The Messenger of Death

Chapter 137: petty woman

Chapter 137: petty woman

"Sheila wait for me. No don't go, please." Laid on a mattress was Alex. His forehead was sweating and he had been rolling and gripping the sheets on the bed tightly. So tight that he had ripped part of it in his sleep.

Nana was sitting on the couch watching him dance to his nightmares.

"Sheila? That was the same name that he mentioned last time. She must have really meant a lot to him."

"I swear to you, I will keep my promises to you, but I can't forgive Kain, him I have to kill or I would never feel the same again. Sheila Sheila!!" he screamed and jolted out of his sleep.

Alex was breathing heavily now. When he realized that it was only a dream, he facepalmed himself.

['Can you guys see the dreams that I have?'] Alex asked his alternate personalities.

['At times, yeah. Are you okay?'] Lex expressed his concern.

['Yeah I guess so.']

"Is the name of the girl you loved Sheila and is the name of the person you want to take revenge on Kain?" Sheila interrupted his thoughts.

Alex removed his palm from his face and looked at his surroundings. He was in the room that Nana usually brought him to in the past. It then hit him that the question that Nana asked was about Sheila and kain.

"Was I sleep talking again?"

"Yeah, and rolling too. You even ripped my favorite sheets."

Alex looked at his left hand and saw that there was a piece of cloth in his, the cloth was similar to the sheet on the bed.

"Sorry about that." He dropped the piece of cloth that he tore on the bed.

"No problem," Nana said and folded her arms in front of her chest.

When Alex saw this, he knew that she was waiting for him to answer the question that she asked.

"Yes." He uttered and attempted to get off the bed.

"Argh." He exclaimed when a pang assaulted his brain. He fell to the ground.

Nana walked to where he was and helped him up.

"This migraine is killing me." He squeezed his eyes.

"I'm more surprised that you woke up a week earlier, after what you achieved, I estimated that you would wake up 2 weeks later. What you did was something that people who have been learning alchemy for years still can't do. That shows just how talented you are. Here, take this, it will help with the pain." She handed him a pill.

Alex took it and threw it in his mouth without thinking or contemplating if she was trying to put him back to sleep. He just wanted the pain to end.

"Wait, what?" He tilted his head and looked at Nana.

"What would have taken others a year or 3 to learn, you learned in a few hours." She repeated.

"I've been out for a week?" He felt the pill that he took, taking effect. The pain that had been assaulting his brain was subsiding.

"Yes, you used up a lot of mental strength, and the easiest way to replenish it is to rest. So now go back to the guest inn and rest for a few more days. When I want you back, I'll come to get you."


Suddenly Alex saw himself in front of the guest inn, he looked around for Nana but she wasn't anywhere to be seen. He started to feel like he was about to pass out again.

Alex pushed the doors open and stepped into the inn.

"Welcome back sir." The steward greeted.

Alex replied with a lazy nod and began making his way to his suite. He stumbled on his feet several times.

"Hahaha, Nana did you good." Xiao En saw the way he was walking and she laughed at him. "Now, I think I feel pity for your rich ass." She chuckled.

"Do you need help?" Xiao En asked.

"No." He said immediately.

"For today, no means yes, and yes means no."


Alex was in front of the door to his suite before he could say yes to reject her offer to help. "You're welcome, no need to tip me." She said before she disappeared.

"Why is everyone freaking fast." He whispered as he opens his door.


As soon as he walked in he saw his team members in the living room, all of them, playing a card game.

"Alex!!" Camron, who was laughing when Alex entered noticed his presence. "Are you okay?" He saw how drained Alex was.

Katherine and Emma walked to his side, they too could see that he was at the verge of collapsing.

"Yeah, I just need to rest for a while."

"Alright, Drake hand the money over. He came back with no injuries." Adrian grinned at Drake.

"F*ck!" Drake brought out a bag of silver coins and handed it to Adrian.

"Would it kill you to come back with an injury or something? I made a bet with Adrian that, that witch was going to break your bones and by the time you get back you would be injured." Drake said to Alex.

Alex, in his drained state, was perplexed, He blinked at Drake.

['They made a bet and this blood lacking worm was hoping that I came back injured.']

"What are you even doing here in my suite? You know what? we'll talk about this when I'm awake." He excused himself and went to his room. As soon as he saw his bed he crashed on it and passed out


The knock from the door to Alex's room woke him up. "Who's that?" Alex mumbled, half awake and still half asleep.


Another knock came. "Who's that? Come in." He tried to speak a bit louder than he previously did. He waited and no one came in.


"Come in Goddamn it!!" He said in frustration and this time the person by the door heard him.

"Alex, finally you're awake, you have been asleep for quite a while. A package was delivered today for you, from your master." Camron stepped into the room with a little wooden box in his hand. He walked over to where Alex was and handed it to him.

Alex frowned as he looked at the box, he was wondering what she sent to him. After he collected it, Camron sat on his bed.

He opened the box and the first thing he saw was a piece of paper, on top of a piece of cloth that looked familiar to him. It was the piece of cloth that he tore off her bed sheet.

"Petty woman." He whispered.

He opened the paper and saw a message written on it. it said;

"My dear disciple, no I am not petty, I was rushing and looking for something to use as a protective layer and that was the first thing I saw. Anyway, I made some pills for you, take them and you shall never be the same.

Haha, I'm kidding, if you did take them then you would be attempting suicide because those pills are poisonous pills. I remember that you wanted to make a poison, well guess what? I helped you do that. The pills under the piece of cloth that you tore are poisonous pills. You can grind them to power, mix them with liquid, or burn it. A little of it is very deadly, and it is able to kill a heaven realm cultivator, so be careful.

Either way, it surely kills, so you can kill whoever you want. There are 6 pills in there, the black pills are the antidote to the maroon pill; in case you already rushed and swallowed one of them because of the first thing I wrote. Well, I'm off to the celestial plain realm, I've got something important to do. When I'm back, I'll take you somewhere interesting and good for your cultivation. Don't miss this lovely teacher of yours too much.

P.S. The pills that you stole, you can only consume one of them and it can only take you so far. The boost that it can give your cultivation will depend on how much of its energy you can absorb within a certain frame of time. After taking the first one, taking another one will make no difference. So I suggest that you give the remaining to your teammates and help them get stronger, you guys are going to need it if you want to keep on going for missions. Bye, little boy, and good luck."

At the end of the message, there was a kiss. Nana probably kissed the paper.

['Should I be worried that this woman is okay with me killing people in the academy? or just you know what, forget it.'] Alex thought.

['So we stole all that for nothing? 3 pills and we can only use one. Despicable, let's sell the remaining pills.'] Al was dissatisfied that his efforts to steal the pills were only going to be rewarded with one of them.

"Let me see." Camron snatched the little box from Alex's hands.

"Woah, are these cultivation pills? Having a master does have its ups and downs." Camron looked at the black and maroon pills with his eyes wide open. He was about to pick the maroon pill up.

"They are not cultivation pills, but poison. If you want to become a lab rat and help me test the effects of the poison then please, be my guest. The maroon one is the poison and the black one is the antidote." Alex said nonchalantly as he tore the note that Nana wrote to him.

Camron who had already picked the maroon pill up, immediately let go of it and dropped the box on the bed. "What? Why would she give you poison? Isn't your master acting too outrageous?" He blurted out as the finger that touched the pill on Alex's white blanket.

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