A Regressor’s Tale of Cultivation

Chapter 312: Have You Been Well (2)

Chapter 312: Have You Been Well (2)

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Chapter 312: Have You Been Well (2)

The stone building where the Fighting Ghost Race resided.

Sitting on a bed inside, Hyeon Gwi's gaze is directed somewhere.

"Did you gain the understanding (喩意) of the pet Fighting Ghost Race?"

A gaze that somehow seems mocking.

However, there's a trace of pity in his eyes.

"It's truly pitiful to see you struggling to obtain something so obvious. It's almost sad. There's no act more meaningless than that struggle..."

Clicking his tongue, Hyeon Gwi loses interest, his gaze empty, and he lays down on the bed to close his eyes.

Perhaps lying down and closing his eyes is more important than the strange events happening far away.

I stop analyzing the sword formation after a while.

'Enough, I'll study it later.'

It'll be meaningless to continue any further.

After disassembling the sword formation, I step outside the stone building.

Shortly after, the cultivators from the Mystical Scaled Fish Commanding Sect also come out.

"It seems everyone is here, so let's move to the next domain. Our Human Race was once a pet race raised in the Lofty Dragon True Person's storage scroll, so we should be able to find something much more suitable for us there."

[We were also pets of the Lofty Dragon True Person?]

I ask, transforming back into a Ghost King to shield myself from the surrounding heat.

Hyeon Gwi kindly explains in response to my question.

"Yes. According to the legend, during the war with the True Devil Realm, many races living in the Middle Realm entrusted themselves to the Lofty Dragon True Person's storage scroll. Lofty Dragon True Person accepted them, and this Water Flow Layer is the result."


'Then shouldn't it be called a protected race, not a pet race?'

Hyeon Gwi oddly keeps saying things like 'raised' and 'pet,' but based on his explanation, it seems more like the concept of an 'ark.'

It seems like they were accepted to protect the races during the war with the True Devil Realm.

'...Is it just a difference in interpretation between Hyeon Gwi and I?'

I tilt my head slightly but decide to let it pass for now.

We arrive again at another basin.

In this basin too, similar stone buildings are collapsed in the center.

According to Hyeon Gwi, this basin was more of a 'lake' in the past.

Now it's completely dried up and has become a basin, but in the past, it seems all those stone buildings were actually houses on the water.

We enter the basin and arrive at a stone building.

"This is the building where the Human Race stayed. Since we couldn't get everything the last time we came, let's search it thoroughly once more."

We scatter once more to search the stone buildings.

While searching one of the stone buildings used by the Human Race, I find a small jade slip under a bed.

[This is...]

It's rather dull and subtly enchanted with a concealing spell, making it difficult to find without the consciousness of someone at the Four-Axis stage or higher.

'Just what is inside that requires such a high-level concealing spell on it...?'

However, the jade slip contains instructions for projecting an image with Heaven and Earth spiritual energy, and following those instructions, I create an image and can't help but be stunned.

[Ah, no...]

The jade slip is a type of erotic painting.

Anyway, it seems to be a cherished item of the room's owner.

Out of respect for the owner, I decide to pulverize the jade slip.

At that moment,



As the erotic painting vanishes in front of my eyes, a new image appears.

It's the image of a small, thin man.

―First of all, thank you for destroying this jade slip. I had set it to turn to dust upon my death, but if there was an error in that setting...the thought of this jade slip being passed down to future generations, I'd die of embarrassment all over again.


The owner's message continues.

―Recently, the outside is said to be engulfed in the flames of war. Honestly, as it's a time where truly fearsome people are wielding their power, a Four-Axis leftover like me should just stay hidden and cower under the protection of the True Person. But even so, I was too bored with nothing to do. That's why I looked at what was contained in that jade slip...so I appreciate it. Anyway...it's not much of a reward for getting rid of the jade slip, but...I'll show you my daily life from when I was alive in this room. If you want, you can also look at the records I left behind.


The image spreads across the room, transforming into an illusion that thinly covers the entire space.

I watch this illusion with shining eyes.

The daily life of the small man unfolds within the illusion.

Though he talked like he viewed a lot of erotic paintings, he didn't particularly touch any.

Instead, he mostly paced around the room with a focused expression or was busy writing something.

I watch over his back as he writes.

Given that the books he's writing would have long since weathered away, it seems better to view them through this illusion,

The title of the book he's writing is 'About Immortal Arts.'

As I watch him write, I read through 'About Immortal Arts.'

