A Divine Farmer

Chapter 190

Chapter 190 - You will Definitely Regret It!

The robbers hadn't actually died; they had fallen into a state of rigid paralysis, akin to a deep coma, yet distinct from it.

But nobody paid much attention to that detail. After all, it was the police's job to wrap things up.

Xu Shaoning was inevitably detained, and his father, Xu Jindou, couldn't escape the same fate. He too was taken away by the authorities for questioning.

The Xu's Strong Dragon Group, which had been basking in glory just a short while ago, was likely to crumble overnight.

“Smart move, kid. I didn't see that coming,” Lee Donghua could easily guess who was behind it all, as there was no other candidate at the scene. “Without your intervention, even if Xu Shaoning hadn't managed to get his way, it would have been a major headache for us to break free.”

Xu Shaoning's ambition had indeed reached insane levels. He aimed to strip all the wealthy in Qingyang and its environs of their fortunes, a feat that seemed nearly impossible.

Yet, with this group of individuals present, caution was paramount for anyone involved, including the police. There was a chance that they might actually manage to abscond with some cash.

“Perhaps they were struck by a sudden illness; I'm not quite sure what happened,” Zhang Xiaolong said with a smile, opting not to take credit for the deed.

He had already drawn enough attention for one day and preferred not to be thrust into the spotlight once more.

“Alright, alright. You've earned another favor from me,” Lee Donghua said, scanning the surroundings before speaking in a hushed tone, “With the Xu family's Strong Dragon now toppled, it looks like it's your turn to ascend, Xiaolong!”

Zhang Xiaolong's mind raced, pondering the implications.

The Xu family had been a powerhouse in Qingyang's beverage industry. Despite their current troubles, the mere framework of their enterprise remained formidable.

If he could take over that framework and revitalize it with new vigor…

Indeed, it would become a Divine Dragon, capable of soaring through the heavens and transforming the landscape!

This was an excellent opportunity, but it came with its fair share of challenges, the foremost being the financial aspect.

For Zhang Xiaolong, who had only earned a few million so far, the idea of taking over the entire Xu's Strong Dragon Group was nothing short of a fantasy.

After exchanging a glance with Chen Yaru, both felt a sense of helplessness. They were willing but simply lacked the strength.

Even if Chen Yaru could convince Chen Zhaomin to risk the Distant Vast Company, they wouldn't stand a chance against the entirety of Xu's Strong Dragon Group.

A skinny camel is still bigger than a horse, and Xu's Group was a veritable dragon in its own right. It would take an entity of comparable strength to contend with such a force.

“Don't worry,” Lee Donghua reassured the couple, understanding their concerns. “When the time comes, feel free to ask for Mr. Lee's help. I've been looking for a way to repay the favor.”

Chen Yaru's eyes sparkled with gratitude. “Thank you so much, Mr. Lee!”

“Smart girl,” Lee Donghua chuckled, “knows how to climb the ladder!”

Zhang Xiaolong nodded in silent agreement.

He was reluctant to rely too heavily on others, but missing this chance could mean never finding such a favorable opportunity again. Adaptability was key.

After a brief chat with Lee Donghua, Zhang Xiaolong took Chen Yaru's hand, ready to leave.

He might not have appeared to exert much effort, but in reality, he had expended a great deal. Using his divine power, he had maximized his sensory abilities and, with full force, shot each criminal with pinpoint accuracy. There was no room for error.

Even for Zhang Xiaolong, who had seen an increase in his divine power, the ordeal had been taxing. Now, he felt utterly drained, with weariness and fatigue creeping over him.

Chen Yaru noticed his discomfort and quickly supported him as they made their way out, only to be confronted by someone blocking their path.

“Xiaolong, thank you for saving me once again,” Su Mei said with an affectionate smile, approaching them. Turning to Chen Yaru, she introduced herself, “I'm Su Mei. Xiaolong saved my life in Yishui a couple of days ago. I've been pondering how to repay him, and here we are again. It must be fate, don't you think, Miss Chen?”

Her words were tinged with flirtation, which Chen Yaru did not miss. Yet she was not one to be easily outmaneuvered. Holding Zhang Xiaolong's arm tightly, she replied, “Miss Su, there's no need to worry. Xiaolong and I have been together for a long time, and he saves people nearly every day. He already told me about the incident a few days ago. It was initially for Wang Zongming's sake, but saving a great beauty like you, Miss Su, is certainly a happy outcome.”

Su Mei's mood soured immediately. It was as if she was being told not to get ahead of herself. Xiaolong saved people every day; it wasn't anything special. Moreover, it was pointed out that Zhang Xiaolong's trip to Yishui wasn't for her. He went to rescue Wang Zongming, and saving her was merely incidental.

“Regardless, I owe Xiaolong my thanks for this time. I'm quite eager for the chance to collaborate with him in the future,” Su Mingtang said, stepping forward to alleviate the tension after witnessing his daughter's embarrassment.

“Mr. Su, you're too kind,” Zhang Xiaolong replied, exchanging courtesies.

“Yes, Xiaolong, remember you mentioned wanting to work with me on a new beverage?” Su Mei seized the moment to bring up the subject again. “Why don't we discuss it now?”

?Chen Yaru tensed up at these words. The Elegant Dragon Drinks brand symbolized their partnership, a blend of their names. If Su Mei was proposing to develop a new drink with Zhang Xiaolong now, it seemed like a clear attempt to wedge herself into their partnership.

Zhang Xiaolong gently patted Yaru's hand to calm her and said soothingly, “Miss Su, I never agreed to create a new drink brand with you. We may have an opportunity to work together in the future, but that time isn't now. Moreover, I have no plans to develop any brand other than Elegant Dragon Drinks.”

To an outsider, this conversation might sound purely business-related, but to Chen Yaru, it was a declaration of love, sending her heart aflutter.

“Hehe, young people are always so eager,” Su Mingtang commented with a knowing smile, trying to put both parties at ease. “There will be plenty of opportunities for collaboration in the future. But even if we don't work together, that shouldn't stop us from enjoying a casual meal together now, should it?”

Su Mei realized she had been too impatient. Zhang Xiaolong was a remarkable man, and Chen Yaru was equally impressive. She knew she was no less so, but if Zhang Xiaolong had immediately embraced her at a mere suggestion, he wouldn't be the man she admired.

“Absolutely, Miss Chen. I believe we should get to know each other better, don't you agree?” Su Mei was quite intrigued to learn more about the woman Zhang Xiaolong was fond of.

“I apologize, Mr. Su. It wasn't right to decline your kind offer, but I'm just too exhausted tonight. Let's plan to get together another time,” Zhang Xiaolong said with a sense of resignation.

Yet, his sincere explanation sounded like a heartless excuse to Su Mei. Accustomed to being pampered, the young lady's mood soured. “Won't you even extend me this courtesy?”

“I truly am exhausted. I'll make amends to both of you on another occasion. Goodbye for now.” With those words, Zhang Xiaolong departed, leaning on Chen Yaru for support.

“You're going to regret this!” Su Mei watched them go, biting her lip and angrily tapping her slender high heels.

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