A rare magical miracle in the world

Chapter 113 - 86 National Founding Ceremony (Request for Recommendation Tickets)

Chapter 113: Chapter 86 National Founding Ceremony (Request for Recommendation Tickets)

“Boom, boom boom.”

The fireworks burst into the sky, the colorful pollen rapidly changing in the wind, the festive petals drifting down to the earth, transforming the entire port into a world of blooming flowers.

This was Lilith’s magic, and it was the most appropriate spell for the day.

“Swoosh swoosh swoosh.”

Over twenty little witches rode their brooms through the air.

Under the leadership of the eight Regular Witches who had already been initiated, they waved their magic wands, gathering the petals to form various shapes, then used the skies above Yatun Island as a stage to display a dream-like tapestry.

“Rustle rustle rustle.”

A number of Fairy Clan members from the Feathered Tribe formed into squads in the air.

They weren’t numerous, about 120 or so.

But fairies possess a unique temperament and charm, retaining the ability to communicate with their original kin.

In the sky, every member of the Feathered Tribe fairy carried its own kind of birds, looking as orderly as a floating army, majestic and grand.


Little Helen and Sefini, two five- or six-year-old girls, looked enviously at the scenery in the sky.

Due to their young age, and although their bodies were full of magic power, limited by their immature minds, they could not control this power well.

A careless move could even hurt the people around them.

It was also for this reason that Lilith took away their wands, stipulating that until their mental strength matched their magic power, they couldn’t touch these dangerous weapons.

” I wish I could grow up faster.”

Sefini was quiet, whereas Little Helen was very lively, like an energetic Er Ha.

“Young misses, Your Majesty will be arriving soon, please don’t stand in the middle of the road.”

The Fluffy Tribe fairies came running up to pull the two girls to the side of the street, which was, by now, lined with members of the Fairy Clan and the People of Yatun.

260 Tree Elf children were looking toward the end of the street with great anticipation.

Though they were all children, they were the future of Yatun; what they represented was the thriving vitality of Yatun.

The Feathered Tribe fairies did not occupy this space, choosing instead to stop on the rooftops on both sides.

Under the warmth of the sun, everyone felt exceptionally pleasant, standing together with the Fluffy Tribe, some even holding cute cats and dogs.

“Thud thud thud…”

A dignified and solemn music started playing, as fairies dressed as elegantly as humans came down the street.

Fluffy Tribe fairies with drums slung around their necks, Feathered Tribe fairies playing flutes atop carriages, and the Dolphin Misses singing elegant and melodious songs within glass aquariums filled with water.

Lilith had evolved, and she could easily create some intricate metal musical instruments.

Of course, these were limited to classical ones.

More advanced items were still beyond her.

“Tap tap tap…”

Dozens of male Tree Elves dressed in ethnic wolf furs with a wild touch, with a curved knife on their waists and bows and arrows on their backs, their chests and faces painted with green plant pigments.

The Tree Elves’ faces were solemn, their steps uniform, as if they were an honor guard paving the way for Bailuo.

Under Uncle’s training, the Tree Elves had indeed ushered in several new Miracle Troop Types.

Sword Dancer

Description: A Tree Elf-specific Miracle Troop Type that utilizes one-handed swords and spears to bring close-quarters combat to the extreme.


Description: Using bows and arrows and curved knives, able to move through the forest, shooting from a distance, close combat with real swords, focusing on surprise attacks and positional warfare.

“So, so beautiful.”

Following the Sword Dancers and Rangers were a group of golden-haired Tree Elf Girls draped in pure white gauze, their veiled faces just showing their feet, white as jade, floating above the ground as if weightless.

This was the Tree Spirit state of the Tree Elves, and also the strongest power the young Tree Elves could display.

Tree Spirit Priestess

Description: A Tree Elf magical troop type that controls trees, vines, and grass, assisting in combat with the power of plants.

The Tree Spirit Priestesses elegantly lined up on both sides of the road, bowing their heads respectfully, waiting for the arrival of the king.

In terms of combat power, the female Tree Elves were in no way inferior to the males.

But with the leaves in place, flowers were still needed.

Therefore, the Tree Elf Girls put down their weapons, shed their battle attire, and put on these beautiful ceremonial dresses for Bailuo’s coronation, adding a splash of color.

Of course, these three Miracle classes were not fixed.

Many Tree Elves with exceptional talents also were adept in all three, choosing to use different powers for combat based on the situation.

However, more than the powerful combat abilities, what everyone cared about more was actually the appearance of these Tree Elves.

So many handsome men and beautiful women, familiar only to the accustomed People of Yatun and the Fairy Clan who couldn’t discern human beauty.

Any average person from elsewhere might think they were in the Immortal Realm.

Otherwise, where would there be so many stunning goddesses?


This is the Immortal Realm!

Yatun Island, as it stands today, has been crafted by Lilith into a real fairy tale kingdom.

Talking animals, plants that can walk and jump, flowers everywhere, soaring Pegasus, and so many Tree Elves.

Tell me, if this doesn’t count as the Immortal Realm, what does?

Compared to the desolate and impoverished Iron Eagle Country, Yatun Island may be small, but it’s truly a paradise.