The book is precisely about the concept of 'Immortal Arts (仙術).'

―Low-level cultivators use hand seals and incantations to perform spell techniques.

―And as one's cultivation increases, the spell techniques of cultivators manifest through their intention (意) and mind (識).

― From the Heavenly Being stage and above, one's mind (識) unites with the Heaven and Earth spiritual energy itself, and the boundaries of spell techniques disappear. Instead, specialized powers are researched to create and use abilities. Innate True Methods are a result of this. 

― The supernatural abilities of the Earth Tribe are similar to spell techniques, except they utilize the potential of the physical body and a fundamental understanding of spiritual energy instead of hand seals and incantations. In that case, how do the spell techniques used by high-level cultivators differ from ours?

― I once directly witnessed a battle between the Fallen Judge and the True Person. If you ask how I survived, I didn't. I had to die and be resurrected to endure the aftermath of witnessing such a confrontation. But in return, I gained the opportunity to understand what Immortal Arts truly are, which was indeed an overwhelmingly precious chance.

'Immortal Arts?'

Although we call the path we walk the 'path of Immortal Cultivation,' the reason we call ourselves 'cultivators' instead of 'Immortal cultivators' is simple.

The term 'Immortal (仙)' is not something to be used lightly.

The end of cultivation.

The ultimate realm that all cultivators aspire to reach is the realm of immortality (仙).

Hence, any method or concept bearing the character for Immortality (仙) signifies something especially powerful or grand.

So, what do Immortal Arts, the spell techniques of True Immortals, signify?

Curious, I continue reading.

―An Immortal Art is an attraction force. It does not refer to the trivial attraction force used at the Four-Axis stage. It refers to the attraction force that truly reaches the plane of Fate used by Quasi-Immortals at the Entering Nirvana stage.

― In other words, if one can influence the plane of Fate to change fate, or twist the threads of history to lead it in a different direction, that is what is called Immortal Art.

'Hoh, if that's the case...'

I recall my Extinguishing Divine Tribulating Heavens Technique.

The Extinguishing Divine Tribulating Heavens Technique created by Yang Su-jin is itself a kind of Immortal Art.

And then, I'm startled.

'Wait, if influencing the plane of Fate or the course of history constitutes Immortal Arts, then...'

The Wonderfully Mysterious Fortress.

Yeon's Play.

Isn't that also a form of Immortal Arts?

According to this book, the Mad Lord succeeded in entering the domain of Immortals (仙人) with a mortal body through dedicating his entire life.

'It's to the point that it's more believable for there to be eight Enders.'

Actually, could it be that the Mad Lord also came from Earth?

His talent is so immense that it makes one think such thoughts.

I understand why the Black Dragon King had rushed over so frantically the moment he sensed the presence of Yeon's Play in the previous cycle.

'Immortal Arts. The Black Dragon King came after feeling the presence of Immortal Arts. He must have thought that someone who could use Immortal Arts in the Middle Realm would most likely not be a True Immortal but of at least the Entering Nirvana stage...'

While I marvel at the Mad Lord, a peculiar thought crosses my mind.

'Wait, if the power to change fate is Immortal Arts...then isn't the entire path of Immortal Cultivation essentially Immortal Arts?'

After all, cultivators are beings who defy the heavens.

Changing one's fate is the essence of Immortal Cultivation.

Unfortunately, this isn't covered in the book.

Instead, the man appears to be describing his feelings when he first encountered Immortal Arts and the sheer terror it invoked.

It's then.

Suddenly, as the man is writing the book, he closes his eyes as if recalling the moment he saw Immortal Arts.

At that moment.

―Huh, huh...keuh, keuhgeukgeuk!

The man's body twists grotesquely, his eyes roll back, and he begins to write something furiously on paper.

No, it's closer to 'scrawling'.


At the same time, the illusion that had been clear until now begins to shake violently.

As if capturing this scene with mere illusions is sacrilegious.

'What is that...?'

As I watch the distorted illusion, the man, with his eyes rolled back, starts to tear and eat the book he was writing.


As if he is devouring a delicious meal, he licks his fingers while eating the book, and after a moment.

The man, seemingly regaining his senses, looks around in astonishment.

The illusion stabilized once whatever he had scribbled disappeared.

The surroundings are in a mess due to the man's rampage.

The man mutters.

―Th-that just now...c-could it be...a revelation? Yes, it must be a revelation. Huhuhuh...if the Lofty Dragon True Person dies, I become his resurrection body? He revives within me?

