Transmigrated as side character, I will steal all the heroines

Chapter 261: The Night With Jean

Chapter 261: The Night With Jean

As the two continued their small dates, they visited a lot of places together, which brought a happy smile to Jean's face.

She finally let go of her burden and now has the one she loved on her side.

Time passed, and with every minute passed by, the look in Jean's eyes was getting gentler. The nervousness in the morning has long gone, and now she was accustomed to holding Ray's hand during the date.

The couple shared dinner together at a small seafood restaurant, and after that, Ray brought Jean back to Kyouko's office.

When the couple arrived in Kyouko's office, they were pretty surprised that they found the office was empty, without any sign of people being there.

It seems Kyouko knew that Jean was very shy, and out of her consideration, she decided to empty the office. Still, this just makes a new problem for Ray.

Jean, who has calmed down a bit because of the date, immediately becomes tense, and Ray could see smoke coming out from his head.

Her pretty face looked so cute like this, and Ray almost couldn't hold himself back from pouncing on Jean. However, looking at the beautiful Jean become so timid, Ray knew she was not ready yet.

He expelled the bad desire on his heart, and after kissing Jean on his forehead, Ray was ready to say goodbye.

Things like this would not work if to was rushed too much. Jean was his lover, not his sex slave, and Ray has no reason to force Jean to do it. If Jean wasn't ready yet, then Ray would definitely wait until she was ready.

Ray had almost left Kyouko's office's door when he suddenly felt a small hand was tugging his clothes.

" Umm… Can you please stay with me for tonight?" Jean asked Ray with her face all red.

She looked so embarrassed that it seems if Ray was to play some tricks on her, she would immediately cry.

Ray laughed inwardly as he saw Jean become like this. And to Jean's relief, Ray nodded, and the two decided to spend the night together.

. . . . . .

- Later, that night -

After Jean and Ray took a bath and changed their clothes, the two went to bed. The hands were still holding each other like how they used to be in the date. However, there was no trace of lust here.

The scene was so pure, and Jean's face looked extremely dazzling under the beautiful moonlight.

The two lie side by side, and the gaze is locked at each other.


" Ah, what is it? Is there something weird on me?"

Ray's chuckled broke the silent atmosphere between them, and Jean immediately turned panic. Her face flushed as she thought she was doing something wrong, and her eyes started to get moist.

" Haha, no, Jean. There's nothing weird about you. In fact, I just feel lucky that I could meet someone so gorgeous like you."

Seeing Jean like this, Ray quickly cleared the misunderstanding. His big hand clasped Jean's two soft, delicate hands and pulled her closer.

" Mou, I should be the one to feel lucky. Without you, I won't be here, Ray." Jean tried to hide her face under Ray's bosom, but it just made the two become more intimate.

The awkward silence returned once more as Jean felt her face now was so hot. Her heartbeat faster as every time passed, and she started to feel nervous.

Ahead of her now was the man she loved, the man she always had in her dream. And the thought of being able to spend the night with him just like this had almost made Jean feel like she was in heaven.

Nonetheless, this also brings a worry in Jean's heart. The man in front of him was so good. So good that he couldn't help but have more than just a few womans on his side.

All those women were equally beautiful, and all of them were ready to give both of their heart and body to Ray, pleasing him with all they got.

Compared to Jean, who was not ready to give her body yet to Ray, she really feels that she was lackluster. And now, the feeling of inferiority rose and worries in her heart.

She was afraid that because she couldn't give her everything to Ray, she would be left behind. She was afraid that she would eventually lose everything she has now and must return to the time where no one loved her once more.

The thought was getting stronger in Jean's heart, and her body started to tremble unconsciously.

Still, Ray was not a beta virgin MC. Seeing her girl trembled, he immediately noticed that something was wrong.

He pulled her closer and put her into his embrace, seeming to relieve her from all her worries.

" It's okay, Jean. You have me here with you."

Ray didn't know what was troubling Jean. However, he knew that he must take action.

He stroked Jean's hair softly, and when Jean raised her head to look at him, he put their forehead together, wanting to share the warmth with Jean.

" Look at me, Jean. I'm your lover, so no matter what, you could share it with me. We will always be together in all the trouble we have, so don't be afraid and share all your worries with me."

The words just now were so sweet, and without Ray noticing, he had cleared the worries in Jean's heart.

Ray's words just now seem like it was the last push Jean needed to fully give her everything to Ray.

Jean's face blushed hard, but now she was so determined.

The man in front of her will not leave her no matter what she does, so she will also give her everything to him.

Jean moved her face closer to Ray, and then the two lips were joined together.

Ray, who suddenly felt a soft lip on his, felt a bit dazed, but when he looked at Jean's eyes, he knew that the time had come.

The two lovers separated for a bit, and Jean whispered softly to Ray's ear.

" I'm ready, Ray… So please take me."

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