The World Is Overflowing with Monster, I’m Taking a Liking to This Life

Chapter 155: Which One is the Monster?

Chapter 155: Which One is the Monster?

Hold on tight!

I activate a Ninjutsu while accelerating the bike.

Then, I direct the bike straight towards a wall.


From behind, I can feel Ichinose-san drawing in her breath.

Her arms are holding onto me tightly, transmitting a soft sensation to my back from our bodies contact.

A few seconds later, the motorcycle reaches the wall and begins to run along it as if to ignore gravity.


Ichinose-san exclaims.

Although I told her about it in advance, there is a huge difference between hearing about it and actually experiencing it.

Wall Walking Technique is, as its name suggests, a Ninjutsu that lets it user move on walls and ceilings.

Im not sure whether its because I became a Shinobi or because my Advanced Ninjutsu reached LV10, but the effects of my Ninjutsus have all been strengthened.

As I am now, I can drive vehicles on walls and ceilings.

(This feels really comfortable.)

It has to be every mans dream to ride a motorcycle across walls.

From a bystanders perspective, it might be creepy to see someone silently ride a bike on a wall.

However, just the act of perceiving us would be difficult unless their detection skills are well-developed.

(That also means that whoever can recognize us right now would be an expert in detection.)

If there is such a person, that would mean that they had hunted as many monsters as we did and are at similar heights.

They might also be in possession of unique or rare skills like Precocious.

Although Im being careful, no such reaction is being picked up by Enemy Detection.

If we go along the most direct path, well be able to reach Rikka-chan and the others in a matter of seconds.

Skill proficiency has reached a certain threshold.

Riding has increased from LV3 to LV4.

My Riding skill has leveled up.


Rikka-chan appears at the corner of my view.

I can also see the figures of Shibata-kun and a log no, the figures of Shibata-kun and Goshogawara-san who is holding a log.

Their opponent is a lone Zombie.

I cant get a good look at its face from this angle, but its gray hair and lifeless skin suggest that its a Zombie.

Even if Im wrong, I can say for sure that its a monster.

(Is that the source of the strange presence ?)

A superior species of Zombies?

Its true that its movements are much more agile and sharp compared to the Zombies Ive met so far, but that alone cant explain the feeling Im getting from it.

What I feel from that Zombie isnt the overwhelming strength of a superior species.

Instead, its something more foreign.

(Is it just me. or have I seen that zombie somewhere?)

Is it my imagination?

Whatever. We should first focus on assisting Rikka-chan and her teammates.

I sense a strange presence from the Zombie, but its power shouldnt be that impressive.

Attacking with my Item Box should suffice.

Ill directly crush it.

Just as I am about to execute my plan, I recognize the face of the Zombie.


I unknowingly let out a stupefied voice.

I get to have a clear look of the Zombies face which reminded me of a timid teenage boy with glasses.

Contrary to expectations, theres confusion, impatience, and embarrassment from being seen on the Zombies face.


No, but theres no way

I cancel the release of my Item Box and apply the brakes of the motorcycle, making the motorcycle come to an abrupt stop in the middle of the battlefield.

I deactivate my Stealth type skills, allowing the others to hear and see us on our bike.

What? How did the bike suddenly appear out of nowhere?

Who are they?

Ah? Are you guys perhaps

Natsun? And onii-san?

Although the others are startled by our entrance, Rikka-chan quickly realizes who we are.

On the other hand, the Zombie Boy steps back with an expression of surprise at our appearance.

His reaction confirms that he is indeed the Glasses-kun that I am familiar with.

What kind of situation is this?

I remove my helmet which is actually Aka in disguise.

I would appreciate it if someone could explain whats going on.

Unfortunately, Rikka-chan and her friends appear to be just as confused as I am.

Their faces are telling me that they have no way of explaining either.


On the opposite side of the spectrum is Glasses-kun, who is absolutely terrified of me who has suddenly popped up.

How rude of him. I might have evolved, but Im not a monster yet. Im a bonafide human being.

You seem more like a monster to me, but arent you one of the students in Nishino-kuns group?

D-dont come near me! Get away, monster!

Hes overly panicking.

He is capable of understanding human speech, but what should I do?

His appearance has been altered. In addition, there is a strange presence coming from Glasses-kun

I have a lot of questions to ask him, but

(Ill restrain him for now.)

I plan on interrogating him after capturing him.

Dont be so guarded. Instead, look over there.


I point towards the sky, and Glasses-kun looks up as if his eyes are attracted to my finger.

He listens surprisingly well.

Ah, heres my chance.


In an instant, I stretch my shadow and bind Glasses-kun.

It worked.

Although Im the one who did it in the first place, I never thought hed get distracted over such a rudimentary trick

It would have never worked on monsters.

What is this I cant escape!?

Im sorry to do this, but please go to sleep for a little while.

I tighten the shadow binding him to make him faint.

Glasses-kun look to be in agony as my shadow wiggles to hold him in.

Ichinose-san takes off her helmet and glances at me.

Um Kudou-san? .Uuuupu.

Everythings under control. Im just having him faint for some time.

The power that I put behind the binding is perfect.

If I didnt bother holding back, Glasses-kun would have become minced meat by now.

Also, Ichinose-san. Good job on enduring the urge to throw up.


Soon enough, Glasses-kuns ceases his resistance.

He seems to have lost his consciousness, but just to be sure


Furu furu.

Aka detaches a part of its body and sends it over to me.

Its about the size of a softball.

I toss it to Glasses-kun who is still being restrained by my shadow.

The detached portion of Aka sticks to Glasses-kuns body and stretches out like a rope, tying up Glasses-kun before petrifying itself.

This is also one of the applications of Akas Petrification ability. By clinging onto the opponents body and petrifying itself, it can serve as a restraint.

I did this because theres a possibility that Glasses-kun is simply pretending to have fainted.

With this, however, we wont have to worry about Glasses-kun trying to escape.

Wow, that was impressive

Rikka-chans voice contains a mixture of astonishment and dismay.

Fufufu, our Aka is amazing.

Furu furu.

I praise and rub Aka which in turn shakes its body in joy.

Ill have to give it a proper reward later on.

What would be good for Aka?

Anyway, this isnt a place for talks. We should go somewhere else.

I want to hear about the situation from everyone present, so Shibata-kun and I carry the fainted Glasses-kun to a nearby house.


Found it.

It was on the rooftop of a building that was far away from Kazuto and his companions.

Never thought Id find a skill holder of the same variety nearby. Not only that, it barely has any mastery over its skill Well, no matter. That troublesome Wolf King is gone, so I guess its not a bad idea to deal with the one over here before seeking out Gluttony in the neighboring town.

It smiled deeply while tracing the sheath of a big sword on its waist with its finger.

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