A rare magical miracle in the world

Chapter 108 - 81: Ice Spirit Witch (Seeking Recommendations)

Chapter 108: Chapter 81: Ice Spirit Witch (Seeking Recommendations)

“Wow, that’s impressive, even an amateur like me thinks so.”

At this moment, Bailuo was like a bystander watching a thrilling car or motorcycle race, cheering on Fiona for dodging Elsa’s attacks as well as Elsa’s relentless pursuit.

The surrounding Little Witches were also thoroughly enjoying themselves, completely engrossed in the spectacle.

“All of Little Elsa’s attacks have missed.”

Bailuo felt that Elsa had suffered a significant loss, not only was there a substantial drain on her magic power, but she had also been shown up by Fiona.

“Fiona still has at least 90% of her magic power,” Lilith explained to the audience, “But Elsa, she’s only left with 60%.”

It must be said that Elsa’s magic power really was considerable; even with only 60% left, she could still compare with Fiona.

“This tells us that sometimes, the enemy’s Miracle Power may be greater than yours, but making sensible use of your own advantages to weaken the opponent is also a good strategy.”

Lilith taught, and the Little Witches were naturally taking serious notes. They all wanted to become warriors and definitely couldn’t miss such an important practical example.

“Damn it!”

Elsa was getting anxious; she knew that Fiona’s combat experience surpassed her own.

Even when faced with a new power system, Fiona was able to adapt more quickly.

This was the teaching of their old uncle, cultivating not just skills but the person themselves.

He laid down a solid foundation for them, allowing them to become outstanding figures in any domain.

“Make good use of your advantages. Fiona’s strengths are speed and melee combat, so what are mine?”

Elsa’s eyes emitted a faint ice-blue magical glow as she made up her mind: “My advantage is more magic power, stronger casting!”

“Ice Seal: Blizzard!”

Elsa no longer went for scattered attacks, but instead unleashed an overwhelming outpour of magic power to create numerous ice storms, sweeping towards Fiona in a massive onslaught.


With a fierce shout, Elsa twirled her magic wand above her head, pouring out a vast amount of magic power.

In an instant, the ice storm began to spin, turning into a gigantic ice tornado.


A heavy frost spread throughout the dueling arena. Lilith snapped her fingers, creating an invisible magical barrier that separated the spectator seats from the field.

“Oh no!”

Watching Fiona below being cornered with no escape, Elsa felt a surge of joy inside her, and her gaze shifted to Bailuo in the spectator stands: ‘Brother Bailuo, do you see? This is my power…’


Seeing this scene, Bailuo’s gaze shifted subtly, and he furrowed his brows.

“Has the master noticed?”


Bailuo nodded: “Elsa is still too young.”

“It’s over!”

In the sky, Elsa was controlling the blizzard, but in the next moment, a magic wand was already at the back of her neck.


Elsa was obviously confused, but Fiona’s voice had already come from behind: “Looks like I win, Little Elsa.”

“This, why, when?”

Elsa clearly didn’t understand how Fiona could suddenly appear behind her, but she quickly thought of a spell: “Illusory Mist Shadow, yes, it’s an illusion…” “Yes, that’s right.”

Fiona retracted her magic wand, then began to descend while speaking: “You were looking at Brother Bai Luo just now, weren’t you?”

With Fiona calling her out, Elsa’s cheeks blushed: “I, I just…”

“I knew it, you would definitely look at Brother Bai Luo.”

Fiona was well aware of the little girls’ feelings. In fact, she was the same. When it came to admiring Bai Luo, Fiona wouldn’t lose to anyone.

But a battle is a battle, and she wouldn’t allow herself to be distracted by Bai Luo: “At the brink of victory, one subconsciously hopes that the person they care about is watching them.”

“Sister Fiona, you guessed this, which is why you…”

“Yes, that’s right.”

Fiona said, “But if I had guessed wrong, then I would have lost, luckily, I guessed right.”

Fiona knew her strength was inferior to Elsa’s and to win, a direct confrontation would definitely not work.

So she chose to surprise her opponent.

Although this proved Elsa’s strength, the current situation was a real battle, and the same tactics wouldn’t appear twice.

To win is to win, to lose is to lose.

On the battlefield, Elsa would have been killed by Fiona.

“It’s my loss.”

Elsa admitted defeat straightforwardly. Strength was one thing, but she indeed wasn’t yet a qualified warrior and needed more training.

“Clap, clap, clap, clap.”

Following the end of their duel, Bailuo led the applause, and then gave both girls a head pat.

Despite Fiona’s tough talk, when Bailuo actually patted her head, she immediately became as docile and gentle as a kitten.

As for Elsa, although she lost, Bailuo encouraged her well and acknowledged that Elsa’s ice and snow magic was very strong.

“The magic of little witches falls into two categories, one is the exclusive magic that materializes from their own wishes.”

“The other is the general magic that I teach, which everyone can learn.”

General magic is about diversity and can help little witches to possess a variety of miraculous powers, but in real combat, exclusive magic is the core.

Like Elsa’s exclusive magic, which is ice and snow.

Lilith said that with the growth of Elsa’s magic power, she really might, like Elsa from Bailuo’s story, manipulate the power of ice and snow at will.

And by that time, Elsa wouldn’t be just a witch, but a High Witch with her own exclusive title and honorific.

“I divide the practitioners of Fairy Magic into four levels.”

“Apprentices who are just beginning to touch magic, I call them Little Witches,” Lilith said, “Those who have mastered the basic magic and can graduate are called Witches.”

“A High Witch possesses powerful combat abilities and can even become a teacher of Fairy Magic.”

Lilith explained, “They master their own exclusive magic and will receive a title and honorific bestowed by me, and their power is sufficient to stand on their own.”

“Above the High Witches, I call them Sorcerers.”

It was hard for Lilith herself to define which level she was at, because just with her ‘Infinite Mana,’ she was beyond what Miracle Troop Types could contend with.

Moreover, Lilith was about to evolve.

After evolution, Lilith’s strength would undoubtedly surge, allowing her to better define her power.

“Alright, next up is Miya versus Sheila.”

This battle was almost without suspense, Sheila won.

Although Miya was also excellent, Sheila, the same age as Fiona, had undergone military training from her uncle.

Not to mention, Sheila had mastered her own magic.

Sheila’s magic, called ‘Beast Spirit Cloak’ by Lilith.

This cloak was not tangible, but constructed of magic power, within which resided the magical strength of animals that Sheila had killed.

Sheila’s favorite was the Red Cloak.

Just like the Little Red Riding Hood from fairy tales, it contained the wolf’s power to greatly enhance Sheila’s speed and destructive force.

Comparatively, Miya was better at Transfiguration Spell, changing the shape of various things to control their combat prowess.

In this aspect, she was somewhat like Cinderella from the stories.

Crystal slippers, Pumpkin Carriages, and such, Miya could temporarily transform as well.

Though not skilled in combat, in terms of functionality, it made many children quite envious.

They would ask Miya to play and have her transform all sorts of interesting things, which also made Miya the most popular Little Witch in the academy.

Besides, the girls from the Treant Race were exceptionally outstanding.

Perhaps it was the talent of the Tree Elves, they could manipulate various plants and turn their magic power into seeds, using them to entangle enemies with rapid sprouting.

Furthermore, they also learned the magic to ‘give life’ to plants from Lilith, enabling them to awaken shrubs, flowers, mushrooms (due to consciousness issues, considered plants), vines, and trees to fight alongside them.

Because the advantage of Tree Elf Little Witches was too great, they were internally consumed (internal conflict).

And as a result, everyone fought well and it was very spectacular.

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