Absolute Dominion

Chapter 30

◈ Absolute Dominion

Chapter- 30

Jang In-Gyeol’s expression immediately hardened at the sight of Jeok Lee-Gun and Cha-Ryun. However, he quickly masked his displeasure, likely because he was aware of Lim Ha-Gi’s presence.

“Shall we head back? They’re waiting for you.”

“Haha, yes, let’s not keep them. Ah, since you’re both from Wuhan, I assume you know each other well?”

Jang In-Gyeol replied, his face clearly displaying his displeasure.


Lim Ha-Gi, pleased by the response, turned his attention to Cha-Ryun with a warm expression.

“Young Lady Jeong, we have an empty seat at our table. Would you care to join us?”

Before Cha-Ryun could politely decline, Jeok Lee-Gun cut in abruptly with an unexpected question.

“Is this Young Lady Sama that everyone is talking about, beautiful?”

Lim Ha-Gi shot him a glare as if questioning why he would ask such a ridiculous question, but Jeok Lee-Gun paid no attention to his expression.

Lim Ha-Gi replied, his voice laced with irritation.

“Of course.”

Jeok Lee-Gun wasted no time and stood up immediately.

“Then let’s join them. Besides, we only have enough money for a two-nyang meal here.”

…As expected of him.

However, Cha-Ryun couldn’t hide the fact that she was also curious about the famous Young Lady Sama. If it weren’t for Cha-Ryun, Lim Ha-Gi wouldn’t have agreed to sit with Jeok Lee-Gun. Cha-Ryun’s beauty made Jeok Lee-Gun’s rudeness tolerable.

At Lim Ha-Gi’s table, two women were waiting.

One of them was a familiar face—Jang In-Gyeol’s younger sister, Jang In-Hwa. She still wore heavy makeup and looked as seductive as ever. The moment she saw Jeok Lee-Gun, her eyes sparkled with interest, causing Jang In-Gyeol’s face to twist in displeasure.

‘Why does she keep showing interest in this good-for-nothing bastard?’

It was something he could never understand.

The other woman was a calm, serene beauty with deep eyes.

She was Sama Young, the woman who would be competing alongside Lim Ha-Gi in the Young Dragon and Phoenix Tournament.

Sama Young was no ordinary figure in the martial world. As the daughter of the prestigious Sama Family, one of the Four Great Families of the martial arts world, she was expected to one day assume the role of Chief Strategist for the Orthodox Alliance. Renowned for her intelligence and admired by many, her reputation preceded her.

“I am Sama Young.”

Jeok Lee-Gun leaned over towards Cha-Ryun and whispered into her ear, though his voice was loud enough for everyone at the table to hear.

“She looks plainer than you.”

Flustered, Cha-Ryun responded hastily.

“W-What nonsense are you spouting? Young Lady Sama is one of the Eight Beauties of the martial world!”

“Oh? So, does that mean that you can be considered as one of the Eight Beauties as well?”

I appreciate the sentiment, but you’re being incredibly rude to Young Lady Sama!

Cha-Ryun’s face turned even redder as she tried to cover Jeok Lee-Gun’s mouth. All she could do was laugh awkwardly in such a situation.

“Please don’t mind him!”

Sama Young, however, smiled kindly, seemingly unbothered. She was well aware that her inclusion among the Eight Beauties was largely due to her family’s influence, and she accepted it.

“Don’t worry about it, I get told that I’m plain quite often.”

Jeok Lee-Gun managed to free himself from Cha-Ryun’s grip.

“See? She agrees.”

Lady Sama wasn’t being serious! Does he think she would readily accept such a statement? What is he thinking?!

Sama Young’s smile deepened slightly. Whether she was just suppressing her anger or genuinely kind-hearted was hard to tell.

Cha-Ryun could only sigh and offer an apologetic smile.

“I apologize on his behalf.”

“No, it’s alright… he seems like an amusing person.”

Sama Young gazed intently at Jeok Lee-Gun as she thought.

‘Is he being oblivious? No, don’t be fooled. He’s not trying to flirt with you. Look at those eyes. He’s honestly assessing you, completely serious in his judgment.’

As Jang In-Gyeol watched the exchange, a sneer formed on his lips.

“By the way, this is the person who will be accompanying Young Lady Jeong to the Young Dragon and Phoenix Tournament.”

