100 Days to Seduce the Devil

Chapter 551 [Bonus ] It's Time To Hunt

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Day Sixty-Three…


[ At Hiroshi's Private Villa… ]

Abigail was still asleep when Jane went to check on her. Her eyes were swollen from crying too much since last night. Jane fixed her blanket, caressing her cheek. She felt sorry for her.

"Just hang in there, my dear sister. I will help Dave to fix this. I hope you won't give up on him. I can feel that he loves you so much. I envy you. The man you like also loves you back." 

Jane compared her situation with Abigail's. She didn't mean to argue and fight with Nathan last night but she failed to control her temper. She just realized that she was still far from winning his heart.

After planting a soft kiss on Abigail's forehead, Jane came out of her room. Mr. Hiroshi saw her so he greeted her right away.

"Good morning. Are you leaving this early? You haven't eaten your breakfast yet." Mr. Hiroshi asked her as he approached her.

Jane greeted her father back, giving him a kiss on his cheek. "Dad, I have plans today. I will hang out together with my friend, Cherry."

Mr. Hiroshi already met Cherry so he was at ease knowing Jane would hang out with her friend. "Okay, Dear. I'll eat with Abigail. Bring one bodyguard with you."

Jane didn't refuse her father. She just wanted him to feel at ease. After talking to her father, she left the house, proceeding to her hideout. Cherry had been staying there. The bodyguard just stayed outside the house while Jane and Cherry headed to the underground basement.

"Black Rose, I want you to do something for me," Jane said with urgency.

Cherry nodded her head. "Sure, Sis. Just tell me."

Jane wrote Dave's address on a sheet of paper, handing it over to Cherry. "Can you connect to the satellite and collect all the CCTV recordings around this apartment yesterday between 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm?"

"Sure, Sis! I will." Cherry replied enthusiastically. She grabbed a chair and faced the computer. She cracked her knuckles and stretched her arms. A tap-tap sound echoed in the basement as she began to search and hack some CCTVs around the vicinity of Dave's apartment.

Another loophole Helena and Karina didn't anticipate was Jane's presence. They would never imagine that someone would get to the bottom of yesterday's incident. Jane was conducting a thorough investigation just to prove Dave's innocence. She was doing this for Abigail's sake.

"I'm going to the hospital and get the result of the blood sample I submitted last night. Once you are done. Send all the video clips to me. I'll review them myself."

After giving Cherry's task, Jane left the house with her bodyguard. "Lady Jane, why are we going to the hospital?"

"I'm having a physical check-up. I'll go alone. This general check-up will take seven hours. Just wait for me in the hospital lobby." Jane requested her guard.I think you should take a look at

"Okay, Miss Jane."

Little did he know, Jane planned to sneak out after getting the blood test result. This was her chance to move without being watched by her father's assigned bodyguard. She would try to be back once she was done with her task.

Jane went to the laboratory section to get the result. After reading it, Jane confirmed her suspicion. The result showed that a stimulant drug content was found in his blood sample. It was a strong form of aphrodisiac that could increase someone's sex drive.

Jane was still reading the result when suddenly her head throbbed and a flashback popped up in her mind. She saw a glimpse of her moment with the Leader of the King Stallion Mafia. She remembered drinking a glass of wine with him. A few minutes later, she suddenly felt dizzy and she ended up falling into the King's arms.

"Miss, are you okay?" The nurse asked her when she noticed that Jane's face became pale instantly.

Jane gulped hard, clenching the paper in her hands tightly. "Y-Yes, I'm fine. Thanks for this." She tried to maintain her composure. Then she walked away, finding an isolated place where no one could see her. She ended up going to the rooftop.

Jane was panting, clutching her chest. She was trying to gather her emotion as the realization dawned on her. "No wonder, I sympathized with Dave. I feel like I also experienced this… Did King spike my drink? Is this how I got pregnant? Did someone take advantage of me?"

Jane leaned on the exit door of the rooftop, sat down, and hugged herself. "I need to find out what happened." She slammed her eyes shut and took a deep breath. 

Dave was another victim of this scheme so Jane became more determined to find the truth. She was folding the result when her phone vibrated. Cherry finally sent some clips. She opened her message and began watching the video clips.

It took her an hour to review and skim the footage. And bullseye! She saw another proof that Karina was the culprit who drugged Dave. And there was another guy involved. Karina was not alone in that house. A guy left Dave's apartment using his motorcycle. Because of this discovery, Jane called Cherry right away.

"Black Rose! Good job for finding these recordings. Can you zoom the guy's face who entered Dave's apartment? Find his identity. And send it to me asap. His complete name and address." Jane gave her command.

"Ok, Sis. I got it."

Jane waited for several minutes. It did not take long before Cherry was able to identify the man. She also got his complete address.

"Now. It's time to hunt." Jane mumbled.

She left the rooftop and went to the comfort room to change her clothes. Her bodyguard didn't notice her leaving the hospital because he didn't recognize her. Jane wore different clothes with a mask and cap.

Thirty minutes later, Jane brought an unconscious man into her hideout.

"Sis! You are still incredible. You captured him and brought him here in just thirty minutes!" Cherry commended her, feeling exhilarated. "By the way, who is he?"

Jane removed her mask and smiled at her. "A small fish. Prepare the torture room. I have to catch the biggest fish," Jane said meaningfully.

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