He seems pale with fear.

―N-no. This entity is not the Lofty Dragon True Person. Then who is it? Who are you? What kind of person are you...? No, no...! This is someone more, more, more. More, more, more immense than the Lofty Dragon True Person or the Fallen Judge...

He clutches his head and suddenly raises his hand to stab his abdomen.


Bright red blood spurts out.

And I see something like a 'stone' fall from his dantian area.

Simultaneously, the illusion centered around the 'stone' becomes extremely unstable.

―How long! How long will it keep pouring out! Stop, stop coming out! Haaaah!

The man screams in terror and appears to be performing some kind of spell.

Although the illusion is too distorted to discern clearly, I see him using a sealing spell to seal the 'stone.'

After the sealing spell is cast, the illusion returns to normal.

However, the frail man does not.

The man who was once engrossed in writing or deep in thought begins to huddle in the corner of his bed, crafting things like erotic paintings.

It seems as if he's focusing on the erotic paintings to escape from something.

And after a while.

The man hides jade slips with erotic paintings under the bed and other places in the room before leaving somewhere.

Time passes a little, and all the jade slips except the one under the bed turns to dust.

The man had died.

The illusion spell in the room continues to operate for a long time before eventually turning off.

I pay my respects to the nameless man.

At the same time, I remember his words.

―He revives within me?

If they're more immense than the Lofty Dragon True Person, then at the very least, that being is a True Immortal.

'So...he meant a True Immortal is reviving within him?'

Cold sweat trickles down my face.

'It's similar to Cheongmun Ryeong's symptoms???'

The symptoms of going mad, writing strange things, consuming those writings, and then expelling bizarre stones with eerie power from his body.

They are too closely similar to how Kim Young-hoon described Cheongmun Ryeong.

Moreover, since he was at the Four-Axis stage, it seemed like the stones were spewing out directly instead of being found like in Chengmun Ryeong's body.

'Then, is some True Immortal resurrecting through Cheongmun Ryeong's body in the Head Realm?'

"Hugh, heok..."

As soon as I think of such things, I unconsciously revert from my Ghost King form and feel cold sweat running down my back.

'Damn it...'

I do think that I need to save Cheongmun Ryeong.

But, the moment I think a True Immortal is in the process of resurrecting through Cheongmun Ryeong’s body, I can’t bring myself to want to return to the Head Realm.

I sit in the room for a long time, unable to get up.

'Just why am I...so cautious...!?'

Even if it's just the thought, what's wrong with deciding to save someone who used to be my master!

Suddenly, I hate myself for being like this and bite my lip.

After taking a deep breath, I stand up.

'...First, I need to find out what that strange stone is.'

I think back to the illusion I had seen earlier and search for the place where he had sealed the strange stone.

It was the ceiling.

'Come to think of it, this ceiling...'

I hadn't noticed it before, but I now feel an attraction force flowing through the ceiling.

No, it's more like magnetism.

All over the ceiling, magnets are attached inconspicuously, like constellations.

By interpreting and unraveling the seal through the magnetic flow and arrangement of these magnets on the ceiling, it's possible to break the seal.

And I realize that this method is the same as how Hyeon Gwi interpreted the illusion formation by reading the attraction force of the sky.

'Was this a frequently used method back in ancient times?'

I ponder that perhaps Hyeon Gwi had obtained something like an ancient secret art book.

The seal is designed so that it can't be undone by anyone below the Four-Axis stage.

It makes sense since the seal requires attraction force in order to be released.


When I move the attractive force to unlock the latch on the seal, the ceiling ripples like the surface of water.

I float up to the ceiling and reach my hand inside.

Inside the ceiling, I grasp something like a box.

I extend my consciousness to scan around the box but don't find anything else.

When I pull out the box, the ceiling returns to its original state.

The box is a luxurious ebony wooden case, covered with dozens of talismans painted in blood, forming a barrier around it.

'The barrier has deteriorated.'

Tap, tap―

When I tap a few of the talismans, they disintegrate into powder and scatter away.

In the past, the barrier would have served its function well, but after so much time, its power had long since faded.

After brushing off the talismans, I open the box's lid.


However, there are no stones inside the box. Instead, a faint liquid remains.

The liquid, which seems like 'water,' emanates a mysterious aura.

Yet, upon closer inspection with my consciousness, it appears to be ordinary water.

Feeling somewhat dazed, I reach out to touch the water as if in a trance.

