Wife Loving Husband: Husband, spoil me some more!

Chapter 185 His Past.

Mu TianYu's biological father was not very rich. He was a clerk working under Mu corporation. After his father's death, his family suffered for three years. He still remembered getting bullied at his school by his classmates.

They teased him because he didn't have a father. He did not have money. Although his maternal uncle was rich but he denied helping his mother. His mother was struggling hard to earn but it was not enough for the upbringing of two growing kids.

He rarely had any friends. He was not handsome like the present to gain any attention. His only plus was that he was good at his studies and he was hardworking. He wanted to do something but the mocking of others was not helping him.

He was ten when Han Chunhua married into the Mu family. His world flipped when Mu Jichen adopted him, giving him the name Mu. Scared and shied because of his past, he thought he'd be again bullied by Mu Yuehan. So, he stayed away from him all the time, all alone in his world.

Mu Jichen provided him with all the luxuries of which he didn't even dare to dream in his sleep. He was given his room and provided with new clothes. He was given all the electronic appliances available at that time. He had his personal computer, which was a luxury of that time.

He was liking this new environment but it scared him too. He was scared of accidentally dropping any luxurious vase or any other luxurious thing. He was afraid of getting scolded by others because he didn't know how to behave or act like riches.

When Mu TianYu was admitted to the school of Mu Yuehan, the best school in the city, the school which was of quite a high level than his last school, he fell into depression.

He realised that the students in the school were extraordinarily smart. Mu TianYu was smart in his old school but here he was nothing in comparison to the kids who were smartly nurtured by their parents, who took many other extra curriculum classes while doing their schooling.

Unfortunate for him, he was in the same class as Mu Yuehan. The age gap in both was of mare months. So, they were in the same class and again, he became a target of bullies.

His classmates called him a charity case. He was teased for being extra fat and was called fatty. Literally, no one was ready to talk to him. For them, he was a poor kid, studying with them only because his mother seduced a rich man.

From time to time, he was compared with Mu Yuehan. He too compared himself with Mu Yuehan who was smart, tall and handsome. He was a perfectionist. Not only that but he was always surrounded by his classmates. It was like, they worshipped him.

Mu Yuehan tried many times to build a relationship with him, after all, they were brothers now. But Mu TianYu always rejected him with bitterness. He felt jealous of Mu Yuehan and what he got with his birth.

He was in the seventh standard when he had a crush on a girl in their class. He confessed to her and desired to become her friend and seat partner. He did all this with a lot of courage. He was all ready for her rejection.

But the girl not only rejected him, but she also made fun of him in front of the whole of his class.

"Listen, everyone, this fatty wants to become my friend. Doesn't he watch himself in the mirror? Why will I become his friend?" she mocked him, and to add salt to his wound, she added. "Hey fatty, you should go and learn something from Mu Yuehan. He is such a charmer, but you, you are a zero in front of him."

"Zero, Zero, Zero..."

He still remembered how his class teased him and called him Zero. He broke down that day. He ran away from school in depression. It was his guards who found him and brought him home.

And that was the day, Mu Yuehan realised why Mu TianYu was so bitter toward him.

It was not easy for a ten-year-old Mu Yuehan to accept the new addition to his family but he did. He was happy to have a brother of the same age as his. He already planned to add him to his group of friends. He was equally excited to have a six-year-old little sister who called him gege.

He tried his best to break into the shell of Mu TianYu, to make him his brother and friend but Mu TianYu was bitter with him, always. He tried to scold his classmates for making fun of his brother but again, Mu TianYu stopped him.

After trying for some time, Mu Yuehan stopped trying to befriend Mu TianYu. It was not until he heard his classmates openly making fun of Mu TianYu, heard that he ran away from the school, or saw him sobbing in the arms of Han Chunhua.

"Mom, why did you marry dad? You don't know how everyone makes fun of me because of that. Every time, they compare me with Mu Yuehan. He is so good but I am not. It is not my fault."

Twelve-year-old, Mu Yuehan had just returned from his basketball class when he accidentally heard the sobbing of Mu TianYu. Curious, he leaned against the door to eavesdrop.

"Everyone makes fun of me because I am not tall and smart as him. Everyone calls me fatty. I don't want this. I don't want to study in this school. I don't want to stay in this house. Let's go back to our old house."

Mu Yuehan was always sensible. He understood the suffering of his brother. He also scolded himself for being always negligent to his brother.

From that day, he decided he was going to help Mu TianYu, he was going to make his brother his equal. He always knew he was going to take over Mu corporation one day and he planned to make Mu TianYu, his right-hand man.

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