A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War!

Chapter 7: (1)

Chapter 7: (1)


Kaiyan scrambled to dodge the Gnoll as Max Pollan stepped in front of him, swinging his shield at the Gnoll, which was still charging.


Wake up! Kaiyan heard Maxs voice calling out to him.

The Gnoll rolled around on the ground a few times as the impact of the shield hit him.

.Wow, attacking with a shield? Kaiyan said, amazed by the display.

He had never met anyone who used a shield like that before. Shields were meant to block attacks, not to attack enemies, as far as he knew.

Stop daydreaming, Max snapped Kaiyan out of his reverie.

Kaiyan pushed down on the Gnoll still attached to his sword.


The blade gently sliced through the Gnolls flesh.

When he finished the Gnoll and turned to Max, he saw him engaged in a fierce battle with the one remaining Gnoll. What struck Kaiyan about this scene was that Max was using his shield to attack the Gnoll, not just the first time, but again and again.

He wasnt using any of the weapons in his hand, only his shield.

Let me help you! Kaiyan offered.

The one remaining Gnoll eventually met its demise after a one-sided beating from Kaiyan and Max.

That shield Youre quite good with a shield, Kaiyan commented, not being able to hold back his admiration.

This was not an empty comment. He had only seen the Central Army from a distance, but he had never seen anyone use their shields better, at least in the outlying areas.

Haha, I used to be a shieldman. Im better with a shield than a sword, Max revealed.

As it turns out, the soldier named Max is using a short sword.

Kaiyan remembered hearing that short swords were mostly used by shieldmen because they were lightweight in exchange for a small attack range.

Ill draw attention to myself, and you can attack when you see an opening. How does that sound? Max suggested.

Sounds good, as long as I dont have to call you grandfather, Kaiyan joked.

No, Im not at that age yet Id rather you call me uncle, or brother.

Hyung? Kaiyan asked, and Maxs face turned red in embarrassment.


Max exclaimed, embarrassed by his own words. The old mans face turned red.

Ah, yes, Kaiyan replied and started hunting for other Gnolls.

While doing so, he realized that hunting monsters was much easier with shieldmen. Unlike when youre fighting monsters alone, he could just wait for Uncle Max to get their attention and then unleash a powerful attack. The combination of attackers and shieldmen was quite effective.


Soon, another Gnoll was on its knees in front of them, much faster than the first.

No time to rest! Lets get moving! Max urged Kaiyan.

Hehe okay,

Working with Uncle Max was a natural fit for Kaiyan, to say the least.

Together, they swept through the Gnolls, goblins, and the occasional kobold on the outer battlefield, mowing down monsters as they came across them. It was a thrill Kaiyan had never experienced before, one they would take in a heartbeat.

Seeing monsters and not having to dodge them was especially satisfying. But Uncle Max knew when it was time to take a break.

Hey! Why dont you take it easy for a bit and then move? Hehe. Uncle Max chuckled, catching his breath.

What, already? Kaiyan asked, surprised.

Havent you caught enough monsters to fill your pockets? Uncle Max replied.

Kaiyan looked down at their pockets and realized they were getting pretty heavy. Together, they had caught at least 100 monsters.

Haha I dont think Ive ever been pushed to the limit of my physical strength Arent you tired? Uncle Max asked.

Im fine Ah! Kaiyan replied, feeling the rush of adrenaline still coursing through their veins.


Name: Kaiyan / Age:15 / Occupation: Player / Title: Unclaimed

Level:5 / Strength:11 / Agility:7 / Stamina:7 / Intelligence:9 / Free Points:4

Kaiyan pulled up his status window just to be safe, and there it was. In his frenzied hunt for monsters, he hadnt realized he had leveled up twice already to restore his health and stamina. He wasnt tired.

Should I distribute my stats now, so I can catch monsters more easily Or should I test it out and increase my agility or stamina at? Kaiyan pondered aloud.

