A Blessed Daughter

Chapter 559: Xu Zhengyong and his family arrived in Beijing

Chapter 559: Xu Zhengyong and his family arrived in Beijing

Cuiping didnt dare to answer the call casually.

After a while, Yun said to herself again: "That kid Ruo'er doesn't seem to think that I am his mother at all..."

"Madam, don't be anxious, there are still many days to come." Cuiping said authoritatively.

"That child... was born in my tenth month of pregnancy... How could she completely deny me as her mother..." Yun said in a low voice.

Seeing her like this, Cuiping didn't dare to persuade her anymore, so she had the food taken away, and brought over ginseng soup that was good for eating. After coaxing Yun to drink it, he helped her to lie down on the bed.

Early on the next morning, Yun received a letter from Wei Qingwan's people.

The first half of the letter explains how she was tricked into getting the position of Prince Yu's side concubine, and the second part tells about how Grandma Li and Cui He betrayed her last night.

After reading it, Mrs. Yun sighed: "Reply a letter to King Yu's concubine and ask her to relax and be more open-minded. There are many first-class maids who are married girls, and it is not uncommon to lift aunts. Don't go too far. Calculate.

Yunshi didnt think this was a big deal. It would indeed be a little uncomfortable, but if it really happened, there was no need to get angry about it.

In addition, Mrs. Yun is not in the mood to worry about Wei Qingwan's affairs now. She just learned yesterday what Wei Qingwan did to get the position of Prince Yu's side concubine, and her mood has not calmed down yet.


On the twelfth day of the first lunar month, Xu Zhengyong and his family arrived in the capital faster than expected.

Wei Ruo, who had passed by Qiaozhuang, had been waiting at their temporary residence early.


As soon as Wei Ruo saw the wet nurse, she rushed towards her.

The nanny held Wei Ruo in her arms and couldn't help crying with joy.

Xu Zhengyong looked on, touched his nose, and waited quietly.

Xiumeis eyes fell on Xu Zhengyong, and she was surprised to find that Xu Zhengyong had grown so much!

Not only am I taller, I am also stronger. I feel that my body is much wider than before.

In addition, my skin is darker than before, and my whole temperament seems to be different.

Xiumei felt a strange feeling in her heart and looked at Xu Zhengyong without looking away for a long time.

Xu Zhengyong also noticed Xiumei, with a naive smile on his face and kept giggling.

Then he walked up to Xiumei, looked down at Xiumei, who was much shorter than him, and said hello with a smile: "Meimei, long time no see."

Xiumei's face suddenly turned red. She turned away and asked dully: "What have you eaten recently? How come you have grown so big?"

Xu Zhengyong said with a naive smile: "Really? My parents also said that I have grown up a lot, but I don't feel much about it myself."

After Wei Ruo and the wet nurse separated, Xiumei ran back to Wei Ruo, then pulled Wei Ruo's arm and asked her to see Xu Zhengyong.

Wei Ruo also discovered that Xu Zhengyong is now taller and taller.

But this is normal. Uncle Xu is not small to begin with. It is very reasonable for Xu Zhengyong to grow taller with him. And he is now in the period of puberty. It is normal for him to grow up quickly. In addition, he is in the military camp all day long. As he exerts more strength every day, he is naturally stronger than others.

Brother Xiaoyong, you are really like a general now. Wei Ruo commented with a smile.

"Miss, please stop praising him. If you praise him any more, he will be proud." said the nanny.

Mom, its rare for Ruoer to praise me twice, why dont you give in? I havent heard enough! Xu Zhengyong protested.

Wei Ruo also said hurriedly: "Nanny, brother Xiaoyong is indeed very powerful and should be praised."

Xu Zhengyong said happily: "Mom, look, Ruo'er also says I'm awesome!"

You must not be proud! said the nanny.

"I know, don't worry." Xu Zhengyong smiled, and then asked Wei Ruodao, "Ruo'er, how are you doing recently?" "I said it in the letter, I am living a comfortable life recently!" Wei Ruodao.

"That's hard to say. You keep things to yourself. Even if you have a hard time and encounter trouble, you won't tell me in a letter. So I have to ask you in person to confirm." Xu Zhengyong said seriously. .

"I'm fine. It's true. It's true. It's truer than gold!" Wei Ruo promised.

"That's good." Xu Zhengyong showed a relieved expression, "Is your prince really as good as you said? Didn't he bully you?"

God knows how much he wanted to rush to the capital when he first learned that Wei was going to marry a sick prince who was about to die.

Fortunately, he was in the military camp and it was already too late when he got the news. Wei Ruoqin had already finished it, and Wei Ruo's letter was delivered shortly after.

After learning that Wei Ruo was living well in Prince Rui's Mansion, Xu Zhengyong stayed in the military camp with peace of mind.

"It's true." Wei Ruo said with a smile, "When you meet him, you will know how true what I said is true."

Because it was inconvenient to send letters, Wei Ruo did not explain Wei Jinyi's true identity in the letter. He only said that the prince was very kind to her and that everything was left to her.

Thats okay, Xu Zhengyong said, If he dares to bully you, just tell me and Ill go find him with a knife!

Wei Ruo burst out laughing.

Xiumei whispered in a low voice: "It's useless to lift a knife, you can't beat me."

"Meimei, what are you talking about?" Xu Zhengyong's eyes fell on Xiumei again.

"Nothing." Xiumei looked away again, avoiding eye contact with Xu Zhengyong.

This time Xu Zhengyong noticed something strange and came closer: "Meimei, what's wrong with you? Why are you hiding from me?"

"Who is avoiding you? I...I don't want to talk to you!" Xiumei explained.

"Why don't you want to talk to me? We just met and I didn't offend you." Xu Zhengyong felt very innocent.

He thought about it again and again before meeting today, and decided not to make Xiumei angry during this meeting, nor to easily argue with her.

He felt that he performed well this time, so why was she still unhappy?

"I didn't say you provoked me." Xiumei flattened her mouth.

Wei Ruo looked at the two of them with a helpless expression, and then made a peacemaker: "You guys just give me face today and have a truce for one day, is that okay?"

"Of course, no problem." Xu Zhengyong agreed happily.

Xiumei's expression looked a little reluctant: "Well, I won't argue with him."

She didn't want to quarrel with Brother Xiaoyong, but she didn't know why. She felt strange in her heart when he looked like this, which made her feel inexplicably irritable.

Then Wei Ruo asked Xu Zhengyong and others to repair it first. They must be tired from traveling all the way.

At the same time, Wei Ruo and Xiumei went to the kitchen to cook a table of good food for several people, prepared fine wine, and sat down to have a meal together.

The temporary residence is not considered luxurious, but compared to the courtyard where the few people lived before, it is already considered a mansion.

Here, there is no distinction between men and women, nor superiority or inferiority.

They ate and drank, chatted, joked and laughed from time to time.

After drinking and eating, Wei Ruo told everyone a surprising decision: she would recognize Xu Zhushan and the wet nurse as her adopted father and mother.

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