100 Days to Seduce the Devil

Chapter 617 Nathan's Feelings

Chapter 617  Nathan's Feelings

Day Seventy…


In the dimly lit study room, Nathan sat lazily, troubled by a train of thoughts. The soft glow of a desk lamp cast a warm pool of light over his wooden desk, where an array of scattered papers and a half-finished cup of cold coffee bore witness to his absorbed contemplation.

After a while, he leaned back in his well-worn leather chair, his fingers interlaced beneath his chin, forming a contemplative steeple. His brow furrowed as his gaze remained fixed, yet unfocused, on the shelves lined with books that surrounded him.

Deep lines etched his forehead, a gloomy look could be seen in his blue eyes. The subtle rise and fall of Nathan's chest were the only indications of life in the stillness of the room. He didn't know how long he had been sitting there as he was lost in the complexities of his inner world. A certain woman continued to mess with his mind– Jane Hiroshi!

The sun had already risen from the east, its warm and illuminating rays casting a gentle embrace upon the world outside. However, for Nathan… he hadn't even gotten to take a nap because his mind was ensnared by thoughts of Jane, and their recent encounter in that very room.

As the world bathed in the morning light, he found himself haunted by the memory of her, her last hurtful words, and the complex emotions that had surged between them. How could she passionately kiss him at first, only to abruptly tell him that she no longer needed him in her life afterward?

[ Jane: "I suppose I've finally come to a clear realization—I don't want you in my life any longer. Don't waste your time falling for me, and don't bother with your kindness and don't bother with your kindness. I've outgrown the need for it." ]

"Is that a joke? It's not even funny," Nathan murmured, letting out a frustrated sigh. He rubbed his temples and lamented. "What made her think that I'm falling for her? She's delusional to assume that." Nathan was venting out his frustrations.

He was still annoyed by Jane's sudden coldness and distant behavior. He couldn't understand the drastic change in her behavior after waking up from a coma. He could still remember how Jane declared that she liked him and she was going to pursue him and win his heart. What made her change her mind?

'Admit it. You care for her. And you don't want her to disappear and die.' Nathan's alter ego whispered in his subconscious. Nathan could only shake his head, trying to push those unwanted thoughts to the back of his mind.

As the intensity of his desire became overwhelming, Nathan found the need to see Jane and take action. With a sense of urgency, he rose from his seat and abruptly left his study room, striding purposefully down the corridor. His destination was the guest room where Jane was sleeping.

Each step he took resonated with the inner turmoil he felt, a chaotic conflict between longing and restraint. The desire that had surged within him had become a driving force, propelling him forward. Nathan couldn't ignore the magnetic pull drawing him to Jane any longer.

With each passing moment, his heart pounded in his chest, filled with complicated emotions. He was determined to confront the feelings that had been simmering beneath the surface, for he knew that he and Jane were both running out of time and he didn't know what future awaited them.

It did not take long before Nathan reached her room. He grabbed the doorknob and found out that the room wasn't locked. Nathan invaded the room without knocking. He traced his steps toward her bed and stopped upon reaching her spot.

Nathan's gaze fell on her sleeping figure, her chest rising and falling rhythmically with each breath. His expression softened upon seeing her delicate feature, sound asleep in front of him. And something pinched his heart as he noticed her swollen eyes and the dry marks of her tears.

"Did she cry?" Nathan murmured to himself. Who would have thought that this fierce woman would appear so delicate and vulnerable in her sleep? He couldn't help but reach out to caress her cheeks tenderly.

Nathan took another deep sigh. Then he bent down, grabbing the blanket. He carefully extended the blanket over her form, tucking her in with unspoken gentleness and care.

"Nate…" she murmured in her sleep as she nestled deeper into the embrace of the covers. A contented sigh escaped her lips as if she sensed his presence even in her dreams.

On the other hand, a bright smile played on Nathan's lips as he heard her speak his name. It was unexpected. His heart skipped a beat and his eyes glimmered with satisfaction.

