Ultimate Gacha System: Reborn Into A Crazy Fantasy

Chapter 128: Countdown (4), Astral Reaver's Power

Chapter 128: Countdown (4), Astral Reaver's Power

[Astral Reaver Robe]

Type: Defensive Armament

Defense Power:

-> Arcane Defense: 500,000

-> Physical Defense: 500,000

-> Soul Defense: 500,000


-> Astral Convergence: creates a field around the user that repels all types of attacks in the direction of your choice.

-> Temporal Distortion: Creates a 1-kilometer zone around you that slows down everything aside from you.

'Woah! I want to see the time power,' Aleron's eyes glinted. 'Once I see it, I will be able to start learning the Time syllabus!'

'As for the defensive power...I guess it will increase along with Astral Reaver's growth to the next levels.'

'Naw, Master. My defensive power is related to your lifeform rank.'

'Oh...yeah that makes sense now. Next, let's see the Scythe.'

Aleron grabbed the scytch that floated in front of him. It was twice as size as him and its long curved blade was also roughly 2 meters long!

Its blade was glowing with astral violet sparks and the rest of the scythe had a heavy eldritch design similar to the blade's color as if it was made of some dark blue bone.

[A/N: illustration of the scythe in discord.]

'By the way, Astral. Can you make it look like I am not wearing the robe, but I can still benefit from the robe's properties?'

[Astral: of course, Mastah! I can make it stuck behind your skin in ethereal form while still having its defensive properties activated.]


Aleron saw the robe vanished visibily and nodded with a smile before he looked at the scythe's status.

[Astral Reaver Scythe]

Type: Offensive Armament

Attack Power:

-> Physical: 500,000

-> Arcane: 500,000

-> Soul: 500,000


-> Dimensional Rend: Cut through any defense or attack forcefully and send them into Reaver's Pocket.

-> Reaver's Pocket: capable of storing all types of phenomena in absolute stasis and can be released anytime by you.

'Nice, so I can store attacks into Revear's pocket, which would cut off those attack's connection with their owner and then I release it.'

[Astral: Indeed, Mastah! Hehehe, you can release them in any direction from the scythe.]

'Hmm, I should also be able to control phenomenon as long as I have sufficient arcane mastery, and...I can get that easily by observing it,' Aleron's eyes glinted. 'This is perfect.' Aleron had studied Demon Lord Narazar's attack at a breakneck speed, which was also why he was able to defend against it by creating its counter.

He could release that attack right now if he wanted to-the Piercing Desolation. However, he didn't have the Concept, so he could not perfectly replicate it.

After all, Concepts are not a power of Magic Path but the Soul Path, so his innate talent and Magilore Source's trait wouldn't contribute to speed-learning them.

But now, Aleron also had the means to acquire a Concept in a faster way at least.

"Let's go," Aleron grinned as he walked towards the door, but the distance from the door actually increased as he walked.

"Woah!" Aleron was shocked as he stopped moving and looked down. "This..."

[Astral: Be careful, Mastah! Hahaha, you won't realize where you are going and also the perception of time will be lost if you are in deep thought.]

Aleron gulped. "I totally didn't realize my legs stepped backward until I saw the distance increasing from the door."

"And wait, what's the time?"

Aleron quickly looked at the countdown he had placed.

[3 hours 28 minutes...]

"Phew...alright, the time is not that fucked up yet," Aleron sighed a relief before he clenched his fist. 'I have to keep my consciousness active and be aware of everything all the time.' [Astral: Mastah, if you can be aware of the change before it's going to happen, you can resist it. My trait automatically affects you, so if you discover it and familiarize yourself with it, you will gradually start learning my Concept.]

'I see. Thanks, Astral.'

Aleron smiled and took a deep breath as he cleared his mind and also sharpened it before stepping inside the tower.

[Gachapi: Master, this tower looks like a Mage's tower of a powerful Ascension-rank powerhouse. Maybe when this secret realm was open in the past, someone built it to leave their legacy before leaving.]

As Aleron entered inside, the hall lit up with floating chandeliers, showing a huge platform in the middle.

The tower's hall was also 500 meters in radius, way bigger than what it appeared from the


Soon, a voice also rang.

[Welcome to my obsidian tower, challenger.]

[Clear each challenge floor and get rewards. On the final 10th floor, you may have my precious treasure and legacy of Sun-Moon Revolution Art.]

'Sun-Moon Revolution Art? Sounds basic,' Alern raised his eyebrows. 'Is it magic related?' [Gachapi: Master, if it's left behind by an Ascension-rank powerhouse, then that Sun-Moon Revolution Art must be powerful. It might also contain a methodic process to learn a Concept or two if he included those in the art!]

Aleron walked towards the platform in the center while grinning, "We'll find out soon."

After arriving on the platform, it detached from the floor and rose up. The ceiling formed a hole before this platform fit in and he arrived on the 1st floor.

"Interesting," Aleron muttered with surprise. This floor looked even bigger and it had giant pillars with crimson patterns all over.

[First floor: Defeat the Crimson Rook Dragon.]


Aleron saw the pillar's patterns glowing before they all released energy that converged and turned into a 50-meter-long dragon with an even longer wingspan.

From its aura, this dragon was in the Primeval-rank with a powerful Bloodline, though its stats were overall weaker than Aleron.

It released a condensed crimson orb from its mouth towards Aleron who was waiting for the


'Let's see....' Aleron waved the scythe while activating the skill: Dimensional Rend,

consuming 50,000 Magilore.

In the next second, the scythe's blade released an astral silver-violet slash cutting the space through the orb, creating a slash between the two parts of the orb it cut.

That slash that cut the space had a strange power as it instantly absorbed the cut-off orb

before space returned to normal.

Aleron captured everything in his eyes and broadly grinned. 'Awesome!'

He learned that attack, its entire arcane syllabi, and the whole structure process!

[A/N: Discord server address: a4JXSQBctd]

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