After Divorce: Pursued by Cohabiting Boss

Chapter 136: Don’t be Okay

Chapter 136

Yu Sheng looked up and glanced at the person coming in.

He put down the pen in his hand, relaxed back slightly, knowing she had come for something. He didn't say anything, his narrow, cold eyes just silently watching her.

Li Zhen slapped the stack of money down in front of him with a "pa!" "I wasn't willing yesterday. You coerced me, so I don't want payment! I won't go again in the future either!"

"You're not going?" Yu Sheng's sharp brows raised slightly. "That's fine."

He hit the intercom.

It was Zhao Yan on the other end.

"Manager Zhao, get someone else from the advertising department tomorrow night. Get Qiao Yi to go..."

"Pa!" Li Zhen hurriedly cut off the handset Yu Sheng was holding.

Li Zhen's whole body trembled with anger. "You're using my friend to threaten me?"

Yu Sheng neither confirmed nor denied it. "The operating laws of this society are just that cruel. Threatening may not sound good, but it works."

Outside the office, the employees of the marketing department had all craned their necks to look into Yu Sheng's office. The fully transparent office had no curtains drawn. They couldn't hear any sounds but had an unobstructed view of the scene inside.

Everyone saw Li Zhen throw the money down in front of Yu Sheng, both of their expressions extremely cold.

The ex-husband and wife were fighting!

This was a rare scene in a century at Macro Sea, which prohibited office relationships!

Someone in the Macho Banquet WeChat group quickly sent a message.

【Dear family members! Li Zhen and Director Yu are fighting in his office!】

In less than a few seconds, there were already dozens of replies.

【What! Someone dares argue with Director Yu! Li Zhen is so fierce!】

【Which good sister can take a video for me to see what the living King Yama Yu looks like when he's arguing!】

【Living long and seeing much. Someone dares argue with Director Yu? Just one look from him scares people to death!】

Everyone was still gossiping excitedly in the group.

Li Zhen stood in the office, staring at Yu Sheng's expression like he had her cornered.

She gritted her teeth, her face even paler. "Yu Sheng, you have to push it this far, don't you?"

"Anything other than coming home with me, don't even talk about it." Yu Sheng's tone grew even colder.

"Fine. If you want to make things hard for me, then no one gets to have it easy!" Li Zhen steadied her emotions, but her clear eyes held anger.

Yu Sheng narrowed his dark eyes, watching coldly as she unlocked her phone.

Li Zhen dialed the company's whistleblower complaint number.


In the HR department, Xu Yu was fully focused on eating melon, staring at everyone wildly guessing in the group chat about what Li Zhen's next move against Yu Sheng would be.

Just then, Macro Sea's dedicated whistleblower phone rang abruptly.

Xu Yu was startled for a moment.

Macro Sea's whistleblower phone hadn't rang in the last two months. The company had cancelled overtime and improved employee meals, the employees were just short of writing thank you letters. How could someone still want to blow the whistle?

She picked up the phone and was stunned.

Li Zhen's voice came through from the other end. "I'm Li Zhen from the advertising department. I'm whistleblowing Marketing Director Yu Sheng for abusing his position to coerce employees from other departments to work for the marketing department."

As soon as Xu Yu heard this, wow!

She had gone from eating melon to being on the front lines!

She was shocked internally, but Xu Yu maintained a professional tone, extremely calm. "Alright, Li Zhen. I'm HR Director Xu Yu. I'll report the situation you've reflected to the company immediately and a task force will be formed. Please be patient and wait."

Li Zhen's voice was steady. "Director Xu, I'm patient. But the matter is urgent. I'm in Director Yu's office now, waiting for the company to resolve this!"

"Alright, we'll be there as soon as possible."

Xu Yu hung up the phone, her expression instantly excited.

Li Zhen did well!

No matter if it was her ex-husband or a director, she still stood up to them fiercely!

