A Wolf's Howl, A Fairy's Wing

Chapter 103: Chapter 103 - Viljar's past [2/2

While entering teacher mode, Elora began to explain what she knew of kinetic sigils.

"Kinetic sigils are a relatively rare type, which is why we didn't encounter them in the last seven years and why you don't recognize the term.

The main difference with regular sigils is the energy they use. Where regular sigils simply use aetherium, either from the surroundings or from a person, a kinetic sigil will gather kinetic energy from movement over a certain area and then use that energy to unleash its effect.

Such a sigil takes much longer to activate, but it is very hard to detect up until the moment it finishes gathering energy. On Söl, it's mainly used for its stealthy nature, but using it in a place where there is no aetherium is certainly an ingenuous way to exploit a kinetic sigil's unique nature."

Sending a quick thanks to Elora for her explanation, Erik refocused on Viljar, who had barely noticed the discussion between Erik and Elora, as their mental communication took less than a second.

Continuing with his story, Viljar shrugged cluelessly. "After the hunters all died, I collapsed from my wounds and exhaustion, only to wake up in bed with bandages and medicine applied all over my body. Next to my bed was a hardened-looking Runa."

Viljar's expression turned sad and a little uncomfortable. "I think something died in her that day, and I… I hope you can find her and give her back some of what she lost."

Erik sighed in resignation. "I doubt anyone in the world came through that day without losing something of themselves, Uncle." After all, that was the same day as the awakening, and he couldn't help but think of Emily and Emma.

He continued. "That includes you and me. But I get your point, Uncle."

Despite his words, Erik hoped his mother was okay and once again solidified his desire to find her as quickly as possible.

Viljar chuckled mirthlessly. "Good and Fair enough." Then he shrugged. "Anyway, after that, your mother told me I was the only one to survive my wounds. She also explained how she had already gone after you and… well, you know." He finished with a sad expression but quickly shook himself free, not wanting to fall back into the topic of Edda.

Erik noticed his uncle's struggle and quietly waited for him to continue.

Which happened soon after. "She said she couldn't find any trace of either of you before returning to the village and ensuring I was alright. Then, after I'd recovered, we… went to bury the dead." There was sadness in his voice but also acceptance.

While Edda was still a sore topic for him, he had had seven years to mourn and accept the loss of the friends and family who died that day.

Naturally, the same went for Erik, who sighed with solemn acceptance while continuing to caress Elora's hair.

Viljar gave Erik a strange look before continuing. "Your mother refused to create a grave for you, steadfast in her belief that you were still alive somewhere."

His expression then turned into a happy grin, in stark contrast to the earlier mood. "And as it turns out, she was right! Shows me what I know, right?" He said, laughing boisterously at the end.

Clearly, he was truly happy at reuniting with Erik, and his happiness was infectious, as Erik couldn't help but chuckle at this uncle's words.

Viljar turned serious again and continued his story. "Anyway, after that, we stayed in the village a while longer, grieving the dead, recovering from our wounds, and, in my case, learning how to deal with my new status as Runebound. Something that Runa was apparently able to help with."

His expression turned curious and confused. "She never explained exactly why or how she was already aware of… you know, how it all worked. Still, I can't help but imagine it had something to do with how she always seemed to be stronger than me before the awakening."

Erik nodded in response and quickly explained to his uncle how they found out several people already knew about aetherium and even gained ranks before the awakening.

Viljar nodded in response. "It would certainly explain a lot if your mother was one of those people, though how or why I have no idea about."

He continued again. "Anyway, we built that fence to stop wild animals from messing with the graves and then went out searching for other people. I didn't understand your mother's insistence on gathering other shapeshifters together at first.

To be honest, I was pretty lost in depression at that point, and, subconsciously, I think I just wanted to waste away in Frostvik until death claimed me."

Erik quickly recalled how he wasn't much different at first. Back when he arrived on Söl, Elora had offered to simply kill him, and he had seriously considered it. "I'm glad I didn't take your offer for a quick death back then," he said to Elora mentally.

He received a short giggle in reply. "So am I."

Viljar continued as he smiled softly. "But your mother pulled me out of there, and together, we soon gathered a small group of people around us. Those people were Anne, Nora, Olaf, Björn, and Jonas. As the strongest among us, your mother became our leader and our teacher.

From there, we snowballed and gathered an increasing number of people. At some point, your mother reached second rank, and it wasn't long after that before we were one of the strongest factions around. It was then that your mother named us the Silver Enclave."

He chuckled, "I guess she wanted to honor you in some way by using the nickname she always called you by."

Erik nodded with a smile, having already expected that, although it still felt good to hear Viljar confirm that his Mother was thinking of him.

Viljar sighed, lost in his memories. "Anyway, we only accepted shapeshifters, and with most of us having suffered greatly at the hands of humans, we didn't hesitate to kill any humans we found.

After three years of that, Jonas became the second Shapeshifter to become a second-rank Runebound, after your mother. Not much later, she handed leadership of the Enclave to him and left, stating she was going to find Edda."

Viljar had already mentioned Runa's reason for leaving earlier, but now, Erik wanted to know a little more. "Do you know if she had a destination in mind?" he asked with a frown and a little anticipation.

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