A rare magical miracle in the world

Chapter 101 - 74 Seed-covering Cloth (Vote for Recommendation)

Chapter 101: Chapter 74 Seed-covering Cloth (Vote for Recommendation)

The Initial Sprout Holy Pouch had once brought great surprise to Bailuo.

The appearance of Sherri and Lilith, the power of the Pegasus and Fairy, also astonished Bailuo immensely.

But none of them, not a single one, could compare to the shock the Mysterious Dragon had given to Bailuo.

“This is a miracle,” he said.

Bailuo finally understood the power of miracles, they were unbelievable, possessing the strength to overturn common sense.

Agriculture that should have taken a long while to build up had, with the power of miracles, passed through the accumulating stage in the blink of an eye, as if by divine aid!

“Who cares if it’s reasonable or not, feeling awesome is all that matters!”

Though it was unreasonable, when that power fell upon Bailuo’shead, the feeling of cheating was incredibly exhilarating.

“Quick, hurry back!”


Bailuo, riding on Sherri, descended and then shouted to everyone to go back and see, “It’s a bountiful harvest—”

The People of Yatun didn’t understand, but they still followed in Bailuo’s footsteps, sprinting towards the forest.

“A bountiful harvest?”

“It really is a bountiful harvest!”

“Fruit, so much fruit!”

“These? Are all these grains? My goodness, how long will it take to finish eating all this?”

Nors and the others, looking at the farmland before them, were stunned and at a loss.

“Haha, hahaha, hahahahaha…”

But after the astonishment, jubilation swept across all of Yatun.


The People of Yatun, including the newly awakened Tree Elves, momentarily forgot their transformation and threw themselves into the joy of the bountiful harvest, running wildly through the farmlands and the wilderness.

“Long live Your Majesty!”

“Long live Yatun!!”

Every person from Yatun knew who had created this incredible, magical scenery and who it was that had given them their prosperous and abundant life. It was Bailuo, their king, their great Majesty!

“Lilith, use your powers to help harvest,” he commanded.

Lilith couldn’t make so many crops mature; her ability could not create but could process and transform.

“Leave it to me, Master,” she acquiesced.

Lilith was very happy at that moment as well, as she raised her hand, the enormous power of miracles instantly enveloped all the farmlands.

The next moment, the golden and green fields disappeared, replaced by freshly turned soil.

Lilith cast her spell again, gradually expanding the farmlands, and this time, the area would increase by more than tenfold compared to the last.

Because of the great harvest, Yatun had enough seeds and no longer needed to worry about a shortage.

As for the fruit trees, Bailuo didn’t ask Lilith to pick them.

Fruits spoilt easily and were difficult to store.

It was better to leave them on the tree for now; after all, they could pick fresh ones whenever they wanted.

Only when the fruits were bound to fall, would Bailuo have them all harvested to be made into wine and dried fruits, stored in another form.

The fruit trees were fully grown, and from next year on, they would get an abundance of fruits every year.

Soon, Bailuo would let everyone taste the apples, grapes, watermelons, and strawberries of Yatun.

“With so much grain, let alone a mere two hundred people, even two thousand, ten thousand people might not be able to finish it,” he remarked.

And this was just the beginning as they could sow more farmland yet again.

In at most five months, Yatun would have another bountiful harvest.

It was completely feasible!

By then, Yatun’s provisions would be truly inexhaustible and limitless.

“No more words needed,” he decided.

Right now, Bailuoonly wanted to say one thing, “Let’s feast! Tonight, we won’t return until we’re drunk!!!”


The People of Yatun were utterly overjoyed by the miraculous storm brought by the Mysterious Dragon.


“As much as you want, there’s plenty!”

With so much grain, Lilith’s fairy magic went into full swing, and soon, barrels of alcohol were produced by her.

With grapes available, wine also made its appearance on everyone’s table.

No need to hold back, drink, let your belly have its fill!

That night, even Bailuo very rarely drank to his heart’s content.

But because he had so much miracle protection, Bailuo had to drink ten times the usual amount before he slumped into a drowsy sleep, supported by Bai Yino and Inya.

Sherri and Lilith also drank a bit, but they wouldn’t get drunk.

Drunk was a debuff, and the miracle power on them would automatically dispel it.

Of course, they could temporarily turn it off to experience what being drunk felt like.

However, as miracles, they couldn’t leave their master’s side; they needed to protect Bailuo at all times, especially when he was not sober.

Even the less powerful Bai Yino silently stood by Bailuo’s side, unwavering.

And so, the night of revelry ended.

The morning sunlight spilled over, signaling another good day. The Mysterious Dragon blessed the entire Yatun Island, bringing it to life.

The scenery now compared to when they first arrived was like night and day.

“Cough, cough, cough.”

Bailuo woke from his deep sleep, feeling parched: “Water, give me water.”


Bailuo took the water Bai Yino handed to him and, after drinking, felt much better.

“What time is it now?”

Looking at the sunlight outside the window, Bailuo chastised himself for being too indulgent; he should not indulge like that.

As the King of Yatun, Bailuohad to stay clear-headed: ‘From now on, even if I drink, I must never get drunk.’

After freshening up a bit, Bailuo was about to go out with Bai Yino when he subconsciously glanced at the information on the Black Leather Book.

Sherri and Lilith were still evolving, no change there.

But the Initial Sprout Holy Pouch’s attributes had changed.

[Seed-covering Cloth]

Contract: Bailuo Yatun

Level: Least Tier

Type: Miracle Object

Faction: Divine Twilight

Ability: Can pour out seen common crops’ seeds, fruits, flowers, roots, stems, leaves, totaling 1000 kilograms per day (Least-tier miracle, unable to produce things with miracle power).

“It really evolved!!!”

Bailuo stopped in his tracks, somewhat surprised as he looked at the information on the Black Leather Book while simultaneously summoning the Miracle Pocket.

However, what appeared in Bailuo’s hand this time was an extremely beautiful, luxurious large pouch.

The pouch was studded with brilliant gemstones and embroidered with gold and silver threads, showcasing a variety of agricultural patterns.

Bailuo looked closely and realized they were all crops planted by the People of Yatun.

“It got bigger?”

As if to answer Bailuo’s question, the pouch flashed and, surprisingly, reverted back to the Initial Sprout Holy Pouch: “It can change back?!”

“And there’s seeds, fruits, flowers, as well as roots, stems, leaves.”

Bailuo was now fully awake, he laughed, “This is almost everything a plant has, right?”

Bailuo: Ginseng, do you think you can escape?

It’s not that it won’t fall; the time hasn’t come yet!



Hearing Bailuo’s laughter, Bai Yino looked puzzled.

Outside in the courtyard, Uncle heard the noise and came in: “Awake? Laughing so happily, has the miracle evolved?”

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