Xu Yu still didn't know the specifics, but just based on Li Zhen not taking it lying down, she supported her!

Macro Sea had always taken employee whistleblowing seriously.

Xu Yu didn't drag her feet at all, immediately heading to Wang Peng's office. But when she arrived at Wang Peng's office, she was told Wang Peng was with Lu Yanming.


In just ten minutes, the Macho Banquet group released new breaking news.

【Extra! Extra!】

【Li Zhen and Director Yu have been summoned away by HR!】

Someone immediately followed up with another message.

【I'm from HR. Our director just rushed out urgently, I strongly suspect Li Zhen called the whistleblower line.】

【News from the frontlines of the general manager's office! It was Li Zhen who reported Director Yu! I just finished tidying up the conference room and the leaders all went in!】

【Ahhhhhhh! Thrilling! Haven't had this kind of big movement in a long time!】

The entire Macro Sea melon patch was abuzz with noise, exceptionally lively.

But at this time, the conference room was so quiet you could hear a pin drop.

Wang Peng sat right in the middle, shivering all over.

Li Zhen had already explained things very clearly. She was unwilling to accompany the marketing department for socializing but was coerced by Yu Sheng. This matter was indeed wrong of Yu Sheng, but did it warrant whistleblowing Yu Sheng to the company level?

Yu Sheng was leaving soon anyway. Wang Peng really didn't want to give him any disciplinary action over these trivial matters!


Wang Peng looked to Lu Yanming at the side.

Lu Yanming sat to the side, casually fiddling with a pen in his hand.

The grey suit was neatly and appropriately tailored to his body, crisp and well-fitted, his handsome face maintaining a light expression, not saying anything, but exuding an undeniable oppressive aura.

Wang Peng looked at Yu Sheng again.

Yu Sheng had an arrogant expression, a slight coldness in his gaze as he looked at Li Zhen.

He could suddenly understand both of their expressions now!

Neither person had innocent eyes!

How did he not notice before? It was so obvious.

Everyone in the conference room looked to Wang Peng.

Li Zhen spoke up as a reminder. "Director Wang, so what do you think should be done about this matter?"

"This..." Wang Peng coughed.

Yu Sheng looked up. "Li Zhen, as a member of Macro Sea, shouldn't you share the company's concerns? Sharing the company's concerns is what you should be doing."

"But each department has its own responsibilities. Accompanying your marketing department for socializing isn't my job." Li Zhen looked at Yu Sheng coldly.

Wang Peng felt a big headache coming on. He turned to look at Lu Yanming, lowering his voice. "Yanming, what do you think we should do?"

Lu Yanming's gaze lightly swept past the two people.

So yesterday, it was Yu Sheng who made Li Zhen accompany them for socializing, and made her drink so much.

He didn't say anything, his expression was cold and detached. "Naturally, go by the rules and regulations."

"Going by the rules and regulations, huh..." Wang Peng hesitated, and softened his tone, half pleading for leniency. "But, after all, it's Director Yu. He's contributed a lot to the company!"

Wang Peng still kept his voice lowered, not wanting others to hear his words. But his every move was being watched by everyone, so of course they realized he was taking Yu Sheng's side and didn't want Yu Sheng to be embarrassed.

So everyone else didn't dare to speak up, only keeping their heads lowered and pretending they didn't exist.

Li Zhen sneered internally. "Director Wang, the company wouldn't want to shield Director Yu, right?"

Wang Peng once again used coughing to ease his awkwardness. "Uh, Li Zhen, go wait in the outer conference room first. We'll discuss this."

Li Zhen got up. Her slender body had an unbreakable resilience. "Alright, Director Wang. I believe the company won't let the lower-level employees become disheartened."

Before leaving, Li Zhen didn't forget to give Wang Peng a high hat to wear.

Wang Peng felt his back turn cold. Reaching back to touch his neck, it was all cold sweat.

Li Zhen left for the outer conference room and the door was closed.

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