It's when my hand touches the water.



I suddenly feel a prickling sensation in my heart essence, jolting me back to full alertness.

I feel oddly clear-headed.

'What was that? Just now?'

It feels like I have been in a daze.

And as I ponder for a moment, I remember what that feeling is.

'Ah, I see. That feeling...'

Cold sweat runs down my back.

The sensation of being dazed is just like when I saw [something] in the Head Realm and fell into a dream.

However, if the [something] I saw in the Head Realm is a lethal dose of poison, this liquid feels like something that wouldn't even affect my liver.

To use an Earth analogy, if the [something] in the Head Realm is Chernobyl, this liquid has the radioactivity of rare earth elements.

'While I might have been momentarily entranced...I could have blocked it if I concentrated my consciousness....'

While keeping my hand on the liquid, I investigate its true nature.

And I discover that this liquid once contained much more poison energy and turbid energy.

It's only safe now because all the poison energy had dissipated over time.

Sizzle, sizzle....

While touching the liquid, I succeed in extracting some knowledge within it.

Surprisingly, this liquid is a kind of 'formula.'

"Clear Scale Armor?"

This formula is for controlling a dharma treasure called ‘Clear Scale Armor.'


As I absorb the formula, the liquid vaporizes and disappears.

However, there's no information about the Clear Scale Armor itself, and among the items shown by the previous Mystical Scaled Fish Commanding Sect, there were no dharma treasures resembling armor.

Now, there's nothing else left in this room.


I look around the room one last time and then exit the building.

While I had been inside, the people from the Mystical Scaled Fish Commanding Sect had already come out, sorting through what they found.

Most of them appear to be elixirs..

However, I'm not interested in elixirs, and look for dharma treasures or method books.

But there doesn't seem to be anything related to the Clear Scale Armor's control formula.

"Was there anything on Senior's side that you found?"

"Hmm, it seems like nothing."

"Understood. Then, let's proceed to our next destination."

We set off again.

Along the way, we continue to fend off Fire Corpses and obtain Turbid Devil Liquid. Occasionally, we collect fruits from a tree that grows in flames, called the Fire Origin Fruit, gaining small profits, but we don't come across any more stone buildings.

According to Hyeon Gwi, there are only two stone buildings on the path to the second floor: one belonging to the Fighting Ghost Race and the other to the Human Race.

After a while, we arrive at the entrance to the second floor.

Clank, clank―

It's a bizarre sight.

The entrance to the second floor is heavily shrouded in mist and steam.

In other words, there's 'moisture.'


I click my tongue at the sight of a 'chain made of water' emitting steam like crazy.

The end of the River of Flames of the Water Flow Layer.

It's cut off as if it had been sliced cleanly, and beyond it, there's nothing but endless void.

And above that void is a chain of water that stretches upward. Astonishingly, flames are constantly burning above the water chain, evaporating the water.

Yet the chain of water, despite being engulfed in flames, continues to emit steam without disappearing in some incomprehensible manner.

"Indeed, the divine powers of an Entering Nirvana cultivator are miraculous..."

As I click my tongue, Hyeon Gwi laughs heartily.

"Everyone who comes here for the first time reacts that way. For now, we will go up first, so please observe how we do it and follow."

The cultivators from the Mystical Scaled Fish Commanding Sect line up before me and begin to draw out their immortal beast true blood.

Scales sprout on their skin, and as tails and horns emerge, they transform into half-human, half-dragon forms before leaping into the burning chains.


Although it looks incredibly hot, they cool the heat with their yin energy as they swim inside the chains, moving upward.

"It's an interesting method..."

I try manipulating attraction force.

As expected, not only attraction force but also the Flying Escape Technique can't be used, resulting in having to use such a troublesome method.

"Swim up while cooling the inside with yin energy, huh..."


I revert to my Ghost King form again.

Yin energy surges out around me.

Frost forms everywhere, and I reveal my eighteen heads, watching the last cultivator of the Mystical Scaled Fish Commanding Sect jump into the chains before approaching it myself.

Just as I'm about to enter the chains.


Someone breaks through the steam from behind and walks towards me.

It's the cultivator from the Blood Shark Race with the head of a shark, Gyo Yeom.

Behind him are a dozen or so Heavenly Being Demon Race cultivators.

'Weren't there more followers of Gyo Yeom than this?'

It appears their numbers have decreased to about a quarter.

As Gyo Yeom and the Demon Race make eye contact with me, they all flinch and stop in their tracks.

