A Blessed Daughter

Chapter 579: What kind of woman would my second brother like?

Chapter 579: What kind of woman would my second brother like?

Chapter 579 What kind of woman does the second brother like?

The road from the capital to Jiliao is not easy to walk, especially when Wei Ruo and others are carrying a lot of things, so it is much slower than the front troops sent by the Xu family and Wei Jinyi who went earlier than them. .

When passing through some places and seeing disaster victims living in groups, Wei Ruo would also give some food to them.

There is not much. After all, they are still on the road and cannot bring out much food.

Wei Ruo can't take it out if it's in the space. Taking too much will arouse suspicion.

Ten days later, Wei Ruo and his party passed by the outskirts of Xinghuai Town. There was a group of women and children entrenched under a big tree on the roadside. Wei Ruo stopped the team and personally led people to distribute food to these people.

Everyone who got the food bowed to Wei Ruo to thank him.

Then Wei Ruo returned to the carriage and was about to get on the carriage when one of the women knelt down in front of Wei Ruo.

Wei Ruo saw that although the woman was dressed as a refugee, with dark clothes and dirty hair, she had a beautiful face. If she had tidied her up carefully, she should be a beauty.

"Thank you madam for saving your life. The little girl is willing to serve your lady like a cow or a horse to repay your life-saving grace!"

"I have no shortage of maids by my side." Wei Ruo would not let anyone stay by his side casually. Before, she always had only Xiumei, and then there was Lin Fang. Apart from that, there is currently no one else.

Madam, this little girl can do anything! I just ask you to give me a chance to repay my kindness!

"No need." Wei Ruo refused and returned to the carriage.

The team marched again, and the woman was still following behind, from noon to evening, and finally fell to the roadside due to exhaustion.

Wei Ruo did not move, but at this moment he saw Wei Jin also calling Xiao Bei to the carriage, saying a few words to him and then Xiao Bei left.

Wei Ruo looked at Wei Jin suspiciously and couldn't help but said, "Could it be that the second brother has a pity for the beauty?"

I asked Xiaobei to beat someone. Wei Jin also replied.

"Hitting someone? That woman?" Wei Ruo said in surprise.


"Why? I don't want to accept her, but she still wants to follow me. Doesn't it seem that she is very grateful for her kindness?" Wei Ruo asked.

"She is not repaying her kindness, but has an agenda. If she is really grateful, she should know how to advance or retreat if you reject her. When it comes to gratitude, the other person's likes and dislikes should be the top priority, but she insists not because she wants you. I'm just happy to see that our group has cars and horses, is generous with money, and wants to find a good place for ourselves."

Wei Ruo couldn't help but feel pleasantly surprised. In fact, she felt the same way, so she acted indifferently when the man insisted on following behind.

But Wei Ruo kept her face low and asked deliberately: "Even so, I won't beat her. Even ants know how to steal their lives, so it's not a bad idea if she wants to find a way out for herself through this method?"

"When we first met, her face was covered with dirt and it was hard to see her true face. But when she knelt down to you later, she wiped off the dirt on her face and revealed her true face. And when you distributed steamed buns to everyone, she She didn't come to you when she had the opportunity, and waited until you walked to the carriage before she came again. It's hard not to suspect that she actually came for me and not you." Wei Jin also analyzed.

Just now when the woman knelt down to Wei Ruo, Wei Jin also saw it through the gap in the carriage door. When the woman raised her head, her eyes were looking into the carriage for a moment.

Pfft Wei Ruo laughed.

Second brother, you are so good!


I thought men couldnt tell these tricks of women, but I didnt expect you to be an exception!

"Second brother, your wife will be very happy in the future! Those warblers in the backyard can't fool your eyes even with their tricks. There is no need for the head wife to worry about it." Wei Ruo couldn't help but said.

I already... Already have a wife.

"Second brother, what are you talking about? The voice was too soft and I didn't hear it." Wei Ruo asked.

Nothing. Wei Jin also replied.

Wei Ruo looked at Wei Jinyi's ascetic face and couldn't help but have some thoughts. If Wei knew that after they left the capital and there were no other things to interfere with them, a new problem would appear in front of them - their fake relationship as husband and wife.

She and her second brother are already very young, and she has no plans to get married, but that doesnt mean that her second brother doesnt.

If the second brother wants to find a woman to get married and have a normal relationship, she naturally cannot stop him.

So Wei Ruo asked tentatively: "Second brother, what kind of woman would you like? One who is well-read in poetry and books and has red sleeves to add fragrance? Or one who is heroic and dashing, and a woman who is not inferior to men?"

None of them. Wei Jin also said.

I dont want to be like you, someone who is both bookish and skilled in martial arts, right?

That would be too difficult.

Wei Jin did not answer Wei Ruo's question directly, but said: "Why did Ruo'er ask me this question?"

Wellas my sister, Ill take care of you. Wei Ruo replied.

"If you don't need to care about this, I'm not interested in men and women." Wei Jin also said.

Not interested in men and women?

Wei Ruo narrowed his eyes, then stretched out his hand to touch Wei Jinyi.

Wei Jin also quickly took out his hand.

Ruoer, what are you doing?

Second brother, let me take your pulse. Wei Ruo explained.

The second brother is at a young age and has no interest in men and women. Wei Ruo is worried about his health.

Wei Jin also frowned. After hesitating for a moment, he still stretched out his hand.

He knew in his heart that if he didn't check Wei Ruo's pulse, Wei Ruo's doubts would become even worse.

Wei Ruo got his wish and touched Wei Jinyi's wrist.

The pulse is steady and strong. Not only is there no abnormality, it can even be said to be very healthy.

Wei Ruo was relieved. If she just didn't think about it, it would be hard for her to ask.

After all, love matters are personal preferences.

Wei Jin also looked at Wei Ruo and asked, "Where is Ruo'er? What kind of person do you want to marry?"

"I have no idea of getting married, as you know, second brother. I used to think of finding a dying man to marry so that I could avoid the trouble of marrying to serve my husband and my husband's family." Wei Ruo replied.

What kind of man does Ruoer like? Wei Jin also asked.

Having deep eyes, a seemingly calm face hides an unstable heart.

"In the past, I thought that I would probably not fall in love with any man, but recently I discovered that if there really is such a man in this world, I would be no different from other women. I am born with a mortal body and am inevitably bound to be secular." Wei Ruo replied. .

That kind of man?

Well, its hard to describe.

She didn't dare to describe it, because the man was none other than the second brother in front of her.

If she tells it, the second brother will definitely be able to discover it with his intelligence.

Knowing that the sister you have always protected and loved is actually having such thoughts towards him, shouldn't you be frightened?

She would definitely be very sad if her second brother separated from her because of this.

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