A Record of a Mortal's Journey to Immortality: Immortal Realm

Chapter 831: Searching for a Cure

Chapter 831: Searching for a Cure

Han Li hurriedly stowed the eyeball away upon seeing this, and only then did the time law power fluctuations in the room fade away.

The eyeball definitely hadn't come from an ordinary Primordial Fei Beast. The time law powers that it contained were many times more potent than the first Primordial Fei Beast eyeball that he had obtained, and he couldn't help but wonder if the eyeball had come from a mutated Primordial Fei Beast.

In any case, he had clearly stumbled upon a massive bargain, and he truly did live up to the requirement of possessing discerning eyes.

Most of the items on the catalog that he had obtained from the Immortal Spirit Pavilion earlier were items that contained time law powers, and he was gathering them in preparation to further his cultivation of the Great Five Elemental Illusion Mantra.

He could still make progress in the Great Five Elemental Illusion Mantra without these items, but progress would be very slow. With these items at his disposal, he would be able to make much faster progress, and this Primordial Fei Beast eyeball was perfect for his current needs.

A contemplative look appeared on his face after he stowed the eyeball away.

His original plan for the day was to try and find some way through which he could contact the grand priest of the devil race in private, but even though the employee at the Exotic Wares Shop had presented him with the opportunity to purchase information that wasn't readily available, he ultimately turned down the opportunity after some consideration.

He didn't trust the shop, and on top of that, he wanted to familiarize himself with the rules of Night Sun City first before he made any moves.

At the moment, he was in a completely alien realm, so it was best to proceed with caution.

Some time later, Han Li's brows suddenly furrowed slightly, and he swept a sleeve through the air to conjure up a door of silver light.

Daoist Xie stepped out of the door of silver light, then said to Han Li, "Fellow Daoist Han, I'm getting this strange feeling again..."

"What is it?" Han Li asked as he invited Daoist Xie to take a seat.

"While you were exploring Night Sun City, some memories surfaced in my mind, but they were all very fragmented and impossible to make sense of," Daoist Xie replied.

"What are the memories? Can you describe them to me?" Han Li asked.

After taking some time to collect his thoughts, Daoist Xie said, "There's a small black city, an azure river, and a massive arched bridge."

"That's it?" Han Li asked.

"For some reason, when those images first surfaced in my mind, they were extremely clear, but now that I'm trying to recall them, they've become very blurry and indistinct," Daoist Xie sighed as he massaged his own temples.

"Don't push yourself too hard. We won't be leaving Night Sun City anytime soon, so we'll have plenty of time to get to the bottom of things. Once Shi Chuankong comes out of seclusion, I'll ask him about the Scalptia Spatial Domain," Han Li said.

Daoist Xie nodded in response with a hesitant expression.

"Why did you want to see me so urgently? I'm assuming there are other things you wanted to speak to me about, right?" Han Li asked.

"Regarding the Scalptia Spatial Domain... That seems to be... a very dangerous place," Daoist Xie replied in a hesitant manner.

"Have you recalled some things?" Han Li asked.

"Only very fragmented and indistinct bits of information," Daoist Xie replied with a shake of his head.

"It looks like this place is somewhat beneficial to the recovery of your memories. Perhaps your former owner was here in the past," Han Li speculated.

Daoist Xie nodded in response, then said, "I found some materials in Daoist Master Bone Shine's storage ring that would benefit my cultivation, and I also have to upgrade Thunderslash and Heavenslash, so I want to go into seclusion for some time."

"Go ahead. Right now, we're relatively safe in Night Sun City, so you can rest assured and go into seclusion," Han Li replied with a nod.

Daoist Xie expressed his gratitude to Han Li, then returned to the domain.

As for Han Li himself, he sat in silence for a moment, then brought out the map and journal that he had purchased from the Exotic Wares Shop.


Around half a month later, Han Li set off for the Imperial River Market again. On this occasion, Hu Jingjing didn't appear, and he didn't notice anyone else following him in secret, either.

From that point onward, it was as if Shi Pokong had completely forgotten about him, and there was no further interaction between the two.

Several months later, Han Li had already visited all of the shops in the Imperial River Market, and he had also sold some of the devilish treasures in Daoist Master Bone Shine's storage ring and purchased several time-attribute treasures.

At the same time, he had also been searching for information pertaining to the grand priest, as well as ways to treat Weeping Soul's condition, but next to zero progress had been made on both fronts.

