Ultimate Gacha System: Reborn Into A Crazy Fantasy

Chapter 125: Countdown (1)

Chapter 125: Countdown (1)

"So they want to make me infamous and a villain in people's eyes," Aleron muttered with anger reflecting in his eyes after he read their memories and found the plan.

"How dare they!" Yueha clenched her fist. "Master, let's go and kill them."

"We can't act recklessly," Aleron snapped his finger as both of them appeared above the ship. He also sent a new Xorg in the village below.

"Who were they?" Roxen curiously asked.

"Eh, you don't know?" Aleron raised his eyebrows. "They are so-called holy warriors."

Roxen's expression changed, "They were the holy warriors?!"


"I have heard of them, but I've never seen them before," Roxen frowned.

"Understandable. They were gone since fifty years ago according to the memories I read," Aleron nodded before he waved his hand and focused on the Goddess Church in his Monitor Dome as the big screens displayed the church and nearby area.

"Master, are we unable to kill the remaining holy warriors?" Yueha asked with a frown.

"Correct. They talked about some trump cards and from memories I read, it is some sort of artifact that can raise their leader's power above Primeval-rank. Not to mention they along powerful weapons with the effect of a Concept power."

"You are not as powerful as their leader, Yue. This Amelia is strong because she actually has comprehended a Concept called Murk despite not being an Ascension-rank lifeform. You alone can't kill the remaining three at once, not when you don't even have a decent weapon and they have that kind of trump card."

'So they are that powerful,' Yueha's eyes trembled, but she saw that Aleron was still calm, albeit thoughtful. "Master, do you have a plan?"

"Not exactly a plan, but a set of objectives."

'Holy warriors are that powerful?' Roxen thought while looking at the screen showing the Lightdusk Palace. She noticed something at the corner of the screen and asked, "What is that countdown?"

"That's the time frame we have to complete the objectives I've set," Aleron narrowed his eyes. "Once this countdown is over, that Demon Lord Narazar will arrive here regardless if I save the innocent demons or not because he has a backup plan that I can't disrupt no matter what I do. If I am not strong enough to contend with him by the time arrives here, I'll die."

"What?!" Roxen was shocked. 'But only less than four hours are left....'

"Realistically speaking, he told me how he will be summoned here because he already measured me and knows that I am not of no threat to him," Aleron clenched his fist, "He is not wrong, but not exactly right as well because I am not like others."

'I have something that can change my situation if I play it right,' Aleron's mind was looking at Gacha System's Gacha Room.

"Three hours and fifty-seven minutes," Aleron coldly said, "This time frame is enough for me to change my situation, save the needless sacrifice of innocent demons, and prevent an immediate war."

"But it is a race against time nonetheless," Aleron turned to Yueha and said, "Yue, go inside and train with others at the major secret region to get powerful using those Elemental crystals. I'll call you when you all are needed."

He sent Yueha inside as she vanished and appeared in the Eldertide Archipelago.

"Elemental crystals?" Roxen was startled.

Aleron turned to her and said, "Rias will wake up soon, so when she does, the three of us will go to the Lightdusk Academy. Go to her side for now."

After saying that, Aleron also sent Roxen inside, not letting her respond as she vanished.

'Now then...' Aleron walked at the head of the ship before he sat down cross-legged while looking at nature's horizon before him.

'Banner Pool Creation...I need to cook something that can significantly boost one's power. I have read tons of books, and know many types of powers, items, and crazy stuff.'

'As long as I can imagine something and design it, Banner Pool Creation can turn it into reality.'

'Something powerful, able to augment an individual, able to make one contend against Ascension-rank power...'

[Gachapi: Master, creating a Banner related to summoning people is one thing, but if you plan to design a banner to summon a strong power or items, then design it carefully. After all, if you can't use it due to some requirement after summoning it, it will be for naught.]

'Mhmm,' Aleron nodded. 'By the way, what is the deal with Concepts? Can you tell me about it in detail?'

[Gachapi: Concepts are basically powers shaped by our thoughts. These powers are related to our soul as a strong soul is necessary to comprehend a Concept. Once we acquire a Concept, we can use it in multitudes of ways depending on the nature of the Concept and the user's thought process when utilizing it.]

[Gachapi: For example, that Demon Lord Narazar has a Pierce Concept. This is straightforward but powerful. It is an offensive concept and he uses it to boost his attack, granting them extraordinary penetrative power, creating a Savant-rank skill which I've told you about before a skill meticulously designed with a combination of Concept power and Arcane Syllabus.]

'Mhmm, that's why even my max-powered stacked barrier couldn't defend against it,' Aleron nodded.

[Gachapi: Concepts are powered by Soul source. Meaning, the higher your Soul Potency, the more effective your Concept's power. Using concept power also requires the consumption of Soul energy. That Narazar used the entirety of his avatar's soul energy, which should be 50% of his total soul energy, so he wasn't exactly holding back.]

[Gachapi: No one uses 50% of one's max soul energy into a single attack unless they are determined to finish the battle.]

'I see.'

Aleron looked at the countdown and saw that two minutes already passed by.

Remaining time: 3 hours and 55 minutes.

'Fifteen minutes. I will refine and design the vision of a type of power I have visioned that can change our situation.'

Aleron's eyes glinted as he began brainstorming with full focus.


'Are we just returning after coming all the way here?' Draven's expression was foul. 'Tks, what can we do? That freaky brat is still here and I don't want to get on his radar unless I get a suitable body to possess. Now we are back to the original target, your uncle.'

'Sure, then wait for four more days,' Draven indifferently replied. 'You have to get me Rias


'I know.'

Meanwhile, the other three Holy Warriors urgently gathered in their private garden again upon Amelia's call.

Seeing her expression, Rofus and Kaza frowned.

But hearing her next words caused their expression to turn grave.

"Fecu and Thisi are dead."

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