A Rational Zombie

Chapter 125

Chapter 125

The idea to send the three drug addicts to kill the smart infected wasnt a bad one. I just didnt account for the fact that theyd be completely useless without their drugs. The first one died because he didnt believe it was an infected and tried to communicate with it. The second one convinced the third one to help him, and they both tried attacking at the same time. One of them held a shield, the other held a spear. I couldnt see what happened from my vantage point, but judging from the shouts of my foot, Im guessing the smart infected stabbed the shield bearers foot and took advantage of what happened next to kill them both.

So, now were in a dilemma. No one wants to be the one to fight the smart infected. Theres no hospital. Even when hospitals were still a thing, it was highly recommended not to fight a mugger with a knife because even if you win, youll probably bleed out a few minutes later and die. Adding on the fact that it effortlessly killed two people without getting hurt, everyones confidence in themselves have plummetednot like they were willing to volunteer in the first place, but even more so now.

How about we burn the building down? You know, people joked all the time about having to burn the house down because of a spider, but I think burning a building down over a smart infected is pretty worth it.

Thats no good, the chief said.

Why not? We have to burn a crapload of bodies today anyway. Why dont we pile them all up inside the cabin and burn it all down together?

Yeah, that sounds like a great idea. We wont have to gather as much wood for the fires that way. And since theres so few of us left, its not like missing one cabin will be such a huge loss. Once the smart infecteds dead, there shouldnt be an issue in rebuilding it.

Lets do it chief.

Cmon, chief.

Honestly, it doesnt sound like such a bad idea. Sure, well lose a building, but well kill the smart infected, burn a bunch of bodies, and save a lot of effort. Most importantly, no one gets hurtexcept the smart infected. Is it moral to kill something thats as intelligent as a person? It doesnt matter because most morals have been thrown away a long time ago.

You guys, the chief said. Its just one infected. You know what, Ill do it myself. Wheres my spear?

You cant!

Someone stop him!

Chief, if you die, how the hell are we going to survive?

You developed the cure, how can you throw your life away? Think of everything else you can accomplish!

I didnt think the chief would still be so well-liked after leading so many people to their deaths. There shouldve been a lot of discontent, a lot of anger and hopelessness after so many people died to the herd. I think the junkies attacking us at the end played a major role; all the anger at dying to the infected that was directed at the chief became redirected to the junkies that attacked us while we were at our lowest.

Alright, alright! Let go of me! Well do it your way this time, the chief said and sighed. I still think we should kill it here and now, but youve brought up good points, and more importantly, you guys arent willing to listen to me or let me do it myself.

Its not that we arent willing to listen, its that we just think youre wrong in this case. Youre normally right, but sometimes even the smartest people make mistakes.

The chief sighed again. Alright, lets see. Chris, pick five of the injured and stay here to watch over the room in case the smart infected decides to leave. The rest of us will gather the bodies and bring them inside. Originally, I was going to have the injured gather firewood, but since were burning the building instead, we dont need as much.

Okay. Seems like I get to pick who works and who doesnt. Ill point at the ones whore asking me most desperately with their eyes. You, you, you, you, and Jen.

Jens injured? the chief asked. Even Jen was examining herself.

Yep. Brain damage. Its best if she stays here with me.

Hey! What the fuck!

It was a joke. I mean, Chief, what if the infected does come out? I dont want to fight it with a bunch of cripples. Jen and I work really well together.

Thats a fair point, the chief said. Alright, thats what well do then. Lets head out; theres a ton of work to do.

Im lucky Im injured. I dont have to drag dead bodies around. Theyve been festering for a day and night. We did go through the garrison, stabbing every corpse in the head to make sure none became infected, but its still an unpleasant job even if it isnt dangerous. As for dealing with the smart infected, all we have to do is pile up the first few bodies in front of the closet door. If the druggie was right and infected had superhuman strength, it still wouldnt matter. However, if the infected decides to burst out right now, then Id be afraid, but we kept our voices relatively low. I dont think it couldve heard us through the door.

Thankfully, the infected didnt come out, and the people outside had already brought three bodies in. Our injured crewand Jendragged them in front of the closet door. Well barricade it in, so theres definitely no chance in hell for it to escape.

Another group of bodies were brought in, and we piled them up as well. We couldnt quite get them up to the ceiling, but we did get them high enough to block the door from view. With the next bodies, we pushed them against the base of the miniature tower, stabilizing its foundation. I wonder if the infected noticed. There were some scratching sounds coming from inside. Maybe it was eating. It shouldnt have noticed anything, right?

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