[Who are you?]

I ask, burning the ghost fire even more intensely.

Gyo Yeom awkwardly laughs and lowers his head slightly in response to my question.

"Haha, fellow Daoist. I don't know if you've heard of me, but I am Gyo Yeom, a Four-Axis stage cultivator from the Blood Shark Race. Since I've come to this storage scroll before, I know quite a bit about it. Since fellow Daoist may not know much about the True Person's storage scroll, I'd like to offer some modest help."

[...Why would you suddenly offer help?]

When I express my doubt with my eighteen mouths, Gyo Yeom steps back a bit and laughs awkwardly.

"Haven't our Blood Shark Race always been friendly with the Human Race? That...during the Human-Devil Great War, I heard that the artifacts of the Blood Shark Race helped in breaking down the dimensional barrier of the True Devil Realm..."

[Hmm...that is true...]

"Please understand it's simply because I wish to maintain a good relationship with fellow Daoist. Do you know how to reach the second floor?"

[I do.]

"Then, do you know what the second floor is like?"

[I know it's called the Dao Departure Layer.]

"The Dao Departure Layer is the true storage scroll of the True Person. If the Water Flow Layer is like a Peach Garden Painting, the Dao Departure Layer is filled with dharma treasures, spiritual elixirs, and methods offered as tributes to the True Person. Generally, the Human Race goes to the Human Offering Altar to find these treasures when they come to the True Person's storage scroll. However...I also know of another place that has artifacts beneficial to the Human Race."


Without me asking, Gyo Yeom begins to explain the Dao Departure Layer in detail.

"In the Dao Departure Layer, there's an area where the priests who offered tributes to the True Person from various races lived. There's even a place where the priest of the Human Race resided. However, this area is beyond the Sea Offering Altar where Sea Demon Races offered tribute, so no one from the Human Race knows its location."

[So I just need to go and find the place called the Sea Offering Altar?]

"Yes, yes. Beyond the Sea Offering Altar, you will find an ancient palace that suits the lifestyle of the Human Race. That's the base of the Human Race's priest. It's filled with treasures far more precious than those in the Human Offering Altar."

I tilt my head and say,

[I can't quite grasp it just by hearing it. How about you come with me?]

But Gyo Yeom jumps and shouts on the spot.

"How could I! I dare not walk the same path as the noble being!"

[Hmm, are you not of the Sea Demon Race?]

"I-I am here not for personal gain but to find suitable methods and spiritual medicine for my juniors, for these kids. Therefore, we need to go elsewhere. Please forgive us!"

[Well, no need for forgiveness....I understand. Thank you for the valuable information.]

Despite the various 'intentions' and intents he has, I thank Gyo Yeom for showing goodwill, at least on the surface.

[I will definitely make sure to remember you well. You will be one with me.]

Despite this or that, help is help, after all.

Though I cannot record it now due to the absence of the Canvas of Myriad Forms and Connections, once I heal my main body, Gyo Yeom will be recorded in my Canvas of Myriad Forms and Connections as a cultivator who helped me and will thus become a part of me.

But Gyo Yeom trembles in fear and stutters,

"Ho-Honor...it, it's an honor. P-please take care...shall we meet again..."

For some reason, Gyo Yeom seems terrified of me, looking like he wants to flee immediately.

Puzzled, I bid him farewell and leap towards the chain.


Gyo Yeom pants heavily, sweating profusely.

"That crazy madman...even after helping him, he still intends to kill me?"

Many Four-Axis stage cultivators belong to the Heterodox Axis Foundation.

Especially among the Earth Tribe, where survival of the fittest prevails, the majority achieve their Axis by killing opponents.

Particularly, the best prey for Heterodox Axis Foundation hunters are those in the early Four-Axis stage. Gyo Yeom is well aware that he is one such prey and has learned a secret technique that allows him to temporarily exhibit the power of the mid Four-Axis stage to overcome this.

Four-Axis cultivators generally avoid fighting unless it's to hunt other Heterodox Axis Foundation cultivators.

Preserving their lives with utmost care, they reached the Four-Axis stage with the singular determination not to die. They would only engage in battles when attacking the few with the many.

Or when absolutely certain of victory.

Or when they have no other choice.

Thus, the fact that Gyo Yeom can exert mid Four-Axis strength is in itself a deterrent against reckless attacks from other Four-Axis cultivators.

But Gyo Yeom feel that this crazy, old monster is different.

'Madman, madman...!'

