Ultimate Gacha System: Reborn Into A Crazy Fantasy

Chapter 129: Countdown (5), Clearing Floors, Sun-Moon Revolution Art

Chapter 129: Countdown (5), Clearing Floors, Sun-Moon Revolution Art

When Aleron arrived on the second floor, he got the reward for clearing the 1st floor-A skill scroll of an SSS-rank skill [Sun Shard].

[Sun Shard]

Type: Offense.

Effect: Creates a sun shard that you can attach to a projectile-type skill without disrupting it. Upon your projectil-type skill hitting a target or impact, the Sun Shard releases a whirling flame vortex which you can control and it may synergize with your other skill for greater damage, depending on your other skill's elemental attribute.

'Interesting,' Aleron was surprised at the sophistication and the type of skill this was.

He then looked around this 2nd floor, a plain metallic hall unlike the 1st floor, and decided to sit down before beginning to learn the skill. It was only a matter of a minute after all.

But of course, the 2nd floor's challenge started as two 5-meter-tall metallic knights with a sword and shield emerged from the floor, their aura at the median-stage of Primeval-rank. Both of them attacked Aleron, one with a sword slash while the other released a piercing sword beam.

Aleron didn't bother looking up and was just learning a skill.

The knights' attacks naturally failed to budge Aleron's defense.

After half a minute, Aleron stood up and pointed his finger at the Knights.

First, two thumb-sized Sun Shards conjured as they floated to his sides before his finger crackled with lightning.

'Lightning Tendril Bolt.'

The sun shards attached the lightning tendril bolts as both bolts shot at the metallic knights... or so he thought until those bolts went in another direction.

[Astral: Haha, gotta be aware of attacking as well, Mastah.]

'This is so strange...but I felt it clearly this time, though only after I released the attack,' Aleron wryly smiled as he was affected by Astral Reaver's trait again.


The knights' attack struck Aleron's barrier, but ignoring them, he leisurely released his attack again.

'Lightning Tendril Bolt.'

As soon as the bolts struck the knights, a powerful electricity coursed through them while a searing flame vortex enveloped them. The synergy between lightning and flame created intense heating plasma that melted both knights swiftly as they vanished.

[Congratulations for clearing the 2nd floor.]

The platform rose up and Aleron arrived on the 3rd floor before he got the reward from a box, which turned out to be a Primeval-rank item-Ifrit's Wrath Ring.

[Infrit's Wrath Ring]

Rank: Primeval-rank.


-> Increased Flame control while wearing the ring.

-> Flame resistance level 9.


--> Ifrit's Wrath: You will 20% to 50% boost in flame intensity in your flame-attributed attack depending on your Flame mastery-cost: 5000 Mana. Cooldown: 1 minute.

-> Flame Sense: You can sense fire-attributed phenomena or resources within a 1-kilometer radius for 5 minutes-cost: 1000 Mana. Cooldown: 10 minutes.

Aleron wore the ring and fought with the 3rd-floor challenge, which was a Primeval-rank monster called Volcanite Bull.

He used the newly acquired to ring but found out that Ifrit's Wrath didn't boost his flame power in the slightest, while Flame Sense was already useless because he could sense everything in his Monitor Dome.

[Gachapi: Master, such items are useless to you, who have achieved level 10 in your elemental arcane syllabus.]

[Astral: big bro saying it right. Only I am useful to Mastah, haha.]

Aleron chuckled.

'So this ring is aimed to support and benefit people who have yet to master their Fire syllabus to level 10. Welp, I can give it to others then.'

Aleron continued clearing the floor and arrived on the 10th floor after barely ten minutes.

From the 3rd Floor, he got a skill called Moon Shard, which was similar to Sun Shard, except that it was Water-attributed.

From the 4th floor, he got another ring like Ifrit's Wrath, but it was a water-attributed ring called Orphus's Rage.

From the 5th floor to the 9th floor, he got a spear weapon, a shield, a pill that could heal the gravest of wounds and remove harmful effects, a skill called Sun Pierce, and another skill called Aqua Vortex-both skills were of SSS-rank.

Aleron learned the skills and gained knowledge of them, especially the bunch of non- elemental Arcane syllabi that shaped those skills.

He was affected by Astral Reaver's trait now and then, but he was gradually getting used to it and also managed to prevent himself from affecting when he was affected last time on the 9th


Finally arriving on the 10th floor, he began fighting with two peak Primeval-rank golems. Both of them were made of mixed attributes of Water and Fire.

Naturally, it wasn't really a challenge for Aleron as tried out his new skill after learning from Astral Reaver's skills.

'Space Blade Series: Dimensional Shred.'

With a wave of his hand, he executed this skill through the Astral Reaver scythe since it synergized with the space element and added its attack on his skill, however meager it was. From the tip of the scythe, two dark silver orbs with sparkling silver shards in them shot towards both golems. Aleron's eyes flashed as he was about to change his attack's direction again, but he managed to sense it and prevented it for the 2nd time!

'I did it again,' Aleron grinned.

The orbs struck both golems before they expanded into an astral vortex filled with space blades, shredding both golems in a jiffy. Their defense was a far cry from being able to defend against this bonafide pure offense SSS-rank skill of Space-attribute.

[Congratulations, challenger. Sun-Moon Revolution Art is now yours.]

Aleron saw a box emerging from the platform's center before it opened and revealed a small


Without further ado, he started reading the book and absorbed all the knowledge.

'So it's a big skill set consisting of four Savant-grade skills!' Aleron's eyes glinted. Savang-grade skills meant the skills that reach new height above SSS-rank by combining it

with a Concept!

'The concept is called Revolution...Alright, sounds interesting to see what it can do.'

[Gachapi: Master, know that you can't have multiple Concepts. I mean, you can have, but not

fight off the bat.]

'What do you mean?'

[Gachapi: Comprehending a Concept and establishing it takes up your soul sea's capacity. Basically, five hundred thousand soul potency means you can have 1 concept. One million soul potency means you can have 2 concepts.]

'I see...this capacity is based on foundational soul potency or overall?' Aleron asked while hoping for it to be overall.

[Gachapi: Fortunately, it's determined by your overall soul potency. So even though your foundational soul potency is not 500k yet, your overall soul potency thanks to the primal life rune and Astral Reaver's boost has surpassed 500k.]

'Hmm, but I'm afraid I won't be able to comprehend a Concept in three hours even with this

book, right?'

[Gachapi: Indeed. Better to focus elsewhere for now. We can't be sure about killing Demon Lord Narazar yet, but I can be sure that he won't be able to kill you this time. If you get a Bloodline, then the chance of you clashing equal to him is higher.]

'So I can't fight with him equally yet?' Aleron frowned before he sighed as he understood. 'That was just his avatar, but it was still so powerful...'

[Gachapi: Indeed. Don't forget that he also has a Divine-rank Bloodline, that boosts his stats by 100%. We can't be sure of anything except for your, and only your ability to stay alive in

front of him, Master.]

Aleron clenched his fist tightly, 'That's not enough. We have to prepare as much as possible.]

He didn't linger longer and quickly left the Obsidian Tower, onwards to making his next


[Gachapi: Wait, master! I have a superb idea that can give you more time than what you currently have! Depending on your hard work and capability, you might even be able to comprehend a concept during this time!]

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