A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?

Chapter 35: Truth behind the hero summoning.

Chapter 35: Truth behind the hero summoning.

Lol I read some of the comments that were posted during the hiatus such as come on translation team theres no team XD its just me. Patreon in case you decide this should be my full time job lol.

The white knight headquarters, in section of the royal castle in Razhausen. More specifically the meeting room. Figures dressed all in white sat surrounding a portrait style table.

I apologize for being late.

Sierra rank seven entered the room taking an open chair close to the door.

Dont worry about it, its the first time you were late Sierra.

To her right was rank six Emily Anderson. She appeared to be an amicable person similar to Sierra although the brown pigtails and the giant mace leaning against the wall stood in stark contrast.

Good Work, but I must say if you want to monitor the boy why not just go directly to Sierra. I have qualms about this sneaking around business.

And next to Emily was the rank 5, Edward Scotch. Wearing a long white coat with a matching top hat he peered through a monocle toward Reinhardt who sat furthest from the door.

Sierra what is that bastard doing? Apparently hes staying at your house but you also completed the request together right?

Next to Edward sat Raid Black, rank 4. With a tone practically dripping with sarcasm Sierra asked. Still holding a grudge? At this Raid stuck his tongue out and looked away.

How was Week? Was it fun?

Slight separated from Sierra on her left sat Hilda her sister.

Are you getting along with Masamune and Toa? I heard from Edward that you made friends with a girl from the cat tribe.

Sister, please wait until we are home to talk about such things. More importantly Edward, why are you surveilling me I heard nothing about this.

Sierra, wait for Reinhardt to speak. Apparently this was decided by his majesty.

To Emilys right was Daniel King, rank 2.

Its about the target for observation. To confirm you were sent to week. His majesty has spoken with Borris and already knows about the situation with the merchant and the barn. There is nothing for Reinhardt to explain. So, I wonder what the meeting is about.

The matters regarding that adventurer are for a later date. We have something else to discuss today.

Rank 1 Reinhardt Rickman, he took a sip of water before beginning to speak.

First, it seems Dragons Heart appeared in Greyberg.

Dragons Heart, at the mention of this group the look on everyones face changed. Even the normally uninterested Raid was grinning as he listened.

However this was not true for Sierra, being an atrocious lier she lowered her head to stare at the table hiding her expression.

Whats wrong Sierra? Hilda asked.

Stomach hurt? Raid teased.

Raid leave her alone!

At the mention of Dragons Heart Sierra had immediately thought of Masamune. As a white knight she should say something. But as a friend she felt conflicted.

No, its nothing.

Im continuing, this next part is important.

It seems Reinhardt was getting to the main subject now.

Greyberg performed a hero summoning.

Hahaha! Those guys finally did it!

Besides Raid who held his stomach as he laughed everyone seemed utterly shocked.

Daniel covered his face. Stupid

Its come from a reliable source there is no mistake.

In other words they knew and appeared in Greyberg.

Raid appeared to be enjoying himself as he asked this.

Probably, there has already been a death. The forest magician Albert Morrow.

The forest magician, isnt he the magician that a long time ago used earth magic in the Empires war and caused huge problems for the enemy army? Its a dubious tale but I know the name.

Edward spoke as though analyzing, apparently there was an anecdote about Albert.

Yeah, it seems there was a funeral.

I remember the Toyland Kingdoms incident, if its Dragons Heart this isnt over.

Raid was wearing an evil smile.

Even Albert Morrow couldnt put up a fight.

Hilda alone took the defeat of the forest magician seriously.

Uhm, whats a hero summoning? It was Sierra who asked.

What? Sierra you dont know?


However its understandable as its rather Heretical Magic.

Hmm? What is it strange for me to call others a heretic?

No, thats not.

Can you stop intimidating Sierra. Hilda cut in.

Im not being intimidating!

Raid stuck out his tongue in frustration but his smile soon returned.

It cant be helped so, I shall teach you. A Hero summoning is a form of Summoning Magic. {T/N: It seems weve got Sherlock Holmes on our hands here folks.}

Raid Emplains to Sierra as though remorseful.

Summoning magic, I see.

Its unlike any summoning magic youve seen.


Its on the ban list. The technique itself is relatively simple however its extremely powerful Magic. Its for summoning a hero from another world. You know what a hero is right?

Like the ones that show up in fairytales?

Youre not wrong, but youre not exactly right either. Its a general term for those that have been summoned. {T/N: My apologies for breaking the immersion a second time. Here he says things about the different terms for heros in Japanese. Theres actually two popular terms, theres the term for a hero that comes from our world or sometimes Japan in particular, and the other which means one that came from another world or outside Japan. He explains here that it used to be termed for the former term instead of the later.} You dont really know what youre getting with the magic, in the past beasts that cant speak were summoned. However this time they achieved rational creatures or humans basically.

So theyre summoned, and then?

Well in short, they have some sort of blessing called grace. And their initial status value is high, and even at low levels they can use high level magic. After that they have good occupations and skills.

Raid seemed to only have a vague idea about a hero summoning but there was no objection to the explanation.

I see. Why is it banned? It seems like wonderful magic to me.

. It requires a human sacrifice.

Reinhardt answered this time.

A sacrifice?.

The magic requires enormous amounts of power, such as the magical nucleus inside humans.

But if you just need the magical nucleus the sacrifice doesnt have to be human right?

Raid said this earlier but in one case they summoned an unintelligent beast that just attacked the people around it. It seems there were beastkin involved in the sacrifice that was used to summon it, so it was determined that humans were required.

Sierra became upset as she understood.

Thats not even the scary part! No wait, the human thing is pretty scary huh.

Raid thats enough, I think shes got it.

The white knights dont know exactly what whats going on right now or what to do.

Reinhardt glared at Raid who had continued talking.

Reinhardt, Im fine. Raid please continue.

Oh yeah, Ill talk.

Raid flashed a smile at Reinhardt.

The sacrifice shouldnt just be sacrificed, this isnt faith but magic. As I said earlier, what you need is the magical nucleus, a huge amount of magical power. However, its usually quiet, it controls the supply of magical power while also setting restrictions so that the hosts body doesnt break apart. However, in its restricted state, you cant get the amount of power you need. The hero summoning wouldnt work.

So they need to remove the restriction.

Exactly! Did you put together the meaning behind my words?


Sierra thought about Raids words.

Fear and despair!

Sierras eyes opened wide in that moment.

Whats the fastest way to make a human despair and feel fear?

Then Sierra understood why he had called it heretical.



You instill despair with pain, torture them until they are a broken husk. You cant kill them because if you kill them the nucleus dies too. The body begins to glow with magical power and when it bursts forth that. is the hero summoning.

How many people are sacrificed?

I dont know that either. A hundred a thousand? In the past there was talk about an entire country being erased for a summoning.

I.. See.

Sierra asked nothing further.

After that Reinhardt revealed that the nootkerane collected the other day was stolen by someone. It was a serious issue but Sierra heard nothing.

After the meeting Hilda tried talking to Sierra but Sierra only quietly replied. OK. before leaving the royal castle.

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