A Blessed Daughter

Chapter 564: Yunshi was greatly stimulated

Chapter 564: Yunshi was greatly stimulated

The nurse was frightened by this kneeling. She was about to bend down to pull Wei Ruo, but was supported by Xiumei beside her.

Xiumei had long known that Wei Ruo would kneel like this today, and also knew that the wet nurse would not dare to accept such a kneeling, so she stood beside her early and grabbed the wet nurse in time.

Then in full view of everyone, Wei Ruo kowtowed to the nanny.

Wei Ruo has wanted to do this for a long time, but she knew that if she did it before, it would be unfair and the nanny would not be able to accept it.

Now that the wet nurse has become her adoptive mother, she can legitimately accept her bowing down.

Everyone looked at this scene and didn't know how to evaluate it for a moment. They just felt that Princess Rui valued Mrs. Xu more than they thought.

Otherwise, I wouldnt have knelt down to her in front of so many people.

She is the dignified Princess Rui. According to etiquette, even when she faces Mr. Wei and Mrs. Wei, she does not need to kneel down and even has to accept the courtesy from them.

This is equivalent to telling everyone in the capital that she, Princess Rui, treats Mrs. Xu as her own mother.

Yunshi stood up suddenly, and Moshi quickly reached out to hold her.

Third brothers and sisters, calm down. Mo reminded in a low voice.

How could she...

Third brothers and sisters, if there is anything we can discuss when we get back, Mo reminded her again.

Yunshi pursed her lips, and the hand held by Moshi grabbed the tablecloth in front of her, tugging the beautiful fabric into a ball.

Mrs. Mo didnt know what to say at this moment, so she could only remind Mrs. Yun repeatedly that all the ladies in the capital were here.

After a while, Mrs. Yun sat back down again.

Although she was not impulsive, her face was extremely ugly.

It happened that someone came over to congratulate her at this time.

Congratulations to Mrs. Wei, you have a new relative.

Mrs. Xus son is a subordinate of Mr. Wei, so your two families can be considered close relatives.

Yun's face was dark and she couldn't say a word.

Fortunately, Mrs. Mo helped her respond to everyone one by one, and then explained to everyone: "My third sister-in-law had a cold yesterday and is feeling a little unwell today."

"Mrs. Wei really loves her daughter. She didn't forget to come to the banquet hosted by her even though she was ill."

Mrs. Wei, please pay attention to your health.

Everyone said some words of concern to Mr. Yun and then dispersed.

Wei Qingwan glanced specifically in the direction of Yunshi, and she was relieved when she saw that Yunshi's face looked ugly.

She didn't understand what Wei Qingruo was doing. He wanted to make friends with a wet nurse from a humble background without trying to please his more promising mother, and even did things like kneel down regardless of her status.

According to Wei Qingruo's calculations, he shouldn't do such a stupid thing, because he was afraid that there would be other plans behind her move.

Knowing that the wet nurse was not suitable for such an occasion, Wei Ruo asked Xiumei to take the wet nurse down after announcing the matter was over in public.

If Wei knew that after today's move, no one could stop her from recognizing the wet nurse as her adoptive mother, then would it be okay to worship her? In everyone's eyes, the wet nurse was already her adoptive mother.

This directly stopped the minds of the Wei family who might have objections.

At the same time, it also fulfilled one of Wei Ruo's own wishes. Then Wei Ruo will officially start today's activities.

First of all, of course, it was time to eat. Good wine and good food were served. The wine was made with thyme, and Xu Ji was indispensable for the marinade. There were also chicken and duck meat. The chicken was made into soup, and the duck was made into roast duck.

There are also mushrooms, rapeseed, mustard greens, and radishes. Although these are just ordinary vegetables, they are all fresh and very delicious, and have won unanimous praise from everyone.

After the meal, Wei Ruo took everyone to the theater.

This theater already existed in the palace, but Wei Ruo had never used it because she didn't like to listen to plays.

Today Wei Ruo brought everyone here not to listen to the opera, but for another purpose.

Everyone was seated in order according to their status.

Wei Ruo, Zuo Lingyue, Qi Shijing, and Wei Qingwan sat in the middle of the first row according to their status. Yun and Mo sat in the first row closer to each other because of their close relationship with Wei Ruo. .

At this time, Mrs. Yun's face was still extremely ugly, and Mrs. Mo was pulling her along the whole way.

After everyone was seated, Wei Ruo asked someone to carry a few mahogany boxes to the stage.

Then Wei Ruo stood up and turned around to explain her intention to the people behind her: "Madams and ladies, I think you all know that although we have tried our best to set up several relief points around the capital, compared with today's large Famine, after all, is only a drop in the bucket. And we have not touched the areas where famine is really severe."

Therefore, I want to raise another wave of supplies and send them directly to Shandong, which is currently the most severely affected. For this reason, I have specially prepared some items for auction, and all the proceeds from the auction will be used for this disaster relief.

"You don't have to be mentally burdened. If you have something you like, just bid to buy it. No matter the price is high or low, it is everyone's contribution to this disaster relief operation. I am very grateful for everyone's generosity; if not If you like it, come and support me today and watch the excitement, I am equally grateful."

Wei Ruo explained to everyone.

Hearing this, everyones hearts dropped at first.

I thought Princess Rui was asking them directly to donate money, but she ended up asking them to buy something.

If the situation is good, they are not forced to pay. Even if they do pay, it is still a purchase. They will gain something and will not suffer a loss.

Following that, Wei Ruo asked people to place the first item for auction today: Daiyueju Beauty Set: peach blossom rouge, skin care cream, whitening cream, blue wind chime perfume and indigo eyebrow pencil.

Starting price: one bucket of rice.

Hearing this, everyone showed surprise.

Those present more or less know that the prices of these things for a month-to-month residence are not cheap.

Even if the price of food is rising now, the price of a mere bucket of rice will never be able to buy this whole set of goods for a month-long stay.

There are also good products that require premium membership to reserve.

Nine brothers and sisters, why do we need to use rice instead of silver? Zuo Lingyue asked.

Yes, nine brothers and sisters, wouldnt silver taels be more convenient? Qi Shijing also asked.

Wei Qingwan did not dare to speak at this time, but looked at Wei Ruo with the same doubtful eyes.

"I did this auction not for your silver coins, but for food relief. You gave me the silver coins, and I couldn't find a place to exchange for the food. The victims couldn't fill their stomachs even after taking the silver coins, so I just wanted Rice grain." Wei Ruodao.

Wei Ruo knew that many of the people present were women from aristocratic families. They or their families had many farms and houses in other places.

These farms and houses either have grain stocks from previous years, or they bought grain from elsewhere and hoarded it. In short, there is no shortage of grain.

It may not be possible to buy these grains directly with money. Wouldn't it be nice if they could use this method to give out part of the grain?

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