A Divine Farmer

Chapter 171

Chapter 171 - Take Me to Him!

Fu Yuan had just finished speaking when he realized his pistol had vanished. Simultaneously, he found himself being propelled uncontrollably toward the interrogation room.

“Officer down… assault on police!” With no other option, Fu Yuan's voice rang out in a desperate call for help.

He had been skeptical about the rumors that Yao Feng and three others had their pistols snatched in a blink at the hospital. But now, having experienced it firsthand, his disbelief was shattered. The man before him moved with inhuman speed, leaving Fu Yuan defenseless.

Fortunately, he was standing by the door, so his cry for help was heard by many. People immediately charged toward the room.


“Drop the weapon!”

“Release Captain Fu and the hostages now!”

Upon seeing the scene inside, several officers drew their guns, aiming them into the room.

Zhang Xiaolong felt cornered. He had escalated the situation by taking the captain of the detectives hostage inside the police station. His life seemed to be spiraling out of control.

With no other options, he hoped to expose the truth. “Fu Yuan and this man spiked my water with hallucinogens, attempting to hypnotize me. They're both involved in Su Mei's shooting incident…”

“Release the hostages first. We can discuss the issue calmly. And put down the gun. Whether or not you're telling the truth, you're committing a crime. Do you understand?” an officer called out from outside.

After a moment's thought, Zhang Xiaolong responded, “I want to speak with your supervisor. I can't trust what you say.”

“Director Yuan will arrive shortly,” Yao Feng interjected, having just arrived. “Zhang Xiaolong, please don't do anything rash. It will only complicate matters.”

“Fine, I'll wait. But everyone must back away from this door, or I can't promise I won't act,” Zhang Xiaolong said, trusting Yao Feng but knowing he couldn't control everyone present, hence his reluctance to release the hostages.

At Yao Feng's direction, the crowd at the door dispersed.

Zhang Xiaolong then made a phone call: “I'm in trouble. Someone's trying to drug me and take control…”

He succinctly relayed the situation, and the response from the other end of the line was prompt: “Wait for me!”

Roughly ten minutes later, a commanding voice echoed at the door of the interrogation room, “This is Yuen Lai, Director of the Yishui City Public Security Bureau. Speak now if you have something to say, but you must ensure the safety of Fu Yuan and the other hostage.”

“Don't worry, I have no intention of becoming a murderer. I'm only in this position because Fu Yuan tried to pin a false charge on me,” Zhang Xiaolong said, regaining his composure.

The predicament was indeed complicated. Kidnapping the captain of the criminal police wasn't something that could be easily explained away, especially since they were part of the same system. Without any evidence, his words would hold no weight.

Yet, after speaking with Yeh Mei on the phone, he felt reassured. Despite her icy demeanor, Yeh Mei was reliable once she gave her word.

With Yeh Mei's intervention, the tangled situation at hand could swiftly be untangled.

Still, Zhang Xiaolong couldn't help but feel embarrassed. Despite his capabilities, he found himself in need of a woman's help to navigate this crisis, which was somewhat humbling.

But there was no alternative. His skills were suitable for farming and brawling, but not for dealing with people like Fu Yuan. He had the strength but lacked the authority.

“Do you have any evidence to support your claim that Fu Yuan is trying to frame you?” Yuen Lai inquired, noting the steadiness in Zhang Xiaolong's voice, which offered him some reassurance. Dealing with a rational individual was far less perilous than facing a deranged criminal. “If you're telling the truth, I assure you that you won't be harmed, and justice will be served. Now, throw out your gun and release Fu Yuan and the other hostage.”

“No,” Zhang Xiaolong flatly refused. “I have no evidence at the moment. The only ones who can corroborate my story are the two of them, and if I hand them over to you, they'll certainly deny everything. So, I need a bit more time.”

Yuen Lai furrowed his brow. “How much time do you need?”

“I'm not sure.” Zhang Xiaolong was uncertain about how long it would take for Yeh Mei to get there.

“Delaying isn't going to work in your favor,” Yuen Lai surmised that Zhang Xiaolong was indeed stalling.

“I'm aware, but I can only prove my innocence when a certain person arrives,” Zhang Xiaolong replied earnestly. “If I wanted to escape now, you wouldn't be able to catch me, but I have no desire to be on the run. So, I'm asking you to give me the opportunity to prove myself.”

Yuen Lai's frown deepened. He had been inclined to believe the person inside might be innocent, but the continual stalling made him suspect it was all just a concocted excuse.

The individual inside was armed and had two hostages, and with no other exits in the room, rescuing the hostages under these conditions was exceedingly challenging.

Waiting seemed to be the only option. A criminal wouldn't delay without reason; he must have demands. They would wait for him to make his demands, then figure out the next steps.

Besides, everyone needs to eat and drink. Without any other options, waiting was the only course of action.

As the minutes ticked by, half an hour elapsed. Just as Yuen Lai's patience was wearing thin and he was about to question Zhang Xiaolong again, someone rushed in with an urgent report.

“Chief, there's an aircraft…” The messenger was breathless, his words tinged with confusion.

“What kind of aircraft?” Yuen Lai asked, his brow creased with concern.

“A helicopter is about to land right in front of the station!” the man managed to convey the full message at last.

A jolt went through Yuen Lai. Could the people on the aircraft be coming for the criminals inside?

He had barely reached the entrance when he saw a rope thrown from the helicopter. A slender figure in black leapt from the cabin door, gliding swiftly down the rope. Mid-descent, she executed a flip and landed gracefully on one knee.

Her beauty surpassed that of movie stars, and combined with her impressive agility and unforgettable entrance, even Yuen Lai was momentarily stunned.

But he quickly regained his composure. With a swift gesture, everyone drew their handguns and took aim.

If this woman was in cahoots with the individual inside, she'd be riddled with bullets the moment she made a move.

“You are…” Yuen Lai barely started his question when he suddenly noticed the woman had vanished from sight.

As he broke out in a cold sweat, a hand landed on his throat, and simultaneously, a badge appeared before his eyes.

The badge's cover featured a menacing wolf's head baring its sharp teeth, seemingly ready to leap off the surface.

“Put down the gun!” Yuen Lai, feeling the pressure on his neck ease, quickly commanded.

The woman, clad in a form-fitting leather jacket like a dark fairy, paid them no heed and simply stated icily, “Take me to him!”

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