Here, there is an abundance of food, the use of magic is starting to take hold, and as it grows stronger day by day, it still maintains the harmony between man and nature.

“This is our new home…”

The People of Yatun looked at the scene before them, recalling the days when they had just set out two months ago.

The changes in Yatun made them appreciate the difficulty of a good life, and at the same time, they felt immense pride and honor.


Just then, at the distant harbor, three giant whales surfaced from the water.

“Toot???? ”

Containing some kind of special musical instrument in their mouths, the whales, under the command of Shark Lieutenant, used their remarkable lung capacity to play deep, prolonged sounds of horns.

“Boom! Boom! Boom!”

The huge upright war drums were struck, and with these blood-stirring sounds, four Treant Elders in the guise of Treefolk slowly made their way from the center of the street.

They were lined up in a row, and their towering bodies, standing six to seven meters tall and resembling mythical creatures, immediately drew the attention of all the People of Yatun.

“Salute to Your Majesty!”

Upon hearing of Bailuo’s impending arrival, everyone, filled with excitement, spontaneously knelt on one knee to welcome him.

The People of Yatun were now sizable in number.

Altogether, counting more than 34.0 Tree Elves, over 400 Fairies, and those Little Fairies with self-awareness, they amounted to a total of about 2,000.

And at this moment, the witches in the sky, the Fairy Clan of the Feathered Tribe, the Yatun Clan, the Treant Race, the Fluffy Tribe, and even the aquatic fairies in the water…

They all watched the end of the road with eyes filled with worship, respect, anticipation, and fervor, waiting for the arrival of their one and only king.

“Rumble! Rumble!”

The smooth streets began to tremble slightly, and everyone looked up to see a massive chariot slowly approaching from the distance.

It had no wheels, nor horses to pull it, but instead was held aloft by stone magic golems, step by step, moving forward.

Eight stone golems on each side, sixteen in total, were also Lilith’s newly acquired Miracle Power after her evolution.


Sherri was at the forefront, soaring high, radiating pure white light and sprinkling down countless silver-white feathers condensed from Miracle Power.

“It’s Sherri!”

“Lord Sherri!”

Finally, Bailuo appeared in everyone’s sight, bringing the already high spirits to a complete peak.

“Your Majesty!”

“Long live Your Majesty!”

This was a green platform, crafted by the Tree Elves, who had spent days nurturing the branches to create this treasure.

The branches were smooth and shiny, like jade or emerald.

Bailuo was grateful to them, so he had Lilith turn it into this massive chariot, and he adorned and covered it with even more luxurious decorations.

Around the chariot, flowers bloomed profusely, showcasing the utmost beauty of nature.

Adorable Fairies stood at the edge of the chariot, holding baskets of flowers in their arms, scattering petals forward to pave a pathway of blooms.


The sound of twisting trees came from all around.

The People of Yatun looked up, only to see ancient trees (not Tree Elves, but unintelligent trees) peering out from the edges of buildings.

Over a hundred ancient trees ringed the town like a barrier, being the most noticeable spectators.

“Rustle rustle rustle.”

“Chirp chirp chirp.”

Then, a massive number of Mushroom People tumbled out from alleys; they somersaulted, and ran around like human children, extremely adorable.


The children of Yatun knelt and scooped up many Mushroom People, placing them on their shoulders and heads, and then they watched Bailuo’s procession. “Bro, how much longer do I have to stand?”

Atop the chariot, Bailuo sat on his throne, with his meticulously dressed uncle standing in front of him.

The old man was dressed for the occasion, even his silver-white hair was combed perfectly, looking as dignified and imposing as a chancellor from a Western royal court.

In contrast, Inya and her older sister were dressed in a princess dress and a queen’s gown, respectively.

The sister didn’t mind, but Inya complained for the umpteenth time about how uncomfortable high heels were; her feet ached.

“Bear with it a little longer.”

Bailuo pursed his lips and muttered a complaint, “I’ve been sitting all day today, alright?”

“Cough cough.”

The uncle gently coughed, signaling for them to be quiet and maintain their dignity.

Bailuo felt awkward.

In fact, his original idea was to keep everything simple, but his uncle insisted that such an important day should not be taken lightly.

This suggestion won the approval from all the older generation, led by Elder Mountain Grandpa and Andrew.

Therefore, from preparing attire, musical instruments, and the chariot, to setting up the stage and the procession, it took a full three days.

“Look at Xiao Bai, such good manners.”

At that moment, Bai Yino, due to Bailuo’s suggestion, wore an extremely rare pure white robe with curved hem.

Although her figure was lacking, she looked no less charming than the Tree Elf girls.

However, as soon as the uncle turned his head back, Bai Yino sneakily grabbed a steamed bun from her sleeve and promptly stuffed it into her mouth.

Inya: ‘Ah!!! Is there any more? Do you have more? I’m also hungry, give me one!’

Bai Yino and Inya got along well and was about to share, but saw the uncle turn around again, making Bai Yino a bit flustered.


The sister reacted swiftly, immediately grabbing the steamed bun from Bai Yino’s hand and tossing it away without hesitation.


Abadun reflexively caught it, looking down he wondered where this steamed bun came from: “Huh? Where did this steamed bun come from?”

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