"I thought you didn't want me in your life anymore, so why are you calling my name?" Nathan whispered, letting out a soft chuckle. Then he tucked the strand of her hair behind her ear and caressed her cheek for one last time, his affectionate gaze still lingered on her face.

As if there was a magnetic force pulling him to Jane, Nathan bent down, planting a soft kiss on Jane's forehead. He was also surprised by his own actions.

"Cough! Cough!"

Nathan was abruptly jolted from his thoughts by the sound of someone clearing their throat. Startled, he swiftly turned around, his eyes locking on the unexpected duo of Butler Li and Little Ethan, who stood by the door.

'When did they arrive? I haven't noticed their presence.' Nathan thought to himself, hiding his embarrassment. The two caught him in the act as he stole a kiss from Jane's forehead.

Meanwhile, Ethan's brows furrowed in annoyance, his gaze fixed on Butler Li, the culprit who had interrupted Nathan's concentration with that throat-clearing sound. His glare bore into the butler, conveying his displeasure at the untimely disruption. The young boy was anticipating what his father would do next after that kiss but everything was ruined by Butler Li's interruption.

Meanwhile, Butler Li wore a sheepish smile, a mix of regret and apology evident in his eyes as he looked at his young master. He realized that he had inadvertently disrupted Nathan's focus and was now bearing the brunt of Ethan's irritation. Despite the tension in the room, he remained respectfully apologetic, silently acknowledging his mistake.

"We're here to deliver breakfast for Miss Jane," Butler Li explained to Nathan, trying to break the awkwardness inside the room.

"Okay." Nathan could only utter one word.

Tossing one last lingering look in Jane's direction, Nathan turned away, leaving the duo who were giving him a teasing smile. He just feigned innocence as if he didn't kiss Jane in front of Ethan and Butler Li.

When Nathan disappeared from their sight, Butler Li started pestering Ethan. "Young Master! What was the meaning of that? What is your father's relationship with this Lady? Why did he kiss her? What will happen with Miss Abigail now?"

Ethan just rolled his eyes skyward. "Shhhh! Be quiet, Uncle Li! My mom is sleeping."

Butler Li: "..."

'Huh? MOM!!? Why is he calling her Mom? Ouch. I feel sorry for Miss Abi… Is she being replaced by this woman?'

Butler Li put on a pitiful face. "Young Master… please explain. I'm hurting for Miss Abi. I thought she was the woman whom you wanted for your father."

"Uncle Li, do you remember? I mentioned before that I would introduce you to my mom. She's the woman I was talking about." Ethan said matter-of-factly.

Butler Li: "..."

Butler Li was reeling from one shock to another, unable to comprehend Ethan's actions. How could Ethan betray Abigail so easily?

"Eh? Then what will happen to Miss Abi?" Butler Li asked, his confusion evident.

Ethan responded with a meaningful smile. "Miss Abi is my aunt. She will find happiness with Uncle Dave. You don't have to worry about her. She loves Uncle Dave, not my father."

"Eh? Are you alright with that?" Butler Li was still not convinced.

Ethan's head bobbed frantically, his excitement uncontainable. "Of course! My mom is here, and it seems like my Dad is truly falling for her. I'm absolutely certain of it. I believe we're on the verge of having a complete family soon!" Ethan's eyes sparkled with delight as he eagerly envisioned the future that lay ahead. The prospect of a harmonious, unified family brought radiant hope to his heart.

Butler Li found himself in a state of bewilderment, his hand unconsciously scratching his forehead as his gaze darted back and forth between Ethan and Jane. Thoughts raced through his mind as he contemplated the unfolding situation. 'Is this for real?' he wondered. 'I must discuss this with Miss Abi when I see her. I wonder... has Miss Abi forgotten about me? It's been some time since we last communicated. Is she well?'

His concerns for Abigail's well-being lingered, adding a layer of worry to his already perplexed thoughts. The uncertainty of the situation weighed heavily on him, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of uneasiness, thinking that Abigail would be heartbroken because of Nathan and Ethan.

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