Usually arrogant and dismissive, Jang In-Gyeol was being surprisingly polite. Naturally, this change in tone was due to the presence of Lim Ha-Gi and Sama Young.

Though the Palm Heart Clan was a formidable force within Wuhan, compared to the mighty Northern Sky Clan and the distinguished Sama Clan, they were nothing more than a minor local clan.

Even securing a seat at this table had been a challenge in itself for Jang In-Gyeol.

It seemed Lim Ha-Gi and Sama Young were both surprised to hear that Cha-Ryun and Jeok Lee-Gun would be participating in the tournament.

Looking at the sight of Jeok Lee-Gun tearing into a duck leg, his hands and mouth slick with grease—it was clear that he seemed completely out of place next to the graceful Cha-Ryun.

Lim Ha-Gi and Sama Young exchanged looks, then shot questioning glances at Cha-Ryun, as if asking, ‘are you really going to compete alongside this guy.’

Oh, no need to look at me with such pity. You’ll understand once you get to know him.

Cha-Ryun simply smiled back at them.

Meanwhile, Jeok Lee-Gun, oblivious to the unspoken conversation that was going on, continued to enjoy himself.

“You have to eat the legs of winged creatures to really feel like you’ve eaten.”

After saying that, he stuffed the duck leg into his mouth which seemed to give him great satisfaction.

No matter how one looked at him, Jeok Lee-Gun didn’t seem like a fitting companion for Cha-Ryun, which was why Lim Ha-Gi and Sama Young’s eyes returned to her, this time with even more intense questioning.

Did he blackmail you or something?

Cha-Ryun just continued to smile with a look that said, ‘You’ll understand once you get to know him.’

Meanwhile, Jeok Lee-Gun, oblivious to the unspoken conversation that was occurring, continued to enjoy himself.

“Wow! This food is delicious! We should definitely come here again!”

Jang In-Gyeol scoffed.

If it were up to him, he would have smashed Jeok Lee-Gun’s head in on the spot. Ever since that humiliating encounter, everything about Jeok Lee-Gun—his every move, look, or even the smallest gesture—grated on Jang In-Gyeol’s nerves.

‘Fucking bastard. Why hasn’t anyone been able to deal with such a fool?’

His bitter thoughts shifted to Kwon Hyuk-Gi. He had scolded him harshly, yet the man had still not dealt with the problem. Little did Jang In-Gyeol know that Kwon Hyuk-Gi was no longer in this world. All he could think about was returning and scolding him even more.

And then, to make things worse, Jang In-Hwa chimed in.

“If you think that Young Lady Sama is plain, then what do you think about me?”

Her seductive gaze was locked onto Jeok Lee-Gun.

Jang In-Gyeol clenched his teeth in rage as his sister openly flirted with the man who had humiliated him.

Jeok Lee-Gun smirked in response.

“You’re flashy. But…”


“You’re a bit too flashy.”


Suddenly, Jeok Lee-Gun pulled Cha-Ryun closer to him.

“Being too plain is one issue, but being overly flashy is another problem entirely.”

Ah, you could have spared the part about being overly flashy.

“I’m not fond of things that are excessively flashy, like you.”

Lim Ha-Gi cleared his throat uncomfortably, while Jang In-Gyeol’s face turned bright red with anger.

However, Jeok Lee-Gun wasn’t finished.

“Beautiful women always know they’re beautiful. If they don’t, it’s either an act or they’re just idiots. But you—you’re too aware of it. That’s what makes it a bit… off-putting.”

He pulled Cha-Ryun closer to his side once again.

“I think Cha-Ryun is the best example, she knows she is beautiful, but she isn’t the type to go flaunting it around.”

What is he even talking about? Do I really have to sit here and listen to him say these things?

Contrary to what one might expect, Jang In-Hwa found herself amused by the situation.

“You… you’re quite an amusing person.”

Like a child who had just discovered a new toy, Jang In-Hwa’s eyes gleamed with interest. To her, Jeok Lee-Gun was unique and fascinating—especially since no man had ever spoken to her so bluntly before, not until Jeok Lee-Gun.

‘Snap out of it. He really means it when he says he doesn’t like you.’

Now, Lim Ha-Gi became curious about Jeok Lee-Gun.

