100 Days to Seduce the Devil

Chapter 661 Not His Father

661 Not His Father


Day Seventy-Two...

After talking to his father, Nathan decided to join Jane and Ethan in his playroom. He was still looking forward to the reward Jane had promised to him. However, he couldn't find a chance to have a private moment with her because Ethan was sticking to Jane's side! 

With a deep frown on his forehead, Nathan watched his son with an impatient look. "Ethan, stop playing already. You should take a rest. You have just been discharged from the hospital. Don't strain yourself," Nathan butted in, interrupting Jane and Ethan who were playing video games.

Ethan turned to his father and spat back, "Dad, don't be impatient. Wait for your turn. You can play with Miss Jane too once we are done."

Jane could only giggle after seeing Nathan's pitiful look. He crumpled his face as he pursed his lips. He stared at Jane pleadingly, asking her to help him.

But Jane shook her head while smiling teasingly. Her number one priority was Ethan, so Nathan had to wait. Feeling a little bit upset, Nathan left the room with his grumpy mood. He suddenly felt out of place and jealous because Jane focused only on his son, Ethan.

"Sigh. Why is it so hard to compete with a cute charming kid?" Nathan murmured to himself as he headed to his study room. 

Ethan and Jane continued playing as they spent quality time together. Ethan was very attentive to Jane.

As Jane played on her laptop, his eyes were fixed on her, watching her with a bright smile on his face. 'I'm the happiest child today. My grandpa finally acknowledged my Mom. Her relationship with my Dad is improving day by day. I couldn't ask for more. Oh right... I wish them to be together and live happily... with me!'

The young boy couldn't contain his happiness. With Jane by his side, he felt as though he had a complete family. After a while, the young boy leaned into Jane's side, letting himself sink into the comfort of her embrace as he watched her play. Jane, on the other hand, gently guided him to sit on her lap. Together, they assumed control of the mouse and keyboards.

"Can I officially call you Mom?" Ethan asked Jane.

Jane was momentarily taken aback. Ethan had posed the same question to her when her soul resided in Abigail's body. She was genuinely surprised that Ethan was treating her in the same way he had treated Abigail.

'Is it possible that Ethan can actually recognize me... my soul?' Jane pondered to herself. 

Sensing her distraction, Ethan gently called out to her as he gazed up. "Miss Jane?" Ethan's concerned tone drew her attention.

Captivated by his puppy-eyed look, Jane couldn't help but smile as she tenderly caressed his fluffy cheeks. "You can always call me Mom," she said with warmth in her voice, "I'll be your mom for as long as you want."

Ethan's head bobbed with unrestrained enthusiasm, his eyes filled with joy and excitement. "Thank you, Mom!" he exclaimed. Without hesitation, he shifted his body to the side so he could wrap his arms around her in a warm hug.

They found themselves in that heartwarming embrace when a sudden knock on the door interrupted the moment, instantly capturing their attention.

"It's me, Young Master," came the voice of Butler Li from the other side of the door.

Ethan frowned when he heard Butler Li. He already understood why the butler came to see him. Perhaps, the DNA result was out. Hiding his anxiousness, Ethan released Jane from his embrace.

"Mom, I'll have a chat with Uncle Li. While you wait for me, please go check on my father. He might be upset right now. I noticed his grim expression when he left my room a little while ago. Pacify him for a moment," Ethan concealed his own concerns behind a teasing smile.

Jane just let out a soft giggle and planted a gentle kiss on Ethan's forehead. "Okay, my baby. I'll go and see your father. The two of you can talk here." Jane got off the sofa and made her way to the door. She was the one who let Butler Li in.

When their gazes locked, Butler Li responded with an awkward smile and a nod, a piece of paper concealed behind his back as he noticed Jane's inquisitive look.

"Sorry for the interruption. I need to discuss something with my young master," he informed her politely.

"It's quite alright," Jane replied with a gracious smile. "I'll leave you two alone for some privacy."

"Thank you," he responded with a nod of appreciation.

When Jane left Ethan's playroom, Butler Li immediately approached Ethan who was arranging the laptop. He shut down the laptop they used during their playtime.

"Young Master, I have obtained the results of the DNA tests," Butler Li announced, extending the document toward Ethan, who took it into his hands.

A whirlwind of mixed emotions coursed through Ethan's expressive eyes as he received the document, reflecting a blend of anticipation, anxiousness, and apprehension all at once.

Butler Li just stood in front of Ethan, waiting for his next instructions. He had anticipated that the young boy might want to share the results with him, given their closeness. However, to his dismay, Ethan was determined not to unveil the contents of the document in front of anyone.

With a sense of reluctance, Ethan finally spoke, "Uncle Li, could you please excuse me for a moment? I know you are also dying to know about the result. And you might be wondering who are the owners of those DNA samples. However, just like what I've said before, this matter can't be known by anyone including my father. So sorry to say, but I can't disclose the result to you."

Butler Li smiled sheepishly and scratched the back of his head. "I understand, Young Master." He respected Ethan's decision. After saying that, he exited the playroom.

When he got alone inside his playroom, Ethan shifted his gaze to the document that lay on his small hands, his heart beating rapidly against his chest. With a deep, shaky breath, he finally mustered the courage to tear open the sealed document.

The crisp paper yielded to his touch, revealing the contents that would alter the course of his life. As he began to read, his emotions fluctuated between hope and fear, leaving him in a state of emotional turmoil.

After a few minutes, Ethan felt like every ounce of his energy was drained from him as he read the positive results written on the paper. The DNA samples were matched with a high percentage, indicating that he was blood-related to both Vincent and Helena, who was in fact, Monica.

"That guy... he is my real father? And that woman... is my biological mother: Ethan shook his head vehemently as he gripped the paper tightly. He couldn't accept this result. This was not the truth he wanted to know. 3

A sudden mistiness clouded Ethan's eyes, and his tears welled up. The mere thought of Nathan, his beloved father, pained his heart, causing an ache that seemed unbearable.

"I can't believe it... my Dad, he's not my biological father," Ethan whispered, his voice trembling with a mix of disbelief and sorrow.

The weight of this revelation bore down on him, leaving him at a loss for what to do. He felt a burning desire to scream, to release the pent-up frustrations and the torrent of negative emotions that surged within him, but he was trapped in a whirlwind of confusion and hurt.

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