Ultimate Gacha System: Reborn Into A Crazy Fantasy

Chapter 124: Intense Combat, Yueha's Full Power

Chapter 124: Intense Combat, Yueha's Full Power

Half a minute into the battle, Yueha and Thisis clashed against each other using various skills without consuming too much Mana as if to measure each other.

Meanwhile, Fecu started feeling something was wrong and stopped his attacks as he flew back.

"Why did you stop?" Aleron stood with his arms crossed, his eyes oozing out disgust and disdain as he looked at Fecu in an attempt to provoke him. Of course, he wasn't faking what he felt towards this piece of trash.

'Yueha, I am sending your stats.'

[Fecu Lence]

- Primeval-rank/High-stage.

- Bloodline: Venemous Gloombark - Primeval-rank.

- Physical stats:

-> Strength: Prime 4.7 [478,490 +30% +50%]

--> Agility: Prime 4.8 [483,800+30% +50%]

-> Health: Prime 4.6 [468,423 +30% +50%]

-> Stamina: Prime 4.7 [471,957 +30% +50%]

- Magic stats:

-> Magic Potency: Prime 4.8 [489,400 +30% +50%]

-> Mana Pool: Prime 4.9 [494,932 +30% +50%]

--> Main Arcane Syllabi: Poison level-7, Wood level-7, Darkness level-8.

- Soul stats:

-> Soul Potency: Prime 4.3 [437,904]

-> Soul Force: Prime 4.3 [437,904]

[Muckfil Thisi]

- Primeval-ran/High-stage

- Bloodline: Thunderflame Neozin - Primeval-rank.

- Physical stats:

-> Strength: Prime 4.8 +30% +50%

-> Agility: Prime 4.8 +30% +50%

->Health: Prime 4.7 +30% +50%

-> Stamina: Prime 4.7 +30% +50%

- Magic stats:

-> Magic Potency: Prime 4.9 +30% +50%

-> Mana Pool: Prime 4.9 +30% +50%

--> Magic Arcane Syllabi: Lightning level-8, Fire level-8, Plasma level-7

- Soul stats:

-> Soul Potency: Prime 4.8

-> Soul Force: Prime 4.8

Aleron had completely measured both of them during the past half a minute, while also grasping level-10 in the Arcane syllabus that he sensed from them while watching their skills.

Whatever magic phenomenon on which his eyes lay and his curiosity piques may be comprehended by him, thanks to his innate talent and Magilore's source's trait, and he didn't hold back in the slightest at doing this.

He wasn't going to be able to attack anyone below Ascension-rank, but he was preparing to fight against Demon Lord Narazar.

'They are strong but manageable. And I hereby enact a gamble,' Aleron stated, also relaying his thought to Yueha.

'Yueha will kill both of them within the next thirty seconds without my assistance.'

Yueha was startled, but the fire in her eyes only got stronger. 'I will do it, my master!' [Gamble Accepted]

'As expected. The gamble doesn't have to be focused on my actions. I can gamble on anything.'

[Gamble Quest]


--> Death of two pieces of trash in front of you by Yueha within one minute.


-> 5000 Gacha points.

-Penalty: Yueha's stats decreased by 30% and yours by 50%.

Aleron's pupils shrank. 'Yue, don't hold back in the slightest. They are not easy to deal with.'

He also had to remove his buff from Yueha for the Gamble quest, but that was fine as he believed Yueha would be able to defeat them.

Meanwhile, Fecu and Thisi had also discussed internally and decided to finish off Yueha first.

'That bastard is not attacking me even though he killed that demon in a jiffy. Something's wrong.'

'We kill this bitch first, she is not easy,' Thisi's voice was severe. 'She is stronger than me, especially due to the boost from her Bloodline. Her skills are also strange and I don't sense Mana from her, but some other energy.'

As the third strongest among Holy Warriors, she didn't think she could deal with Yueha alone. 'No wonder we felt that pressure. Her Bloodline is at the fucking fabled Divine-rank,' Fecu's expression sharpened. This meant that in terms of stats, Yueha was stronger than them.

And indeed she was.


- Physical stats:

-> Strength: Prime 4.9 +30% + 100%

-> Agility: Prime 4.9 +30% +100%

->Health: Prime 4.9 +30% +100%

-> Stamina: Prime 4.9 +30% +100%

- Magic stats:

-> Magic Potency: Prime 4.9 +30% +100%

-> Mana Pool: Prime 4.9 +30% +100%

-> Main Arcane Syllabi: Ice level-9, Wind level-8.

- Soul stats:

-> Soul Potency: Prime 4.9

-> Soul Force: Prime 4.9

'We need to finish this fast. It's a matter of one or two exchanges now,' Thisi relayed as she knew the real battle would start once any one of them made a move.

Indeed, the stalemate lasted only for five seconds before Yueha made the first move, not holding back in the slightest as she used her Martial Spirit, activating her Innate Physique, and executed one of her most powerful techniques.