“Young Master Jeok, to which martial sect do you belong? Judging by the swords on your back, it seems you’ve learned martial arts.”

“Hah… this damned martial sect question. Isn’t there anything else people care to ask about when they meet someone new?”

“…Well, of course, it’s only natural. We need to know which family or sect you belong to…”

“So you can decide whether you have to treat me with respect or not?”

Lim Ha-Gi faltered for a brief moment, taken aback.

“That wasn’t my intention…”

“Instead of asking about someone’s background, shouldn’t you ask what they’re doing now, or what dreams they have for the future?”

As Jeok Lee-Gun spoke, he tore off the last duck leg.

“Hehe, it’s hard to grab the last piece of duck leg.”

What an excuse.

Cha-Ryun shook her head in disbelief at Jeok Lee-Gun’s antics.

Watching Jeok Lee-Gun gnaw on the duck, Lim Ha-Gi asked another question.

“Alright then, what have you been doing with your life so far, Young Master Jeok?”

“I’ve mainly been traveling the martial world.”

“And what do you plan to do in the future?”

“Well, it wasn’t in my plans, but… how about winning the Young Dragon and Phoenix Tournament?”

Sama Young burst into laughter. She seemed to think his statement was some kind of absurd joke. Her laughter made everyone else follow suit, although it was mostly polite chuckling.

Cha-Ryun, however, did not laugh. The idea of winning the tournament no longer seemed like a joke to her.

Winning the tournament… what if it really happened?

She imagined the joy it would bring to her family. Especially her father—he would be beyond thrilled. Since she was competing, she wanted to do her best.

Her heart raced at the thought.

Unaware of her thoughts, Lim Ha-Gi raised his glass.

“Let’s raise a toast to Young Master Jeok’s victory!”

In a mocking tone, Lim Ha-Gi proposed the toast as a joke.

Jeok Lee-Gun, seemingly oblivious to the ridicule, grinned widely and raised his glass, looking like a fool unaware that he was being made fun of.

Cha-Ryun also lifted her glass.

At that moment, Sama Young’s eyes gleamed with sudden realization. She had picked up on something in Cha-Ryun’s expression.

‘Young Lady Jeong is serious about this!’

Sama Young had heard of Cha-Ryun, famously known as the most beautiful woman in Wuhan. As the rumors suggested, Cha-Ryun was indeed stunning, with a pure charm that even other women could admire.

She really was beautiful, and she knew Cha-Ryun wasn’t a fool.

‘So why would she be competing with a man like him?’

Sama Young studied Jeok Lee-Gun again.

Though he had a kind face, he didn’t compare to the more handsome and accomplished young talents of the martial world. His casual and almost careless demeanor was hard to take seriously, and the fact that he avoided revealing his sect made it unlikely that he came from a prestigious family.

Sama Young’s curiosity only deepened.

‘So why? Could it be that she’s hiding some weakness? Or does Young Master Jeok have some hidden talents?’

Although she was known for her intelligence, even she couldn’t figure out the relationship between Cha-Ryun and Jeok Lee-Gun.

In contrast, Jang In-Hwa was showing interest in Jeok Lee-Gun in a more provocative manner. She was known for her wicked tendencies, maybe that’s why she found something in Jeok Lee-Gun that excited her.

Lim Ha-Gi shifted his focus to Cha-Ryun.

“Young Lady Jeong, how are you finding the food?”

“It’s delicious.”

“I’m glad to hear that. If there’s anything else you’d like, feel free to order more.”

“Thank you for your kindness.”

Lim Ha-Gi continued showing interest in Cha-Ryun, commenting on how the rumors about her beauty were true, and how she deserved to be counted among the Eight Beauties of the martial world.

Hmph, look here—this is how I used to be treated.

That familiar feeling of being acknowledged began to return to Cha-Ryun. It was a sense of pride that she had almost forgotten after meeting Jeok Lee-Gun.

Yes, I am the Most Beautiful Woman in Wuhan, aren’t I?

‘Do you see this? Now you should understand the kind of woman I am.’

With a confident smile, Cha-Ryun glanced over at Jeok Lee-Gun, but the seat beside her was empty.

‘…Wait, what?’

At some point, Jeok Lee-Gun had quietly moved to the other side of the table and was deep in conversation with Sama Young. They sat close together, chatting like they were childhood friends.

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