A Divine Farmer

Chapter 176

Chapter 176 - Old Cow Eats Young Grass!

“Grandfather, why do you take an outsider's word over mine? I am your own grandson,” Wang Zongyi said, his face growing pale, though he clearly wasn't ready to concede. “If Big Brother were innocent, he would have been released by now. The fact that he's still detained suggests the police are still uncertain… And even if Big Brother didn't commit murder, that doesn't automatically mean I did, does it? Someone is obviously trying to create chaos within our family by shifting the blame onto me. Grandfather, can't you see that? There are people who thrive on causing discord!”

“You make a good point,” Zhang Xiaolong said with a cold laugh. “Whether or not Wang Zongming is a murderer may not be related to you, but you kept it a secret from Grandfather Wang. You drove Liu Juan out of the house and cut off her financial support. How do you explain that? You keep calling him Big Brother, yet the moment he's in trouble, you're quick to dismantle his home life. You're quite the dutiful brother, aren't you?”

“What?” Wang Zhenxiong's expression darkened as he turned to Liu Juan. “Is what Zhang Xiaolong is saying true?”

“Yes, if Zongming hadn't left Xiaolong's phone number with me, I wouldn't have known what to do,” Liu Juan admitted, her voice tinged with sorrow.

Wang Zhenxiong fell silent, his gaze fixed intently on Wang Zongyi as if trying to see right through him.

He had been uncertain before, but now he was nearly convinced of the truth. Even if Wang Zongyi wasn't the instigator, he was certainly kicking a man when he was down.

“That's because…” Wang Zongyi knew all too well what that look meant. If his earlier claim of indifference to the family fortune was said in anger, now it seemed it might just become his reality. “I don't know for sure if Big Brother is the culprit, but I didn't want his issues to tarnish the Wang family's reputation, so I…”

“Get out,” Wang Zhenxiong barked, “From this moment on, you are no longer my grandson, and you have no right to call me grandfather.”

“Grandfather… You…” Wang Zongyi dropped to his knees in desperation.

Wang Zhenxiong remained utterly unmoved. “Do you have anything else to say?”

“Ever since I was little, you've always favored my older brother. Everything he does is right, but I can never measure up,” Wang Zongyi began, despite noticing the slim chance of swaying his grandfather. “How much money has he poured into racing? Yet, you've never uttered a word of criticism against him. In contrast, you accuse me of squandering wealth at the slightest expense. He's shut down numerous factories, losing vast sums, and you've remained silent. My company has turned a significant profit, but still, you believe he's superior to me. I'm at a loss for words.”

“You feel wronged?” Wang Zhenxiong sighed. “Zongming is two years your senior. He lost his parents early on, and everyone assumes I've given him special treatment because of that. But that's not the case. Since he was ten, I've given you both the same amount of money, even the New Year's gifts were identical. Zongming began saving to start his own business at thirteen. Whether he invested in racing or factories, he used the money he made himself. And you? Aside from frivolously spending on pleasures, what serious endeavors have you pursued?”

“That's impossible. There's no way he could have saved that much money starting at thirteen. I don't believe it!” Wang Zongyi flatly rejected the idea.

Wang Zhenxiong gave a rueful smile. “You don't believe it? From the time you turned fifteen, I've given you a New Year's gift of 100,000 yuan. Do you realize the significance? A modest enterprise, at its inception, might not even have the equivalent of one of your red envelopes as seed money. How many businesses have been built from such beginnings? Yet, over the years, your brother's investments have grown into companies of varying sizes, some more profitable than others. And your money?”

Wang Zongyi had no response, and Wang Zhenxiong pressed on. “If there's any inequality, it's that I've given you more. Each time you wanted to start a business, I provided you with hundreds of thousands in capital. Perhaps that's why you believe I favored him. But beyond what you've seen, he's never once asked me for a penny. What about you? Aside from bemoaning that the funds were insufficient, what have you learned? You boast about your company, claiming it will soon generate profits in the hundreds of millions. Fine, take your company and leave the Wang family. If, after a year, your company's total assets are valued at over a hundred million, then I might consider allowing you back into the Wang family.”

Gritting his teeth, Wang Zongyi stood up and walked out, fully aware that further discussion was futile. Once the old man had made up his mind, there was no changing it.

Thankfully, the issue wasn't completely dead in the water—there was still a chance to smooth things over.

As for the company being worth hundreds of millions… What a joke. The company was hemorrhaging money. He had invested $1.5 million, and after a year of relentless effort, he had just managed to reduce it to a million. So much for the hundreds of millions!

“Old man, I didn't come to cause trouble for your family. I'm here about Mr. Wang's situation. I've done all I can to help, but it's up to you to step in if he's going to be released,” Zhang Xiaolong finally stated his purpose. “The detention center is no place to linger. It's hardly a comfortable stay.”

“Don't worry,” Wang Zhenxiong assured him, patting Zhang Xiaolong's shoulder with satisfaction. “Zongming is fortunate to have a friend like you. Juan, let's prepare a meal. I want to treat Xiaolong to a proper dinner.”

“No need for any trouble. I rushed over here, and my family doesn't even know where I am. I must get back quickly. My small company can't run itself,” Zhang Xiaolong politely declined.

Ultimately, Wang Zhenxiong couldn't convince him to stay, and reluctantly had Liu Juan escort him out.

Watching Zhang Xiaolong's retreating figure, Huang Yan asked with curiosity, “How did Wang Zongming come to know him? Wasn't it said that the guy was skilled in hypnosis? How did he get him to confess so quickly? People like that are tough to crack. Even police interrogations might not be effective, and lie detectors are usually useless.”

“What's the matter? You fancy a younger man?” Liu Juan joked, now that she knew her husband was safe.

“Cut it out,” Huang Yan retorted, her face flushing with embarrassment, yet she couldn't help but respond defiantly, “Do I really look that old?”

Liu Juan was somewhat taken aback. “You don't seriously have feelings for him, do you? If so, I really need to give you some advice. Zongming mentioned that he has a girlfriend. She's not only young and beautiful but also one of the leading business talents in Qingyang City. You shouldn't waste so much energy on him.”

Huang Yan, of course, was unaware of this, but after hearing Liu Juan's words, she realized that someone with her credentials probably stood no chance.

Meanwhile, after leaving the Wang family estate, Wang Zongyi headed straight to his company, which was on the verge of a billion-dollar deal. With eyes seething with hatred, he grabbed the phone and declared, “I'm going to destroy Zhang Xiaolong, whatever the cost!”

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