100 Days to Seduce the Devil

Chapter 570 Bam-Bam and Ethan

570 Bam-Bam and Ethan 

Dave and Abigail searched for Jane. They wanted to thank her for everything she did for them. Abigail tried contacting her sister but to her disappointment, Janes phone was switched off. Since she failed to contact her, Abigail called their father asking for Jane's whereabouts. 

"Dad? Is my sister at home? With your Abigail put the phone in loudspeaker mode so that Dave could also hear their conversation. 

"No. I thought she was with you. By the way, how is Dave?" Mr. Hiroshi knew that Dave was hospitalized because Jane informed him yesterday. 

"He is awake now. But Dad, my sister is not here. I can't even contact her: Abigail began to worry about Jane. 

"What? You can't get a hold of her. What happened to your sister?" Mr. Hiroshi started panicking. He was targeted by his enemies a few days ago. What if Jane was kidnapped by them? 

"I don't know, Dad. She should be here. But she wasn't. My mind was preoccupied with Dave yesterday. i didn't notice that she was gone. I'm sorry, Dad" Abigail apologized to her father. 

"No worries, Abi. Ill look for your sister" Mr. Hiroshi immediately summoned Mr. Kazuki. He hung up the phone as he faced Kazuki. 

'Yes, Master? Do you need something?" Kazuki asked Mr. Hiroshi. "

"Summon our men. Stop their search for our missing comrades. We need to find my daughter first. Jane had gone missing" There was a hint of urgency in Mr. Hiroshi's voice. He was overly protective of his daughters so even though he hadn't confirmed yet that Jane was missing he wanted to mobilize his men already to find her. 

"Huh? Lady Jane went missing? Are you sure, Master? What if she is with her friend, Cherry?" Kazuki remembered Jane was hanging out with Cherry yesterday. The bodyguard also accompanied Jane to the hospital for her physical check-up and then she went home to fetch Abigail and headed back to another hospital. 

"Call Cherry and ask her if Jane is with her." Mr. Hiroshi ordered him in his authoritative voice. 

Kazuki quickly obeyed Mr. Hiroshi's command. Ile dialed Cherry's number. 

Ring! Ring! 

It did not take long before Cherry answered the phone. "Hello, Mr. Kazuki?" 

"Hi, Cherry. I Just want to ask if Jane is with you. Her father is looking for her." He asked her directly. 

"oh, Jane is not here. Maybe she is in the hospital together with Abigail." 

Kazuki frowned when he heard that. He had a bad feeling about this. His master might be right. Jane had gone missing. 

"Master! I'm afraid... Lady Jane has gone missing! I'll summon our men now to search for her." Kazuki said goodbye to Cherry and began dispatching all their men who were currently staying in Country M. 

"Find my daughter! I can't lose her again! I'll contact Nathan. He is more familiar with this area. His men can also help us with the search." Mr. Hiroshi wanted to ask Nathan for help. This situation was very urgent. He couldn't waste any more time. He needed to make sure that his daughter was safe! 

Meanwhile, Cherry had begun tracking Jane as well. She heard from Mr. Kazuki that Jane went missing. "Sis, where are you?" 

Thinking about Jane's session with Stephen, Cherry messaged Stephen, asking him if Jane and he were doing the hypnosis session today. But to her surprise, Stephen was also waiting for Jane and she hadn't shown up today. 

Stephen left his house when he found out that Jane disappeared. Everyone was in their panicking mode, searching for Jane. 

On the other hand, Nathan returned to the facility. The doctor failed to find the symptoms and the reason why Jane remained unconscious. All her examination results were normal. 

"What's wrong with her?" Nathan was losing his patience. He couldn't understand why he was so grumpy just because of Jane's current condition. Deep inside, he was worried about her. 

"We need to run a few more tests, sir. We can't figure out why she was unresponsive as if she is back in her coma state! The doctor also felt helpless. Nathan was pressuring them already but they couldn't get the result he wanted. 

Nathan pursed his lips, trying to control his temper. He couldn't blame them. He knew that his medical staff were doing their best. He shouldn't vent his frustration out on them. 

