

It was deep, but feathery, with a touch of undisguised delight.

The next moment a heavy coin bag was gently tossed on the table, landing in front of him with a clang.

Jiang Suizhou looked up and found Huo Wujiu opposite, looking at him nonchalantly. In front of him was a coin bag with ordinary patterns, full of silver.

“Why do you believe everything?” Huo Wu Jiu asked with a raise of his eyebrows. He rested his face on one hand and idly looked at him with a smile.

Only then did Jiang Suizhou realize that Huo Wujiu was teasing him.

This man is really… When he first arrived at the Jingwang Manor, Huo Wujiu didn’t utter a word to anyone. When Huo Wujiu occasionally spared him a glance, his eyes were nothing but ruthless and frosty. But now, the wolf’s tail was gradually exposed, exhibiting a bit of his widely known villainy.

Jiang Suizhou pursed his lips and muttered in embarrassment, “… Who can tell if you’re for real or not? What’s more, where did you get the money?”

Huo Wujiu was not the least bit troubled.

“It’s Wei Kai’s,” he said.

Jiang Suizhou was stunned: “What?”

Huo Wujiu picked up the coarse porcelain cup in front of him and took a sip of tea. His mighty golden-like appearance, coupled with that natural indifference, made him the epitome of a rebel chieftain, occupying a mountain.

“This is what he has saved these days, plus the reward money from the royal family,” he explained, “He rarely goes out. It’s useless to keep them, so he gave them to me.”

Jiang Suizhou was rendered speechless.

… Who would have thought that General Huo, who is famous in history for being indomitable, would go out for a meal and rob his subordinate’s money?

Although Jiang Suizhou was feeling guilty deep down for Wei Kai, he still finished the meal with Huo Wujiu.

Seriously speaking, this restaurant was said to have moved to Lin’an when Southern Jing moved south,but their handful of northwestern dishes were quite flavorful. Even if Jiang Suizhou had little appetite, he ate more because of the taste. By the time they finished their meal, it was completely dark outside.

The downtown streets were lit up with lanterns. It was impressively bright, projecting a festive atmosphere.

Jiang Suizhou stuffed the silver coin bag back to Huo Wujiu and let him foot the bill. Afterward, they left the restaurant and merged into the crowded street.

Jiang Suizhou was naturally curious about everything.

He had also dabbled in the folk customs of the Jing Dynasty, but what was described in books was entirely different from what he saw with his own eyes.

It was inconvenient for them to take things back on their return, but it didn’t hinder him from window shopping. He looked around as he walked, his eyes shining.

Huo Wujiu wasn’t interested in any of the displays. Even if the place was different from Yangguan, both were more or less alike. He had long been tired of seeing them.

However, Jiang Suizhou beside him was interesting in his eyes.

The young master of the imperial family, who grew up in the imperial capital, looked arrogant and noble, but in fact had never been exposed to various aspects of society. Those common and popular playthings seemed so interesting in his eyes, like a child, who was curious about everything. Those clean eyes were rather soulful.

With people rambling to and fro, nobody paid them any attention. No one noticed that his eyes kept falling on Jiang Suizhou at his side, silent yet steadfast, with a depth that he himself didn’t notice.

Along with the stream of people, the two gradually strolled to the street entrance.

There were a lot of people gathered around the open space in the middle. In the open space stood several bare-chested wandering artists, performing there.

One of the men was holding a torch in his hand. Whatever was in his mouth, when he blew on the torch, he literally spewed out fire, arousing a burst of exclamations and applause around him.

Jiang Suizhou also stopped in his tracks.

Wandering performers like them had always been an uncanny mystery in his eyes. There were few records about them in history books, which made them even more legendary. He stopped and didn’t move any further, watching those performers finish breathing fire and swallowing their swords on the spot.

Several young apprentices around them, who were wearing opera-like facial makeups, somersaulted fervently. Cheers rose one after another, and Jiang Suizhou was gradually stimulated by the atmosphere, with almost a smile of awe on his face.

Huo Wujiu stood by his side. He looked at him sideways, and the corners of his lips unconsciously rose.

Everyone was afraid of Jingwang, and the world knew that he was crafty and glib to the bone. Only he, Huo Wujiu, saw how attractive Jingwang was beneath his guise of keeping people at arm’s length.

No one had ever discovered this treasure, but he picked him up.

At that exact moment, the group finished performing another show. Several children who beat the gongs flipped them over, smiled and began to ask for a reward from the spectators around.

Coins jingled as they rained down.

The crowd dispersed, escorting the two of them to the front row.

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