A Divine Farmer

Chapter 169

Chapter 169 - The Strange Interrogation Room!

Wang Zongyi didn't linger after uttering a few words; he quickly got back into his car and drove off, oblivious to the fact that he had been followed upon his arrival.

As Wang Zongyi departed, Zhang Xiaolong was tempted to tail him, but before he could stow his video equipment, a gaunt, sleazy-looking man emerged from the villa.

Another man here?

Zhang Xiaolong was taken aback. Whose villa was this, anyway? Their relationships appeared exceedingly complex!

The gaunt man's hands roamed freely over the woman's body as she offered no resistance, merely humming and inquiring, “Do you have a plan?”

The man, however, showed no interest in responding. His aggressive touch soon stripped away her robe.

Zhang Xiaolong hadn't come to film an erotic short, so he promptly packed up his video gear and stealthily left the villa.

He needed to identify this woman. Clearly, she and the man inside the villa were connected to the case involving Wang Zongming; otherwise, Wang Zongyi wouldn't have visited.

It seemed that even Wang Zongyi might not have been aware of the stranger lurking in the woman's villa.

With Wang Zongyi out of sight and the video recorded, Zhang Xiaolong had no choice but to check into a hotel.

The following day, when he met with Liu Juan, he presented the video: “Do you recognize this woman?”

“I think… she looks familiar,” Liu Juan said, eyeing the attractive, seductive woman on the screen with uncertainty. “I recall seeing her with Su Mei, but her name escapes me.”

“At least one thing seems certain: Mr. Wang isn't the true culprit. There's definitely a scheme at play, which also explains why Wang Zongyi was so intent on thwarting our investigation. Still, we'll wait until Lawyer Huang meets with Mr. Wang. Perhaps that will lead to a breakthrough,” Zhang Xiaolong surmised, though he couldn't yet make a definitive conclusion.

“This video doesn't prove anything; it can't clear Wang Zongming's name,” Huang Yan cautioned them, dousing their hopes. “Even if Wang Zongyi is the culprit, without evidence, we're powerless. Unless he confesses or we uncover new evidence, our hands are tied.”

Zhang Xiaolong was well aware that his lack of legal expertise meant the video he possessed wouldn't prove much. Without knowing the other party's intent, their own interpretations wouldn't hold up in court.

“Mm, I'm curious about the situation at the police station. Shouldn't we go check it out?” Liu Juan said, her impatience evident.

Huang Yan had no objections. They quickly finished their meal and set off for the police station.

The recent developments seemed to have eased Liu Juan's nerves; she was no longer as tense and worn as before. Just yesterday, she felt utterly alone, as if the world were crumbling around her. Now, she had support—her old friend and her husband's best buddy were by her side.

They reached the police station in no time.

Huang Yan approached a portly officer. “Captain Fu, about our request yesterday to meet with Wang Zongming…”

“It's you?” Fu Yuan disregarded Huang Yan, his gaze landing on Zhang Xiaolong, a flicker of barely perceptible delight crossing his face.

Zhang Xiaolong caught the look and became wary. Clearly, this man was up to no good.

“Yes, it's me. But this time, it's Attorney Huang who needs to meet with Wang Zongming. There shouldn't be any issue with that, right?” Zhang Xiaolong reiterated, “Mr. Su made it clear yesterday that he wouldn't exert any undue pressure on the case. We're to follow the normal procedures. I'm sure that won't be inconvenient for Captain Fu.”

“We'll talk about the meeting later. Right now, I need you to come with me and explain yesterday's incident involving the assault on an officer. You don't really believe that a couple of words in your favor are enough to close such a serious case, do you?” Fu Yuan said, giving Zhang Xiaolong a frosty stare.

Assault on an officer? Liu Juan and Huang Yan were taken aback. They had always seen Zhang Xiaolong as a mild-mannered man. Could he really have been involved in such an act?

What puzzled them even more was why the police hadn't arrested him on the spot. Why wait until Zhang Xiaolong walked into the station himself? Who had spoken on his behalf?

Liu Juan had assumed Zhang Xiaolong lacked connections, but it appeared she was mistaken. Someone had intervened on his behalf in a significant matter and managed to buy time. Whoever it was must hold considerable influence; otherwise, they couldn't have achieved such a result.

Although Zhang Xiaolong knew that the other party was intentionally causing trouble, he had no choice but to deal with it—this was their turf, after all. He could also foresee that if he didn't cooperate with the police, they could keep stalling, preventing them from meeting Wang Zongming as planned.

Regardless, since it would be the lawyer attending the meeting, Zhang Xiaolong reluctantly agreed, “I can cooperate with you to make a statement, but can you let Lawyer Huang meet with Wang Zongming? These two issues are not related.”

“Cooperating with the police and answering questions is your duty,” Fu Yuan said with a hint of impatience. “Whether or not you can meet Wang Zongming now has to follow procedure. Do you think this is something you can bargain with? Let's go. The fact that you're not handcuffed is already quite the courtesy.”

Zhang Xiaolong gave Liu Juan a helpless glance and reassured her, “You guys wait here; I'll be back shortly.”

“Is there any problem?” Liu Juan asked, her concern evident.

Initially, she hadn't expected much from Zhang Xiaolong, but now she was worried about his absence. Even though Huang Yan was a lawyer, she was still a woman, and in critical moments, having a man present provided a sense of security.

“There's nothing to worry about. Several people can vouch for me; this whole thing is just a misunderstanding that can be cleared up with a few words,” Zhang Xiaolong explained.

“Do you need my help?” Huang Yan offered, her previous aversion to Zhang Xiaolong having faded.

“Just wait here for Mr. Wang. He's the one who can't afford any delays. I'll be fine; the police aren't going to do anything to me,” Zhang Xiaolong said confidently.

Fu Yuan shot him a look and said, “It's not for you to decide whether there's a problem.”

Without further argument, Zhang Xiaolong followed him to an interrogation room, a place that was dimly lit and carried an eerie ambiance.

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