Nathan's conversation with the doctor was interrupted when his phone rang. He hesitated for a moment when he saw the caller ID. It was Mr. Hiroshi, Jane's father. That phone call was like a lifesaver for the doctor. He felt like Nathan was going to eat him alive if he won't deliver a good result. Nathan moved away. 

'He is calling me. Is he searching for his daughter already?' Nathan contemplated whether to answer the phone or not. He didn't know if he should tell him what happened to Jane or just keep it a secret. 

In the end, Nathan answered Mr. Hiroshi's call. Just like what he had expected, Mr. Hiroshi was indeed searching for his daughter.

"Nathan. I need your help! My daughter went missing. Can you find her for me?" Mr. Hiroshi didn't beat around the bush. 

Nathan was silent for five seconds, thinking about what he would reply to the old man. 

"Okay. Mr. Hiroshi. I will find her," Nathan simply replied. 

"Thanks, Nate. I'll count on you. Please find her and keep her safe." Mr. Hiroshi pleaded in his desperate tone. 

Nathan felt guilty for hiding Jane's condition from Mr. Hiroshi. For some unknown reason, Nathan felt like Jane would like to do the same. If she were in his shoes, she wouldn't like her loved ones to worry about her. 

'Jane must wake up. I can't let her family see her in this condition. She should recover and regain consciousness as soon as possible.' Nathan thought to himself. 

Mr. Hiroshi didn't stay long. He thanked Nathan again before ending the call. The old man was also on the move. 


[ AL Sparks Mansion... ] 

Ethan was in his room, playing with his robotic friends, Powy and Riernc when a magical creature showed up. He was surprised when Bam-Bam appeared in front of him. 

"Why are you here?" Ethan asked Bam-Barn curiously. It was unusual for Bam-Bam to show up to humans. 

"Wait! Did something bad happen to my Mom?" Ethan's eyes widened in realization. He looked at Barn-Barn worriedly. 

"Oh. Calm down. Your Mom... 1 mean my master is just fine. I came here because I need your help." Bam-Bam explained to him. 

"Young master? Who are you talking to?" Powy asked Ethan. The two robots couldn't see Barn-Barn. 

"A fluffy flying cat: Ethan responded. 

Powy and Riemc scanned the room but they didn't see any cal or flying creature. Meanwhile, Ethan shifted his gaze back to Bam-Bam.
'What help?' he asked him with intrigue. 

Bam-Bam heaved a deep sigh, his paw rubbing his forehead. "My Master did something to help her sister. Because of that, she has to sleep for seven days... without waking up. But the situation has gotten serious because everyone is searching for her. Fortunately, your father hasn't told anyone about this. But he was clueless that my master wont wake up unless seven days will pass by." 

What! My Mom will be sleeping for seven days?! But she already has limited time left to make my father fall in lover Ethan had a keen memory so he remembered Jane's mission. 

'Yeah. I am aware of that too' Barn-Barn promptly responded. But don't worry too much. These seven days will be a test for your Dad's feelings. Who knows his heart will grow fonder of her in her absence? Let's observe him' 

Ethan pouted his lips. "I will miss her. One week is too long! And why test my father's feelings? Why don't you just allow him to find out that the Abigail he knew was in fact, my Mom?!" Ethan complained to Barn-Barn. 

"That's no fun; Bam-Bam thought to himself. 

"He should recognize her by himself. He should acknowledge his feelings. That way... we can call it true love! Then your Mom will survive!" Bam-Barn insisted on. 

"I won't let her die! What do you want me to do?" Ethan asked Barn-Barn expectantly. 

Bam-Bam rubbed his chin using his paw and replied, 'Help your Dad cover up for her absence. Don't let anyone know that she's unconscious because she will eventually wake up after seven days. unconscious because she will eventually wake up after seven days. Her father, sister, and friends are all looking for her. Reassure them that Jane is fine and safe 

"Okay. I can do that." Ethan agreed to help Bam-Bam. 

You can start playing a cupid between your father and my master. Assess your father's feelings. Find out if my master truly matters to him. And make him realize that... before it becomes too late." Bam-Bam suggested. 

"Got it. I know what to do! Leave this to me Ethan replied with full determination. After saying that, Ethan turned to his robotic friends. 

"Powy, Riemc! Come with me. We have some works to do!' 

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