After Marrying a Vegetative Princess, I Went Crazy With Joy!

Chapter 4: The Wedding Night and My Vegetative Bride!

Chapter 4: The Wedding Night and My Vegetative Bride!

When Su Li gazed upon Princess Changle lying on the bed in her stunning red dress on their wedding night, his happiness began to fade away. Despite her extraordinary beauty and her status as one of the most renowned heroines of the Tang Dynasty, it still seemed surreal for Su Li actually to be in her presence. Such an encounter was once only possible within the pages of a novel.

Princess Changle was adorned in a red garment, with a complexion resembling that of delicate pink gemstone. Her eyes were tightly shut, and her facial features seemed afflicted with a feeble frailty that could be attributed to her prolonged vegetative state.

Su Li inquired, How long has the princess been in a coma?

Its twenty-three days replied the female officer by her side.

Although Su Li was just a son-in-law who had recently joined the royal family, the female officer treated him with the utmost respect. As a female officer serving in the palace, she adhered to strict protocols. Unlike the arrogant and disdainful behavior often depicted in novels, the female officer did not embarrass Su Li, even if she might not particularly like him.

Su Li gently took Princess Changles hand, and the female officer standing nearby was about to remind him of the impropriety of the gesture. However, when Su Li made no other moves, she refrained from doing so.

Su Li was merely a minor peasant, and Princess Changles current condition made it impossible for him to engage in a husband and wife intimate relationship on the wedding night.

This was why the female officer in the princess mansion was accompanying her. After all, Princess Changles current state required someone to take care of her body, even for daily scrubbing. The female officer was here to take care of her personal needs and to prevent Su Li from doing crazy things.

As Su Li held Princess Changles hand, he felt a familiar sensation in his mind. The balance of points which had been zero previously had begun to pulsate, indicating that he had gained a few points. And he could perceive that each increment of 1 point took about three seconds.

Su Li couldnt help but feel satisfied at this small victory. However, as he looked at Princess Changles delicate hand, he realized that there were more important things in life than just accumulating points.

He pushed aside his thoughts of points and focused instead on his new wife. He knew that she required his care and attention, especially in her current vulnerable state.

As Su Li listened to the female officers report on Princess Changles condition, he couldnt help but feel a sense of sadness and concern. He rubbed the center of his brows, deep in thought.

Maybe she can open her eyes? Su Li asked, hopeful for any sign of improvement.

She can open her eyes during the day, but she wont listen or move no matter what I say, the female officer replied.

Su Li sighed, realizing that Princess Changles condition was more serious than he had initially thought. He considered the situation carefully and softly said, Her body is still functioning, albeit in a limited capacity.  She is able to open her eyes and swallow, and the fact that she is resting with deep breaths leaves no doubt in my mind that she is in a vegetative state.

As Su Li thought about Princess Changles condition, he couldnt help but reflect on the limited medical knowledge of ancient times. At that time, a vegetative state was often mistaken for a disease of lost souls, as there was little understanding of the underlying causes.

In modern times, there was a much clearer distinction between a vegetative state and a coma. While a person in a coma might exhibit muscle spasms and breathing difficulties, a vegetative state was characterized by a stable pattern of body work and rest, as well as the ability to swallow and breathe normally.

Despite the advancements in medical knowledge, both conditions remain serious and challenging to treat.

As Su Li continued to contemplate Princess Changles condition, he couldnt help but feel a sense of regret. He knew that a severe coma was often a precursor to a vegetative state and that the road to recovery would be long and difficult.

In ancient times, medical technology was not advanced enough to treat such conditions effectively. If Princess Changle had been in a coma for more than 20 days, it was likely that she would be too sick to eat, and there were less chances of her recovery.

Su Lis heart felt heavy as he thought about the gravity of Princess Changles condition. Su Li knew that Princess Changles road to recovery would be difficult, but he remained committed to support her in any way he could. He hoped that with time and care, she would be able to overcome her condition and regain a normal life.

In the past, individuals had two distinct beliefs regarding those in a vegetative state. Some believed that those in a vegetative state were essentially devoid of consciousness, exhibiting no response to external stimuli and entirely lacking self-awareness.

Others believed vegetative individuals could perceive their surroundings to some extent, including experiencing sensations such as pain, temperature, and sound in specific environments. Su Li leaned more towards the latter perspective, suggesting that vegetative patients possessed a certain level of conscious cognitive ability.

Princess Changles situation was especially cruel as she was only 22 years old. Her consciousness was plunged into an endless darkness, where she was invisible to the outside world. Occasionally, she could hear, feel, and even think, but she was trapped in a cage and unable to move.

The cruelest part was that she could feel her own bodily excretions, trapped in a helpless state like a normal person locked in a dark room. She was aware of being covered in feces and urine, but she could not do anything about it. Someone was cleaning her up, but she didnt even know who they were. The state of being in a vegetative state was utterly incapacitating.

Su Li recalled a case in which a person in a vegetative state had been declared brain dead by the hospital. However, the individuals consciousness remained alert and active throughout. A research team used the latest equipment in a chance experiment to identify the subjects subjective consciousness. After processing and analyzing the data, the first message transmitted by the patient was a chilling one Kill me!

The revelation that vegetative individuals could possess a subjective consciousness was a frightening prospect. Life would be an unbearable nightmare for anyone in such a state.

After enduring numerous struggles, most individuals in vegetative states would eventually choose to shut themselves off from the world, voluntarily relinquishing their will to survive and becoming truly brain-dead.

Unfortunately, Princess Changle, a young woman of only 22 years old had faced this grim reality. It was a cruel sight to behold.

Even though Su Li was known for being heartless and only caring about himself, he still considered other peoples emotions. His ultimate goal was to earn points as many as he could by keeping himself near to Princess Changle.

But it was impossible for Su Li to laugh heartlessly in this situation after his system could be really used, because he understood that most people in a vegetative state could still perceive their surroundings and even hear sounds.

Just as he was about to speak, a strong, unpleasant, foul smell suddenly filled the air.

My lord, please step out of the room for a moment, the female officer said to Su Li responsibly. Having taken care of Princess Changle for so long, they knew all too well that the source of the odor was from her.

Su Li hesitated for a moment, considering whether or not to say something, but ultimately decided to remain silent.

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