As a precautionary measure, Han Li had intentionally avoided all of the shops with powerful backers, such as the Flowing Wind Pavilion.

During a conversation with a shopkeeper that he had become rather familiar with, the shopkeeper suggested that he pay a visit to Sky View Street.

According to the shopkeeper, there were many high-grade pill refinement masters on Sky View Street, and in particular, one of the Heavenly Pill Masters of the Prosperous Origin Hall was very renowned for treating all types of strange conditions.

On this day, Han Li traveled across most of Night Sun City to visit Sky View Street.

Sky View Street was over twice the size of the Imperial River Market, and it was actually a market that consisted of a total of fourteen streets, all the shops in this market primarily sold pills and pill refinement ingredients.

Situated at the main entrance of the market was a massive white stone archway, and beyond the archway was a white stone plaza that was completely empty with the exception of a copper cauldron that was over a hundred feet tall at its very center.

There was a flame burning within the cauldron, and smoke was swirling around in the air above.

Han Li made his way over to the cauldron, then took a whiff of the nearby air, and he discovered that there were no pills being refined in the cauldron. Instead, some type of incense had been lit inside, and the aroma that it was releasing was masking the smells of all of the pills and ingredients wafting throughout the entire market.

After passing by the cauldron, Han Li made his way down the street directly in front of him.

The construction styles of the buildings that lined the street were more uniform than that of the ones in the Imperial River Market. Most of them had white outer walls and either conical or dome roofs.

The street was packed with people, but it wasn't rowdy or chaotic at all. None of the shopkeepers or employees of any of the shops were verbally advertising their wares, and everything was very calm and orderly.

Han Li followed the instructions given to him by the shopkeeper, making his way to the midsection of the street before turning left onto another street en route to the Prosperous Origin Hall.

Once there, he discovered that the Prosperous Origin Hall was around twice the size of all of the other shops in the area, and business also seemed to be booming inside.

There were devilish cultivators standing in front of all of the counters in the shop, and they were being served by seven or eight employees. The shop was so busy that Han Li was being left unattended.

Right at this moment, a middle-aged man in a brocade robe emerged from the inner hall, and he immediately approached Han Li with a warm smile.

"Sorry to keep you waiting," the man hurriedly apologized.

"It's fine, I only just came in," Han Li replied with a smile.

"How can I help you today? Would you like to purchase pills or ingredients?" the brocade-robed man asked.

"Neither. I'm here to see someone," Han Li replied.

A hint of surprise flashed through the brocade-robed man's eyes upon hearing this, following which a wary look appeared on his face.

"Please don't misunderstand, I just want to meet the chief Heavenly Pill Master of your Prosperous Origin Hall. I have something to ask of him, and I bear no ill will," Han Li explained as he cupped his fist in a salute.

The brocade-robed man's expression eased slightly upon hearing this, and he said, "So you're here to see Master Kang. Unfortunately, he's currently refining some pills in seclusion, so I'm afraid he won't be able to see you."

"He's in seclusion right now? That's a pity," Han Li said.

"If you wish to purchase some pills refined by Master Kang, we still have some stock left. Would you like to take a look?" the brocade-robed man asked.

"May I ask when Master Kang will be coming out of seclusion?" Han Li asked after a brief hesitation.

"I'm afraid I don't have an answer to that question," the brocade-robed man replied in an apologetic manner.

"In that case, I'll come again another day," Han Li said before turning to depart.

After arriving on the street outside, Han Li took another glance back at the Prosperous Origin Hall, then began to make his way toward the other side of the street.

Right at this moment, a tall purple-robed young man also emerged from the Prosperous Origin Hall, and he began to follow Han Li from a moderate distance away.

For some reason, he made no attempt to hide himself, so Han Li quickly noticed that he was being followed.

Upon arriving at a crossroads, Han Li stopped in his tracks and turned to face the purple-robed man.

The man had an unremarkable appearance with the exception of his pupils, which were dark purple in color, and even though it was still daytime, it was as if his eyes were gleaming with specks of starlight.

A smile appeared on the man's face as he openly approached Han Li, and Han Li's brows furrowed slightly upon seeing this.

He had discovered that he was unable to detect the purple-robed man's cultivation base.

"Are you waiting for me, Fellow Daoist?" the purple-robed man asked.

"No. Instead, are you not the one who has been following me this entire time?" Han Li countered.

"My name is Gao Feng. I heard in the Prosperous Origin Hall that you were searching for a Heavenly Pill Master, is that right?" the purple-robed man asked.

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