This Overlord Doesn't Care About Anything

Book 4: Chapter 7: Wear More Clothes In Cold Weather

Book 4: Chapter 7: Wear More Clothes In Cold Weather

In the end, I didnt need to thoroughly investigate this legal case.

After his unreliable teammate Northern Mountain was exposed, Luo Chou frankly admitted that it was a scam without the slightest hesitation.

He was the mastermind behind attempting to scam money out of the newly arrived West-Resisting City outsiders. Northern Mountain was an accomplice who was instigated to join him. Since the whole truth was revealed, Song Nai was cleared of suspicions and this helped rectify the reputation of the people who migrated here from West-Resisting City. Sky Star Citys people felt guilty and no longer made things difficult for the people of West-Resisting City. Both sides shook hands and exchanged words, thus putting the fraud case to rest.

Naturally, I didnt believe that this was the end.

That line Moreover, if all outsiders have morality and conduct like this, then we Sky Star City people dont want these outsiders clearly showed that this was a premeditated plan to provoke contradictions between the people of West-Resisting City and the people of Sky Star City. But the same line applies here, without any evidence, anything brought up is baseless. Now that matters have arrived at this step, its already considered to everybodys delight and satisfaction. I also wasnt the type of young detective whos obsessed with finding the truth. Since I had accomplished things up to this step, it was now time for me to return and report my completion of the task.

When I returned, it had just come time to eat lunch. This time, Fang Lita was also present and was eating while sitting across from Fang Thirteen. With the City Lord present, Tila wasnt as easy going as before and very properly brought me to stand by the entrance, waiting for the two to finish eating before bringing me in to report completion.

After hearing the entire course of events, Fang Thirteen gently smiled and remarked:

Youre very clever to think up such a method.

I was extremely self-deprecating and low-profile in my answer:

Even a blind cat will run into a dead mouse once in a while, its nothing more than just luck.

Fang Thirteen maintained her smile:

Luck is also a part of ones strength.

Fang Lita also asked me several things. For example, if by chance both people had matching stories, what would I do, or how did I think up such a method and so on. After I explained my thought process to him one by one, Fang Lita departed in silence. Tila pushed Fang Thirteens wheelchair and I followed behind them. The three of us left the dining hall together and returned to Fang Thirteens office.

Fang Thirteen waved and made Tila wait outside. Soon after, the corners of her mouth curled upwards and she said to me:

Jade, no wonder West-Resisting Citys City Lord is unwilling to let you leave, the way you handle matters really makes one feel at ease.

I replied:

What are you referring to? The way I settled this times dispute or how I didnt continue investigating?

Fang Thirteen was stumped for words.

I moved over a chair and brought it close to where Fang Thirteen was, sat down, and said:

When I first started this case, I was with the belief that you had set up this case. As long as I cut through the waters and caught the fish, Luo Chou would self-detonate. Afterwards, my reputation would develop according to the situation, West-Resisting Citys people would be cleansed of suspicions, and Sky Star Citys people would no longer complain about anything. It would be a situation where everybody would be happy and satisfied. Even though I later on ran into some difficulties, I was thinking that this was perhaps your way of testing me and purposefully placed some troubles into this case. That was my way of thinking until Luo Chou fanned the flames and incited contradictions. Only then did I realize that things were off. If I hadnt grasped a hold on the situation quickly at the time, the situation would have turned unmanageable. This isnt something that you, whos known for being steady externally, would do.

Fang Thirteens soft lips opened and closed, but no words came out.

I sighed:

Each family has its own problems. It seems that this Sky Star City isnt as peaceful as thought to be, you need to be more careful.

Fang Thirteen smiled gently and responded:

I understand. Thank you.

I knew that she didnt want to continue chatting on this subject matter. Any further discussion would instead draw out negative reactions. Thus, I moved the chair back to its original position, waved at her, and said:

Its gotten later, I should go back. In any case, the place I live in isnt far away, so if there are any matters, you can just call me.

Fang Thirteen responded with a smile.

As a result, I lost some sleep tonight. There are many reasons for losing sleep, such as not having meat and fish to eat during meals, no cotton blanket, no Aleya on my bed, and so on. But the thing that bothered me the most was what happened in the daytime today since the more I think about it, the more unclear it becomes.

When I was in West-Resisting City, I personally saw the conflict that broke out between Fang Thirteen and Fang Lita. At that time, Fang Lita was a model example of a little devil. He would sometimes listen to Fang Thirteens words while other times, he would show clear rebellion. But when I arrived at Sky Star City, I actually discovered that he had turned into an obedient, well-behaved darling, 100% obedient to Fang Thirteen. Furthermore, he was full of respect and love towards this older sister and Fang Thirteen didnt seem to look out of the sorts, as if this was only to be expected.

In that case, what was it that I saw back then, a facade? Or is Fang Lita suffering from some strange mental disorder that sometimes flares up, but hes normal for the majority of the time?

Whats more, in the legal case today, though it might not appear too big, there are clearly some people who wish to seize the opportunity to create trouble and splash dirty water on West-Resisting Citys people.

As for me, the one who curbed this from happening, I may or may not become the next target of their attack.

The more I thought in this direction, the more I felt sleep eluding my grasp, so I decided to get up and walk around outside.

I quietly tiptoed out of my room and surveyed the hallway. After being certain that there werent any people tailing me, I walked over to the courtyard.

When I turned the corner into the courtyard, I suddenly sensed that there was someone in the courtyard.

Hidden in the shadow of a corner, I carefully poked out my head to look around.

What met my probing gaze was Fang Thirteens side profile.

She was sitting on the wheelchair, Tila not present by her side. It appeared as if she was the one who had wheelchaired herself over here. Today was one approaching the full moon; the gentle sheen of the moon shined itself on the courtyard and made it seem as if her body was covered by a layer of pale silver light. Fang Thirteens head was raised upwards, obviously unable to see, but still gazing towards the moon in the sky.

I unconsciously watched her for half an hour and she remained as motionless as before. Only then did I realize that Fang Thirteen seemed to have fallen asleep. However, seeing that the clothes she was wearing wasnt at all thick, I thought for a moment before I returned to my room and brought out all the coats in my room. Then, I softly and quietly placed them onto her one by one.

Fang Thirteen seemed to be within a nightmare.

I stretched out my hand and lightly tapped the space between her eyebrows, casting a calming magic.

Fang Thirteens breathing evened out a little.

I returned to my room and slept. The next day, I got up early as usual and reapplied the makeup when a knocking sound came from the door. I thought it was Tila by the door, but when I opened the door, I found that it was actually Fang Thirteen. Fang Thirteen pushed the coats out towards me and said with some embarrassment:

When I fell asleep outside yesterday, it was you who helped warm me up right. Thank you.

I grinned:

No problem. If you want to sense the comfort of man and nature unity in the future, remember to wear a bit more clothes.

I didnt ask her why she was outside by herself last night since she probably wouldnt respond even if I did.

A favorable impression isnt cultivated through forceful communication, talking intimately while being basically strangers is the most taboo behavior.

After returning the clothes back to me, Fang Thirteen said a bit sheepishly:

That, West-Resisting Citys immigrants, I plan on continuously assigning them work. If its possible, I hope that you can help out.

I agreed to this.

Upon hearing my unhesitant response, a trace of sorrow flashed past Fang Thirteens face before she quietly said:

Ifforget it. Im really sorry, Im afraid Ill be inconveniencing you during this entire time. Ill be needing to go take a tour around the army later, so I wont be able to attend to doing other things during that time. HereIll leave it to you.

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