A Hentai System in the World of Dungeon Ni Deai

Chapter 120: I Found Her

Chapter 120: I Found Her

I left Lili in my room, went to the bathroom, and washed my face. I went downstairs and found Bell getting ready to leave. We didn't even have time to talk. He said goodbye and left just a minute later.

I had breakfast and left because I had other plans: to go to the district where the Ishtar Familia was located. The same place where I went a few times to have sex with prostitutes.

I was not going there to have sex with prostitutes today. I was going after Haruhime. I know that it will be difficult to find her since she is kept by the Ishtar Familia and is very protected. But I want to talk to her.

I don't want to kidnap her or anything like that. I will only help if she asks for help.

'But anyway, Haruhime is not one of my favorite characters. I like her, but she's not a character I'd care much.' However, having her in my harem will give me many advantages.

Besides, she is beautiful.

'Okay, should I go directly to Ishtar Familia's house or stop somewhere first?' It had been a long time since I had been to this place, so I wanted to enjoy it a little more before going after Haruhime.

I would like to have sex with that prostitute one more time. She was so beautiful and caring. However, I don't think it is a good idea to continue having sex with random prostitutes. I am afraid that sexual diseases exist in that world.

They never mentioned it in the story ( not that I remember ), but it doesn't mean that this kind of disease doesn't exist. And I don't know if a healing potion will be enough to cure a sexual disease.

"I don't think it would cure it."

I continued walking down the street while observing every detail of that district. The last few times I came here, I didn't have the opportunity to do that. Last time I went into the first bar or brothel I could find.

Now it is daytime, so it was pretty quiet. It even looked like an average district at the moment.

I walked to the district's center, where the Ishtar Familia house was. "Belit Babili" is A rather interesting name. "The meaning of this name makes a lot of sense." I gave an internal laugh.

Arriving at the main gate of the Ishtar Familia house, I could meet the first people of her Familia. They were a man and a woman. I did not recognize the two. They are extras.

"Good morning. I want to speak to Goddess Ishtar about something." I said to the two respectfully.

"Huh? She's not going to talk to anyone now. Come back another time." The man replied with a serious expression. He looked impatient even though I hadn't made anything.

"I want to talk about that girl, Sanjouno Haruhime. That's her name. Can you help me with that?"

The man's eyebrows rose upon hearing my words, but he stood his ground and didn't allow me to enter. He didn't even go inside to let Ishtar know I was here.

I guess I'm not important enough yet to be able to visit a God or Goddess whenever I want.

"Okay, but let her know I was here. My name is Luan. I'm from the Hestia Familia. She'll probably recognize me."

"All right, I'll do that."

I nodded and walked away without looking back. I could have stormed that place, but I better hold on. I will not be able to beat everyone from Ishtar Familia if I fight everyone at once.

In the future, that may be possible.


Still walking through the entertainment district, I found a person I had been looking for for a long time. Sitting on the floor outside one bar, I found Jessica.

She was the first person I had sex with when I came into this world, the woman who took my virginity. I don't regret giving her my virginity even though she was a prostitute.

I wanted to meet her again precisely because of this. I wanted to be with her again. She is so beautiful.

'But does she still remember me?' I approached her and stood in front of her. Jessica had her head down. She was sad about something. "How are you? Don't look like you're feeling well." I said.

Jessica looked up and saw my face. Her eyes widened.

"Do you still remember me? Or have you forgotten?" I smiled at her and held out my hand for her to take. Jessica held my hand with her delicate hand, and I helped her to her feet. She was a little taller than me. We were almost the same height.

"Yes, I remember you..."

"Luan, my name is Luan. But what are you doing here? Do you work here?" I pointed to the bar right behind her.

"I used to. I was fired after some things happened."

"I see. Is that why you're so down? Okay, how about going out with me to cheer yourself up? I promise you'll have a great time."

"What's that? You want to fuck me that bad?" A smile finally appeared on her face.

"And that's a problem? But no, I don't want to just fuck you. I want to try to cheer you up a little. I can also help you get another job if you want."


"Yes, of course. I'll do anything for the woman who took my virginity."

"You're an idiot."

"A little bit. So, shall we go? We can eat something and then I can take you to my place to talk better. If you meet Lili, you'll enjoy being friends with her."


"Yes, she's a beautiful girl from my Familia. So, how about it? Do you want to come with me?"

"But won't it be bad to bring a woman like me into your Familia's home?"

"Don't worry about that."

"Okay..." Jessica seemed a little reluctant, but she held my hand, and we walked out of the entertainment district. Even if rumors arise, who cares about that?



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