100 Days to Seduce the Devil

Chapter 654 Mia's Request

654  Mia's Request

Day Seventy-Two…


[ At Vincent's Villa… ]

As Monica made her way to the pool for a refreshing swim, Mia seized the opportunity to talk to her Uncle Vincent. The little kid wanted to make a request from him. She gently knocked before entering the door. She heard his voice, allowing her to enter.

Upon entering the room, Mia found her uncle engrossed in his work. She could hear the tap-tap sound of the keyboard. With determination in her eyes, Mia called out to Vincent.

"Uncle," her small voice resonated softly through the room.

With a quick pause, Vincent tore his attention away from the screen, shifting his gaze toward Mia. A warm and affectionate smile spread across his face as he invited her to come over.

Vincent's voice carried a tender and caring tone as he inquired, "What can I do for you, my little princess?"

With a sense of longing in her eyes, Mia hesitated for a moment before speaking. "Uncle, I have a request," she began, her voice filled with a mix of hope and uncertainty. "Could you help me see my Mom again? I really want to visit her."

The last time Mia had seen Jane, she was confined to a hospital bed, unconscious. Little did Mia know, the circumstances had changed since then, and Jane was no longer in the hospital.

As Mia's words stirred the air in the room, a whirlwind of complicated emotions danced across Vincent's eyes at the mere mention of Jane's name. He hadn't seen her yet. Vincent couldn't help but wonder how much Jane had managed to recollect about her past. He also wished to see her to verify something.

Aside from that, Jane found out about Monica's secret… their secrets. Now, his next move would depend on how she would respond after recovering her memories.

"Uncle? Please. I want to find out if my Mom is recovering well." Mia's voice snapped him out of his deep thoughts.

"Don't worry, Mia," Vincent reassured her with a gentle smile. "Your mom is no longer in the hospital. I'll find out where she is right now, and then we can plan a visit to see her." Through Mia, Vincent found his reason to meet Jane.

But he must do it discretely. Monica shouldn't find out. The last thing he wanted was for Monica to discover his intention to meet Jane, as it had the potential to reignite feelings of jealousy within her once more.

Vincent understood that he might be cautious, ensuring that both Mia's wish and his own desire to meet with Jane could be fulfilled without causing any unnecessary complications.

"Is that true, Uncle that my Mom has been discharged from the hospital?" Mia asked again in her excited voice and Vincent just nodded in affirmation. She was happy and grateful to hear that piece of good news.

Mia recalled her attempts to seek answers from Ethan. She had approached him yesterday, eager to learn more about Jane's health condition, but Ethan had been avoiding her questions and deflecting It had left her feeling somewhat frustrated and in the dark about Jane's whereabouts and well-being.

Now, finally, her uncle had provided the reassuring confirmation she had been seeking, filling her her inquiries.

It had left her feeling somewhat frustrated and in the dark about Jane's whereabouts and well-being. Now, finally, her uncle had provided the reassuring confirmation she had been seeking, filling her heart with hope and relief.

"Thank you, Uncle." She looked up at Vincent, her eyes reflecting the trust she had in him.

Vincent, however, recognized the delicate nature of the situation. He gently grasped Mia's shoulders, his gaze filled with a mixture of concern and caution.

"But I have one condition," he began, his voice steady. "You mustn't reveal your true connection with her just yet. It's not the right time. And please, refrain from calling her 'Mom.' It might be too overwhelming for her if she learns the truth all at once."

Mia met her uncle's eyes with earnest determination. "I promise, Uncle," she affirmed without hesitation. Her commitment to respecting Vincent's wishes and the careful timing of the revelation was unwavering.

 "I just want to see her and spend time with her. I'm willing to wait for the right moment." Her words conveyed not only her patience but also her deep affection for the mother she longed to reunite with.

Vincent bobbed his head in satisfaction. He stroked her hair before telling her to go back. He would notify her if he got information about Jane. He already mobilized Phoenix and his underlings to find out Jane's whereabouts. He wondered what she was up to right now.

Mia had just gotten out of his study room when Phoenix called Vincent to report something related to Jane. Vincent answered the phone call immediately.

"Did you find her?" He posed a direct question to Phoenix, his eagerness evident as he awaited any relevant information regarding Jane.

"King," Phoenix uttered, his tone laced with a hint of exasperation, "I've managed to pinpoint her current whereabouts. But when you hear this, you won't believe it." The intrigue in his voice hinted at a revelation that was sure to surprise Vincent as well.

"Stop the suspense. Just tell me." With an anxious urgency in his voice, Vincent got straight to the point.

"Jane has been staying at Mr. Hiroshi's villa!" Phoenix disclosed, his words covered with astonishment.

"It's no wonder I couldn't locate her anywhere near Nathan's other properties. It's quite a revelation, isn't it? Phantomflake living under the same roof as the Godfather of the Sawada Clan. One can't help but wonder about the nature of their connection. Could it be that Nathan sent her to work with the Sawada Clan as part of some alliance they've formed?" The intrigue in Phoenix's voice was palpable as he contemplated the possible implications of this surprising revelation.

Meanwhile, Vincent's eyebrows flickered with intrigue upon receiving this unexpected piece of information. "I'm just as clueless as you are," he admitted, his curiosity piqued.

"This falls under your jurisdiction, Phoenix. It's up to you to delve into the details and uncover the reasons behind Jane's presence at Hiroshi's temporary residence here in Country M. Give me the result, ASAP!"

"Okay, my King! I'll do my very best to investigate this."

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