Judging by the power of death emanating from his heads, they are all at least of equal rank.

This crazy old monster is at the mid Four-Axis stage, and it feels like he has only accumulated one Axis.

Yet he proudly displays the heads of 17 other Four-Axis cultivators on his shoulders, as if to show off.

It's clear to see.

The crazy old monster from the Human Race who has learned devilish arts is definitely a hedonistic killer.

If it's humans who turn their enemies into pills and eat them, he has seen many. But a human who carries their heads on his shoulder like trophies, that old monster is the first.

Seventeen heads at that!

Gyo Yeom is terrified.

'That madman plans to kill me too...it's certain!'

To be one with him!

An image of his own skull hanging on the crazy old monster's shoulder flashes through Gyo Yeom's mind.

'Damn it! I died once a thousand years ago, so if I die again, it's the end!'

Having resurrected once, another death will be final.

Gyo Yeom gris his teeth.

"Damn it...if I don't get the Heavenly Lotus Fruit, I can't save my wife...! How can I back down here!?"

With red light spilling from his eyes, Gyo Yeom bites down and speaks.

"Everyone listen! You saw that mad old monster, didn't you?!"

The few remaining Demon Race cultivators nod.

Having sacrificed many of his followers to get here, Gyo Yeom's reputation has plummeted.

Among the Demon Race, there is even talk of betraying Gyo Yeom and escaping.

And some are actually planning to seek Seo Li's help to kill Gyo Yeom.

However, after seeing the crazy hedonistic killer Seo Li again, their thoughts changed.

The confident and brutal statement that he will kill Gyo Yeom, who had even helped him, and proudly display his head on his shoulder!

If that crazy hedonistic killer kills Gyo Yeom, what will happen to the rest of them who remain?

The answer is obvious even without seeing it.

They too would be slaughtered and refined into ghostly materials.

The Demon Race cultivators who had resented Gyo Yeom now unite in fear after witnessing the cruel Human Race old monster.


I cool the chain with yin energy and swim upwards.

Covering myself with ghost fire, I reevaluate my assessment of the Mystical Scaled Fish Commanding Sect.

'Come to think of it, they should have provided me with this information before entering the storage scroll. It shouldn't have been something I learned from a helpful Blood Shark Race cultivator.'

The Mystical Scaled Fish Commanding Sect seems strangely intent on controlling the information reaching me.

I ponder as I burn my ghost fire.

'Could they be planning to betray me...?'

I consider the full strength of the Mystical Scaled Fish Commanding Sect.

Using the Four Symbols Nascent Soul method, they can borrow power from outside to leap over one stage.

The combined forces of Hyeon Gwi and the Heavenly Being stage cultivators amount to four in the Four-Axis stage.

In addition, there are seven Nascent Soul stage cultivators, which translates to seven Heavenly Being stage cultivators.

If they form a coordinated formation, their power will increase, so we should consider them as effectively five Four-Axis stage cultivators.

'Of course, no matter how much external power they draw, they will still only be at the early Four-Axis stage.'

Five at the early Four-Axis stage.

And I am currently at the mid Four-Axis stage, and if I use the Mad Lord's circuits, I am confident I can raise my power to the Grand Perfection of the Four-Axis stage.

'It might...be possible?'

With my combat experience, it won't be impossible.

However, thinking about Hyeon Gwi, I can't help but feel a sense of unease.

'That guy is hiding something...'

A vague sense of foreboding emanates from Hyeon Gwi.

I suspect that if the Mystical Scaled Fish Commanding Sect were to betray me, Hyeon Gwi would be the biggest variable.

'If they betray me...I should eliminate Hyeon Gwi first.'

Determining Hyeon Gwi as the primary threat, I rise to the second floor.


For some reason, the second floor is even hotter than the first.

Yellow flames flicker brightly everywhere.

And, I approach the people from the Mystical Scaled Fish Commanding Sect waiting for me.

"Senior has arrived. Then, let's depart."

[Wait, where are we going?]

"First, we will stop by a place called the Human Offering Altar before heading towards the path to the third floor. And there, we will subdue Calamity Flame."

[Before that, I will be going somewhere for a moment.]

"Where are you heading?"

[Where do the Sea Demon Race offer their tributes?]

"If you head west, you will come across a place called the Sea Offering Altar, but why are you looking for it?"

[There's a Sea Dragon I need to deal with. I'm thinking of finding some bait for it.]

