A Chance To Become An Adonis

Chapter 399:Why are you the CEO?!

Chapter 399:Why are you the CEO?!

Chapter 399:Why are you the CEO?!

The next day, Deng Yi's father, Deng Haoren, arrives in front of ARCS's building. He looks at Deng Yi with a cold expression, 

"Tidy up your clothes. Do you want people to think our company is a band of rogues?" He wasn't alone as Deng Yi had come with him. Unlike his father, who dressed up neatly and orderly, Deng Yi's clothing was more laid back and sloppy. It was like he was going on a trip rather than talking about business. 

"Relax, dad. We'll do fine. We're the ones helping those singers become famous with our clothing. They should be treating us with more respect."

"Respect my foot!" Deng Haoren slaps Deng Yi's head, "You clearly don't understand our position. Don't you dare act like this in front of the CEO?"

Deng Yi rubs his head, "Who cares about him. Isn't he younger than me? Why should I give him respect?" That guy should be the one respecting him instead. 

Deng Haoren slaps his head, 'How can you be this dense? He's younger than you and created a company better than ours. It shows how successful he is!' 

Deng Haoren heard a lot about Lu Chen. It's not said by many people, but some people found out that he's the third son of the Lu family! But he doesn't use his family's influence. Instead, he built the company from his own hands.

'He's only 18, and yet he's so successful. Compared to him, my son-" When Deng Haoren looks at Deng Yi's smug face, the difference is too big. Deng Haoren gave Deng Yi the position of acting director in hopes that he would have a sense of responsibility. But so far, it wasn't working well. 

Lu Chen and his son have gone to the same school, and yet they're miles apart from each other. 

And that's why he brought his son with him. 

'Maybe looking at him will spark my son.' The reason why he brought Deng Yi was so maybe his son would grow up. If Deng Haoren showed how successful and hardworking Lu Chen was, this scene might drive Deng Yi to do better.

"Mr. Deng, we have been expecting you." Duan Huiling walks up to them. 

Deng Haoren bows his head, "Thank you for meeting with us, secretary Duan." Before coming here, Deng Haoren had looked up the well-known people in ARCS. Despite being called a secretary, Duan Huiling is the second hand of the CEO. She was intelligent and capable and had a lot of influence in ARCS. 

"This is my son, Deng Yi. He is the acting director of our company." Deng Haoren thought he would introduce himself, but Deng Yi just stared at Duan Huiling, looking up and down. 

Anybody can tell that his eyes were filled with lust! Seeing this, Deng Haoren steps on his son's shoes. 

Duan Huiling looks at Deng Yi with disgust as she says, "I will show you the way." She doesn't look at the two as she walks.

'Oh no.' Deng Haoren's face pales when he notices the cold tone from Duan Huiling. They just fall under her bad graces now. 

'When we get back home.' Deng Haoren glares at his son. He will definitely lecture him when they get home. 

Deng Yi looks away from Deng Haoren and continues to play innocent. But he continues to look at Duan Huiling's back. 

As they were taking the elevator up,

"Mr. Deng, our CEO is very interested in promoting your clothing and values the quality of work."

"You praise us too much." But hearing this, Deng Haoren was happy. Their collaboration might go through.

As they walk through the company workers, Deng Yi begins to leer at all of them! Most of the workers are beautiful females! Many thoughts went through his mind, wondering what he could do with all of them. 

"We are here." But his thoughts were interrupted. Duan Huiling brought them to the front of a door. When she knocks on it, 

"Come in." Duan Huiling doesn't look anymore and leaves. When Deng Haoren and Deng Yi walk into the room, Deng Haoren bows his head,

"Hello, Mr.Lu." Deng Haoren thought Deng Yi would greet him as well. But the words that came out of his mouth was,

"Why are you the CEO?!"

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