Distributing stats was something that required a lot of thought. Right now, it was obviously better to increase Strength, but there was a catch.

The problem is, raising other stats might be just as effective as Strength. If only Id known that, I should have asked Rieka, Kaiyan thought.

Stamina made sense to Kaiyan, but Agility and Intelligence didnt. They didnt know if Agility meant becoming more agile, or if Intelligence meant becoming more intelligent. It was frustrating that there was no further explanation of the abilities, so they had to post themself to find out.

Just to be safe, lets distribute 2 Strength, 1 agility, and 1 Stamina, Kaiyan decided.

In the end, he allocated points to all stats except Intelligence. Kaiyan was a little disappointed that he didnt invest all of his points in Strength, but it was important to know exactly what the stats did for future use. If other states were as effective as Strength, he would have to think about investing in them more evenly.

I feel a little lighter, Kaiyan said, stretching their arms and legs.

Hey, lets get moving. Youve been resting too long, Uncle Max said, patting Kaiyan on the back.

After a few moments of sitting and resting, Kaiyans Uncle Max is up and about. He knows better than to take a long break from the battlefield. As he scans the area for monsters, he spits.

This time well, Im afraid there are four of them over there.

Hmm I see.

Kaiyan follows Uncle Maxs gaze to see four Gnolls hanging around. Three is still the number the two of them could safely handle, but four is still a challenge.

Four Gnolls can we do it?

Uncle, do you want to try? Kaiyan speaks with unfounded confidence, perhaps because he had raised his stats. Uncle Max looks at him strangely, as if he were talking nonsense.

What, you think were going to catch them?

Yes, sir, if youll just draw their attention. Ill organize them as quickly as I can.

What kind of confidence is this? Youre going to take on two dogs at the same time by yourself? Are you crazy?


Come on, Kaiyan. Calm down and take a look at yourself. Going with the flow doesnt suddenly increase your swordsmanship or make you stronger!

.Is that so?

Kaiyan was confident thanks to his increased stats just a moment ago, but now that he has heard Maxs words, he realizes he went a little overboard. Maybe he can take out one of them right away with a surprise, but otherwise, objectively speaking, two is still too much.

Youre right. Let me take a moment to.

Bing! [Quest arrives]

[Hunt 4 Gnolls in 3 minutes 0/4]

Just as Kaiyan is about to tell Uncle Max, the quest he has been waiting for arrives, but it says.

4 Gnolls Rieka told me that quests are random, so complete them when they appear.

The problem is, Kaiyan has only three minutes to catch four Gnolls. He narrows his eyes and grabs Mr. Maxs arm next to him.

Whats wrong with you?

Uncle, I must be crazy. Please help me just once. Ill call you Hyung from now on.

Of course, those arent the only four Gnolls Kaiyan needs to capture for the quest. He can catch other Gnolls to make up the four. The problem is, thanks to the monster sweep with Uncle Max, those four Gnolls are the only ones that are close to them. If they give up on them now, they wont be able to catch four Gnolls in three minutes.

Come on, lets go!

Kaiyan has only three minutes. Time flies by as he lingers there. He is not sure if Uncle Max will follow him, but he doesnt want to miss the chance to get stronger.

Uh? Hee, are we really going?

Kaiyan runs toward the Gnolls, and a confused Uncle Max starts to run after him. Honestly, Kaiyan is worried about what he would do if Uncle Max didnt follow him.



With my increased strength, I can pierce his head in one fell swoop. I can do it.

He looks at the Gnolls running toward him and makes a rough plan. Relying on his increased strength, he would quickly finish off the first one with a stab, while Uncle Max, who was right next to him, would block the other two. With his current strength, he should be able to finish off the Gnoll with a single stab.

Huh Ha!

With a short roar, Kaiyan thrusts his sword toward the Gnoll.

The sword shot out at a very high speed.


Thats it!

[Deal with the Gnoll 1/4 2:14].

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