100 Days to Seduce the Devil

Chapter 572 The Only Person Who Can Cure Her

Chapter 572  The Only Person Who Can Cure Her

Day Sixty-Four…


[ At Syphiruz Medical Facility… ]

Nathan stayed in Jane's ward, watching over her. He was sitting on a chair with complicated emotions on his face. He wasn't used to seeing Jane lying in her sick bed.

He thought she was completely healed. She was energetic and her strength returned. Who would have thought she would suddenly collapse one day? This was so unpredictable.

Nathan covered his face using his hands. Then he moved them up, tugging his hair. He couldn't understand his mood today. He was so grumpy and annoyed. He didn't know where he should take his anger.

He turned in Jane's direction, having conflicting thoughts. "You should wake up, Jane," Nathan mumbled, clenching his fists. He sounded like begging her.


Nathan was talking to unconscious Jane when suddenly the door of the private ward slid open. He turned around only to see his son, Ethan, walking alongside his robotic friends.

Nathan frowned in puzzlement. "What is he doing here?" He glanced at Ethan and his robotic friends.

"Dad!" Ethan ran in his direction. He immediately extended his right hand in front of his father. "Give me Miss Jane's phone."

The crease of Nathan's forehead deepened further when he heard that. "Why? How do you know I have her phone?"

Little Ethan rolled his eyes skyward. "Don't ask me, Dad. Just give me her phone. Otherwise, you will make Gramps and others search for Miss Jane everywhere."

Nathan couldn't understand his son. But he handed Jane's phone over to Ethan. He wondered what his son was planning to do. And how did he know that Jane was there? Was he aware of her current condition? Who told him?

Nathan just watched his son as he switched on Jane's phone. He turned it off when Vincent kept calling her. Jane's phone kept on beeping after it was turned on. She received several messages from her father, Kazuki, Stephen, Cherry, and Abigail.

Ethan unlocked Jane's phone. He knew her password! Nathan was surprised since his son was navigating her phone as if it was his own phone.

It did not take long before Ethan dialed Mr. Hiroshi's number. While it was ringing, Ethan gazed at Powy and said, "Give me the voice-changing device, Powy. Are you done copying her voice?"

"Yes, young master!" Powy responded. He opened his steel stomach and picked up a small device. It looked like a tiny microphone. It was a new creation of Ethan.

"What are you up to?" Nathan asked his son curiously.

"Just watch and learn, Dad!" Ethan replied, ignoring his father's query.

When Mr. Hiroshi answered the phone, Ethan signaled his Dad to keep quiet. Nathan just obediently followed his son, still wondering what the little kid was planning to do.

"Jane! Where are you, my daughter? We have been looking for you. Are you alright?" Mr. Hiroshi's worried voice resounded from the other line.

Nathan's eyes widened in shock. He didn't expect that his son would call Mr. Hiroshi using Jane's phone. Was he going to reveal to them that Jane was in the medical facility?

Nathan moved forward, trying to snatch the phone away from Ethan. He thought his son would reveal his secret to Mr. Hiroshi. He didn't inform Mr. Hiroshi that he knew where Jane was. He gave his son a warning look. But Ethan just ignored him.

Before Nathan could steal the phone from his son, Little Ethan already spoke up. Nathan stopped because what he heard was Jane's voice, not Ethan's voice.

"Pa, I'm sorry for making you worried. I'm just fine. My phone had run out of battery. I just charged my phone," Ethan said as an alibi.

Nathan calmed down as he finally understood Ethan's plan. His son was currently pretending to be Jane using this voice-changing device. Surprisingly, the device copied Jane's exact voice.

"Where are you?" Mr. Hiroshi asked her again.

"Pa, I will be having a business trip abroad. I will be away for one week. I might not be able to contact you and others. Please send my regards to my sister and friends. Don't worry about me." Ethan had come up with another alibi just to cover up for Jane's absence.

