A Failed Idol’s Rise to Bottom

Chapter 82

Chapter 82

Su-Gyeom swallowed his dry saliva, wondering if Tae-won heard the sound he made. It would be weirder if he didnt, but he can only hope.



There are two options.

Su-Gyeom was so nervous and tilted his head at an unexpected remark.

Why the choice all of a sudden? Tae-Won continued to talk when he was about to blink his big eyes, wondering what to choose in this situation.

Going to bed naturally like this and going to bed unnaturally.

Huh? Huh?


What do you mean by unnatural?

Choose it if youre curious. To be or not to be.

Okay not. What are you talking about?

Su-Gyeom huffed and pushed Tae-Won out of his arms. He almost gave the answer Tae-Won wanted. Then Tae-Won looked like he was going to die of regret.

Oh, Im not going to let you go. Dont mess with me!

Im not kidding. I mean it.

Su-Gyeoms face turned white at Tae-Wons serious answer, and soon became red. It was natural for Tae-Won to burst into laughter at the transparent reaction.

Oh, thats even worse!

Su-Gyeom freaked out and got up. Then he hurried to his room. Of course, with Tae-Wons cell phone in his hand.

Oh. I thought I was about to be eaten.

It was when Su-Gyeom, lying in bed, breathed a sigh of relief and murmured to himself. A dreary voice came from somewhere.

About to be eaten? By whom?

Wow, Sol. Since when have you been here?

Ive been here since earlier.

Han-Sol looked at Su-Gyeom with dissatisfied eyes. Su-Gyeom was not guilty of committing a crime, but he swept away his surprised heart.

Did Tae-Won Hyung try to eat you?

That, uh must have been a joke.

When Su-Gyeom, who has no talent for lying, smiled and tried to pass it lightly, Han-Sol snorted.Im sure its no joke.

How do you know that?

Because I feel the same way.


Surprised by Han-Sols words, his eyes widened, but Han-Sol climbed into the bed. They were so close to each other. The single bed was too narrow for two men.

Hey, hey! Go down!

Hey, isnt this just sleeping? Im good at this!

Even though Su-Gyeom hated and denied it, Han-Sol smiled and hugged Su-Gyeom. Su-Gyeom was quickly held in his arms and struggled, but Han-Sols long arms and legs hugged Su-Gyeom as if he were a gourd.

Hey, Jeong Han-Sol!

Wow, thats nice. Im so happy.

Han-Sol murmured as if he were really happy. Su-Gyeom wondered why hugging made him so happy, so he forgot to push him away. Then Han-Sol held Su-Gyeom in his arms during that time. Thanks to this, Su-Gyeom was buried in Han-Sols chest.

When his face touched his strong yet fluffy chest, Su-Gyeoms face turned red as if burning.

Fans liked that Han-Sol had a baby face and a strong chest. Now he understands what the fans meant. Objectively speaking Han-Sol has a big heart and a big body.

He could only bury his face in his chest.

What, what, what?!

It was very embarrassing.

Why, you used to hug me well.


At Han-Sols words, Su-Gyeom tried to answer back at once but soon blurred the end of his words.

At that time, in order to work hard, he hit and even touched first. However, now that he knows Han-Sol likes him, he cant bear to do so.

In other words, he was used as needed. When Su-Gyeom realized this, he couldnt bear to push him away with anger like before.

Im sorry.

Suddenly, what?

I think I used you to eat well and live well.

He was trying to make U-PITE prosperous, but in the end, he was only trying to live well. That was undeniable. Su-Gyeom didnt want to live that in this life because he lived a miserable one.

Therefore, he used Han-Sol. No, not only Han-Sol but also other members. Su-Gyeom used them as needed. After acknowledging this, Su-Gyeoms conscience was stabbed, and he couldnt raise his head.

Theres nothing to apologize for. Because I liked it.


Use me as much as you like. Use me as much as you need. Please continue to seduce me more and drive me crazy.

Due to Han-Sols personality, Su-Gyeom didnt think he would blame or resent him, but he didnt know he would say this. Su-Gyeom was suddenly encouraged to continue what he had been doing and blinked his eyes in surprise.

After using me like that, please let me do this once in a while..


Thats fine. Of course, one day, I might be more greedy. When that day comes Please accept me.

What is it?

The emotion he received from Han-Sols warm words shattered. Su-Gyeom stared at Han-Sol with fierce eyes. Then Han-Sol burst into extreme laughter. Thanks to this, Su-Gyeoms body in his arms also trembled.

Han-Sol continued more brazenly.

Hugging me, kissing me, and then.

Are you crazy? No, you cant do this because you are young.

How many years apart are we? Why are you treating me like a child? I know everything you know.

I dont know! I dont want to know!


Su-Gyeom hit Han-Sols chest until he heard a clap! sound. Han-Sol made a sound of pain, but Su-Gyeom only glanced at him and thought he deserved it.

How old should I be not to be young? As long as Im no longer underaged. And you said you like a young man.

Oh, thats!

I know, but even if its good or bad, hyung could pretend to lose.

wow, Sol. I didnt see you like that, but you talk so much.

You can talk dirty on the bed.

Su-Gyeom stuck out his tongue at the bold answer. The image of Han-Sol that he knew so far collapsed in an instant.

It didnt mean he hated Hansol or felt uncomfortable, but it felt strange because it didnt seem to be the Han-Sol he knew.

I mean, I like you that much.

However, the soft pat on the head was the Han-Sol he knew. While feeling a strange gap difference, Su-Gyeom let him touch his head.

Even while receiving Han-Sols touch, Su-Gyeoms heart jumped at the sudden confession. Su-Gyeom buried his face in his chest to hide his red face with embarrassment. Then Han-Sols pleasant smile was conveyed as a tremor in his body. The tremor felt exceptionally sweet.

Im happy because I like you.

dont make such a confession suddenly.

Why are you nervous?


Then Ill go on. So that you can be nervous.

Oh, my Its funny.

It wasnt funny at all. Instead, at Han-Sols words, Su-Gyeom became very serious. It was really because his heart was shaking as he said.

If this moment continues, then without even realizing it.

Ah, no, it cant be, it cant be!

Whats wrong?

Han-Sol tilted his head at Su-Gyeoms urgent words. However, Su-Gyeom could not tell the truth as it was and closed his mouth.

Its cute.

Han-Sol murmured in a smiling voice. Then, he continued to stroke Su-Gyeoms head at a constant speed.

The warm body temperature was conveyed to the skin by a friendly touch, and Su-Gyeom slowly became drowsy. Su-Gyeom thought it would be okay to fall asleep like this.

Su-Gyeom, asleep, said whatever came to mind in a languid voice. He swore he didnt mean anything. Su-Gyeom just wanted to sleep because he was sleepy in Han-Sols arms.

Sol I want to sleep with you.

Su-Gyeom rubbed his face on Han-Sols chest in his sleep. Hansols body, which was holding Su-Gyeom, became so stiff.

Su-Gyeom felt something strange. All his sleepiness vanished.

Surprisedly, he looked up at Han-Sol, and something hard touched his stomach. He reached for it. Its something he shouldnt have touched Thats what it was.

SG, be careful with your hands. Thats dangerous.

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