At my words, Hyeon Gwi nods and says,

Then we will wait at the Human Offering Altar. I will provide senior with the coordinates, so please find your way there."

I part ways with the Mystical Scaled Fish Commanding Sect and head towards the Sea Offering Altar.

It's a place filled with the lifestyle of the Sea Demon Race.

The buildings resemble those in the Sea Dragon Palace, filled with the same kind of culture.

If it weren't for the burning surroundings, one might mistake it for the Sea Dragon Palace.

However, it's clear that this place is full of things useful only to the Sea Demon Race, making it unnecessary for the Human Race to come here.

'Hoh, is that the Sea Orchid Fruit?'

Seeing the Sea Orchid Fruit, renowned as an ancient spiritual elixir among the Sea Dragon Tribe, I click my tongue.

The Sea Orchid Fruit is a unique spiritual fruit that requires absorbing both yin and yang energy to grow, specifically the yin energy of the sea and the yang energy mixed with devilish energy, making it incredibly hard to obtain.

But it seems that the storage scroll of Lofty Dragon True Person happens to meet both conditions by coincidence.

'This is the spiritual fruit Seo Ran mentioned.'

It contains spiritual energy very similar to that of the Sea Dragon Race's power, so consuming it will undoubtedly increase one's cultivation and grant water attribute supernatural abilities.

It's also perfect for extracting spiritual liquid to refine the unique dharma treasures of the Sea Dragon Race and has the effect of amplifying the Sea Dragon Race's power. Thus, it's essential for any Grand Perfection Four-Axis stage Sea Dragon aiming to reach the Integration stage.

'It'd make an excellent gift for Seo Ran if we meet again later.'

I mark the Sea Orchid Fruit as mine by inscribing the White Orchid Blessing Incantation inside it.

With the White Orchid Blessing Incantation, the Sea Orchid Fruit will grow even fresher.

After marking the Sea Orchid Fruit, I move past the Sea Offering Altar area and arrive at a region densely packed with large ancient palaces.

There, I enter a palace that seems to belong to the Human Race.

The water energy is so strong inside the palace that the flames barely penetrate.

However, due to the second floor being hotter than the first, the interior is still warm.

It's quiet inside the palace.

But I click my tongue as I sense the spiritual energy emanating from various places and the spiritual power waves caught within my consciousness domain.

'Gyo Yeom...what a kind cultivator.'

To provide such valuable information for free, I think to myself that I definitely need to remember him well.

It was quite the serendipitous encounter.

"Hmm, could it perhaps be thanks to the Blessing of Wealth?"

I dispel my Ghost King Transformation and observe the blessing within me.

According to Yeon Wei, the Virtues of the Five Blessings can influence one's fate to some extent.

So, gaining the Blessing of Wealth might have increased my fortune regarding treasures.

I sweep through the palace, gathering treasures.

I pay particular attention to anything related to dharma treasures.

However, there are no armor-type dharma treasures in the palace.

'What exactly is the Clear Scale Armor?'

Why would a stone, presumed to be left behind by a True Immortal, contain something like the ‘Clear Scale Armor Control Formula?'

It seems unlikely that I will find it in this palace.

I open my storage scroll and flick my fingers, releasing a swarm of mass-produced small General Seos that I usually carry with me.

The strangely unpleasant looking generals spread their wings and move to investigate other palaces for dharma treasures.

As a result, I discover one thing.

"There is no Clear Scale Armor on the second floor."

And through the small General Seos, I discover one more thing.

"Taenghwa paintings...."

I walk to the top floor of the ancient palace and look at the Taenghwa paintings the General Seos have found.

'In this life, I seem to be particularly intertwined with Taenghwa paintings.'

In the paintings, a majestic dragon is dancing.

There are a total of 21 paintings, each depicting the dragon in a different pose.

"This is..."

It seems to be a series of movements showing a dragon's dance.

I notice some significance in the dragon's movements.

Although they are not movements within the realm of martial arts, they seem to have a ritualistic meaning, similar to Hon Won's Great Mountain Splitting Emperor Technique.


While imprinting the Taenghwa paintings in my mind, I discover a jade slip on the top floor of the palace.

Like the book I had read in the Water Flow Layer, this jade slip is also written in the common language of the Heaven Tribe of the Bright Cold Realm, making it easy to read.

The book is a journal about the Taenghwa paintings.

The author of the book, the owner of the palace and the priest who offered tributes to Lofty Dragon True Person, had been taught the method of painting Taenghwa by Lofty Dragon True Person.