A half-moon crystal in a crescent shape appeared on her head before enveloping in her an ethereal silver-icy blue robe, boosting her Ice power significantly-this was her Martial

Spirit, Lunar Crescent.

Activating Martial Spirits consumes stamina and spirit energy, but they give significant boosts in power depending on the Martial Spirit.

Yueha's Martial Spirit was pure buff-type, which increased Ice-related potency while giving an effect called Lunar Frost, which significantly slows down the target's movement and action speed while inflicting frostbites that freeze them if struck by her attack while her Martial

Spirit was activated.

Moreover, Yueha also had an Innate Physique called the Divine Frostveil Physique. On top of synergizing her physical properties with Ice, her comprehension of Ice was also top-notch, already at the peak of level 9 with only needing a bit of boost to reach level-10, the final level of an elemental Arcane Syllabus!

As such, activating both her Martial Spirit and Innate Physique, Yueha executed one of her most powerful attacks on the duo as her sword left her hand before it spun speedily in front of

her palm while facing Thisi and Fecu.

'Revolving Frozen Tomb!'

A ranging and whirling frost storm shot at Fecu and Thisi, forcing out an ugly expression from both of them as they were forced to go all out.

They could feel that this attack of Yueha was dangerous, so both of them were forced to use

defensive skills while also activating their Domain in burst mode to self-buff them to stat increase as Yueha's stats were higher.

But their expression turned ugly because Yeuha had yet to use her Domain to match their stats

with her!

Of course, it didn't mean they gave up.


Yeuha gritted her teeth as her attack had trapped both of them in a whirling icy storm,

stationing them in one place as they were forced to defend.

Working together, they burst out with full power after initial defense to keep them safe. Their weapons shone before they attacked while defending, scattering Yueha's skill.

'40 seconds left,' Yueha's eyes coldly shone as she appeared beside Fecu, her cold sword

glinting deadly as it went straight for him.

Having slowed down and frostbitten with injuries due to Yueha's skill effect, Fecu's bloodshot eyes indicated he was going all out as he consumed precious Blood Essence to activate Bloodline skill, Gloombark Coating, turning his skin into a dark green murky wood

with black patterns.

Yueha's sword struck his arm as he tried to dodge it to prevent getting beheaded, but his defense proved futile, as a gnash stretched on his arm before freezing it entirely.


Before the words registered in her ears, Thisis's rifle's bullet bearing extraordinary piercing

power filled with potent lightning and fire designed for extreme penetration and focused damage shot at Yueha's head.

'Yue!' Aleron's pupils shrank at the moment, but his worry was unfounded.

A flowery icy disk manifested before Yueha's head, blocking the incoming bullet for 0.01 seconds before her defense shattered.

However, the bullet's trajectory was changed as it shot past her and exploded a hundred

meters away.

Meanwhile, her attack on Fecu didn't slow down as she executed a technique before Fecu

could do anything. He was already slowed down and spending his Mana to resist her skill's effect before he was struck again and again.

Frost Bloom.

Fecu screamed loudly as his frozen arm exploded while spreading frostbite all over his body

and freezing him in a second.

"No," Thisi's eyes trembled as she executed another attack, but it was already too late for Fecu as he shattered into millions of pieces with a whirling wind burst from Yueha. Aleron's eyes flashed as he captured Fecu's soul. He started reading Fecu's memories to find out what they were planning by turning into his appearance.

Thisi had tried to be as fast as possible while resisting the slow effect of Yueha's Revolving

Frozen Tomb, intending to hit Yueha with her attack before Yueha used her Domain. Alas... Yueha activated her domain in burst mode to self-buff as she was ready to use it. This negated the equality in stats again as she powered up. She knew even her strongest

defense skill wouldn't be able to defend against the incoming attack of Thisi due to it being boosted by a powerful Primeval-rank weapon with a concept of Compact Burst.

Even though her techniques were designed with elements of Ice level-9 and Wind level-8, the

opponent's attack had Concept, which could be boosted in potency with Soul force, as such, she truly had to go all out.

The incoming attack struck against her flower-defense frost-wind spinning plate, this time resulting in mutual destruction as Yueha remained uninjured.

Thisi tried to attack one more time as soon as she could, but Yueha was faster with pure

advantage of stats, executing a technique before Thisi as she appeared behind her.

Nine Icygale Sheen.

In the next half a second, Yueha's sword released nine sheens across Thisi's body. Those

sheens were the thinnest possible blades of ice with their surface vibrated by ultra-frequency

wind movement to achieve ultimate slash penetration.

Thisi's body turned frosty when those nine sheens struck as she was instantly cut into nine

frozen pieces before shattering.

Total duration of battle since Yueha initiated her attack: 7 seconds.

"I did it, master!" Yueha said with eyes filled with a burning flame, quite in contrast to her icy


"Good Job," Aleron smiled. [Gacha Quest completed.]

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