Bam-Bam already reassured him that Jane would definitely wake up after seven days so he had nothing to worry about. But Ethan had no plan of telling this to his father because he and Bam-Bam had agreed to assess and test Nathan's feelings toward Jane.

How would Nathan react if Jane continued to sleep for the next six days?

"What business trip is that? Can you tell me your exact location so that I will be more at ease? You should have brought some bodyguards." Mr. Hiroshi couldn't help but worry about her safety.

"Pa, it is a business meeting with an investor in Country R. I'm planning to build my own company. By the way, I have my bodyguards with me. I am secure here. My trip is urgent so I was not able to say goodbye to you properly."

Mr. Hiroshi could only sigh in defeat. "Fine. Just give me an update from time to time. Take care of yourself, my dear daughter. I can't afford to lose you."

"I know, Pa. Thanks. I'm boarding the plane now. I have to end this call. I love you. See you around." Ethan wanted to end the conversation so that Mr. Hiiroshi wouldn't ask further questions.

"Okay. But before you end this call, I just want to inform you that Dave is now awake."

"Thanks, Pa." Ethan simply said before ending the call.

Ethan was done with his conversation but Nathan was still observing him in disbelief. His son just fixed his problem today. Because he pretended to be Jane, reassuring Mr. Hiroshi that she was fine, Mr. Hiroshi would stop his men from looking for Jane. Nathan had nothing to worry about anymore aside from waiting for Jane to wake up.

"Why did you say one week? What if Jane doesn't wake—" Nathan cut his sentence because he realized that Ethan wasn't aware of Jane's current condition. He shouldn't make this young boy worry about her.

"Dad, just do your best to take good care of Miss Jane. Make sure she will wake up in one week. If she does not return then Gramps will worry about her." Ethan reminded him. "Once he finds out that you lied to him, Mr. Hiroshi won't forgive you. He won't allow you to see Miss Jane ever again." the little boy added, threatening his father.

Nathan furrowed his eyebrows. He was displeased to hear Ethan's last remarks. "No one can stop me from seeing her. But I do have a question for you. Do you know that she is in a coma? How did you know that she's here?"

As Nathan questioned his son, Bam-Bam showed up again, whispering to Ethan. "Ethan, can you act as if you are worried about Jane? You don't look worried at all because you know that she will wake up after seven days. You must make your father believe that my master is super ill so that he will worry about her. Don't act so calmly. Just think of it that Miss Jane is about to die soon."

When Bam-Bam said his last remarks, Ethan shook his head frantically and his eyes became misty. "No way! Miss Jane won't die. She has to survive! Dad!" Ethan moved closer to Nathan, tugging the hem of his clothes. "Don't let her die! Don't let her die!" the young boy burst out into tears.

Nathan felt guilty for not filtering his words. He thought he was the one who triggered Ethan's emotion when he told her that Jane was in a coma state. "Shhh! Don't cry. She won't die. She is a strong woman."

But Ethan continued to cry as he began punching his dad's legs. "I won't forgive you if she dies. You are the only one who can save her!"

Bam-Bam blinked his eyes in amusement as he watched the father and son duo. He didn't know if Ethan was just acting or if this was "Of course, I won't let her die." Nathan promptly responded, trying to console and appease his son. "Stop crying already. I'm doing my his true feelings. 'If he is just acting, then this child deserves a best actor award,' Bam-Bam thought to himself.

"Of course, I won't let her die." Nathan promptly responded, trying to console and appease his son. "Stop crying already. I'm doing my best to cure her. Just trust me, okay?"

Ethan stopped punching his Dad. He wiped his tears and gazed up, looking straight into his father's eyes. "Dad, do you really want to cure her?"

"Of course, I do," Nathan replied without hesitation.

Ethan nodded his head and blurted out, "Then you only need to do one thing." the young boy paused for a moment. He shifted his gaze to Jane and brought it back to his father. "You have to love her with all your heart. Acknowledge your feelings for her."

Nathan: "..."

Nathan was rendered speechless when he heard Ethan's last words. Was he serious? Where did he get that idea?

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