It contains methods and insights on how to paint Taenghwas better.


While reading the journal, one passage catches my attention.

—The True Person saw the Taenghwa we had drawn and was furious. He hung us upside down and beat us severely, saying, "Is this what you call a Taenghwa painting?"


It seems that Lofty Dragon True Person didn't have a very good temperament either.

'Or should I say he was merciful for beating them in human form rather than dragon form?'

I continue reading the journal with a wry smile.

―The True Person gathered all the priests and delivered a long speech. He said that the Taenghwa we are learning possess an incredibly immense inner power. The great Immortal Beast, who is also a judge of the Netherworld, presented the Taenghwa to the Death God, who in turn taught them to the True Person.

―In other words, the Taenghwa we are learning has been passed down from the Death God. I suddenly feel ashamed of myself for harboring complaints in my heart while learning such a great Taenghwa. The True Person, with compassion, has taken in worms like us, and the offerings we present to him are merely ceremonial, for they are actually used by us.

―All he asks of us is to paint the Taenghwa, yet I was reluctant to do so. I am ashamed of myself for not wanting to do even that, considering that it is a Taenghwa passed down from such a great being.

―I thought it was humiliating to be beaten while hanging upside down. But on second thought, if he had beaten us in dragon form, we would have been turned into dust. He transformed into human form and used only his physical strength without using any demonic power.

―On reflection, even that was enough to tear apart my unique domain, almost killing me, but anyway, he is thinking of us. The true shame should not come from being beaten, but from my own heart.

"...Was he at the Integration stage?"

It seems the owner of the palace was an Integration stage cultivator, capable of deploying a unique domain.

'But to have his domain nearly torn apart and almost die from a physical beating by an Entering Nirvana demon beast in human form...'

What kind of being is the Lofty Dragon True Person...or rather, the Entering Nirvana stage beings?

Clicking my tongue, I continue reading the journal.

There's nothing else that particularly catches my eye.

'A Taenghwa painting passed down from the Death God...'

The style of the Taenghwa is strangely similar to those of the Grand Nirvana Temple.

Click, click, click, click....

A bizarre fortress of puppets is flying through the night sky.

Inside the Puppet Fortress.

An old hunchbacked man's eyes flash.

"The smell, I smell it...!"

He flares his nostrils and licks his lips with bloodshot eyes.

"Seo Hweol...! I smell Seo Hweol! Let's go, my love! Seo Hweol has finally reappeared! Do you see? Come see the celestial energy with me! There! I am meeting with Seo Hweol!!!"

The Mad Lord tears at his hair and howls at the sky from the top floor of the Wonderfully Mysterious Fortress.

In the Mad Lord's foresight, a vision of meeting Seo Hweol is emerging.

"Turn westward! Fate is guiding me to Seo Hweol! That hidden wretch has finally crawled out! Hehehe! Lord Seo. Lord Seo. Lord Seo. Lord Seo. Lord Seo.LordSeoLordSeoLordSeoLordSeoLordSeoLordSeoLordSeoLordSeoLordSeo...! Let's go make Lord Seo!" 

In a dark, damp cave.

A man with blue hair in white clothes smiles gently as he reaches into the surrounding mist with sparkling eyes.

"It took a long time. But...I found it, Daoist Seo."

His eyes narrow vertically like those of a reptile, despite his human body.

"So this is your [pillar]..."

He laughs as he reaches into the thick mist.


He clenches his hand.

But nothing happens.


After a moment of silence, he begins to laugh.

"Haha, come to think of it, you're still at the Heavenly Being stage. It's astonishing.  While searching for the pillar, I tried to raise the body’s cultivation...it must be the talent of the immortal beast derived from this 'Canvas of Myriad Forms and Connections.' It wouldn't make sense otherwise if your talent wasn't sealed within it."

Smiling meaningfully, he rises from his seat.

"But that ends now. As long as I grasp attraction force, I can approach the pillar and undo the seal. Now then...let's raise your cultivation to the limit."


The man in white uses a clothing spell to cover himself with a blue robe.

"Haha, how does it feel, Daoist Seo? The day when I obtain your Canvas of Myriad Forms and Connections is near."

But there's no answer.


It doesn't matter.

Seo Hweol keeps laughing as if something is terribly amusing.


Author's note: I want to see the ever-laughing Seo Hweol break down. But he laughs so much that it might take a long time before he cries out in despair.

Translator Notes: Uploading tomorrow's chapter early because I won't be able to post tomorrow.


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